    余盼, 徐锐, 赵国柱, 乌志颜, 李文臣, 马成功. 内蒙古旺业甸林场大型真菌资源调查及其多样性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 87-95.
    引用本文: 余盼, 徐锐, 赵国柱, 乌志颜, 李文臣, 马成功. 内蒙古旺业甸林场大型真菌资源调查及其多样性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 87-95.
    YU Pan, XU Rui, ZHAO Guo-zhu, WU Zhi-yan, LI Wen-chen, MA Cheng-gong. Resource investigation and diversity of macrofungi in Wangyedian Forest Farm of Inner Mongolia, northern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 87-95.
    Citation: YU Pan, XU Rui, ZHAO Guo-zhu, WU Zhi-yan, LI Wen-chen, MA Cheng-gong. Resource investigation and diversity of macrofungi in Wangyedian Forest Farm of Inner Mongolia, northern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 87-95.


    Resource investigation and diversity of macrofungi in Wangyedian Forest Farm of Inner Mongolia, northern China.

    • 摘要: 于2012 年,对旺业甸林场进行了较为系统的野生大型真菌资源调查,先后在断木沟、新开坝、六道沟、美林、 茅荆坝等地的油松林地,落叶松林地,桦树、山杨天然混交林地及落叶松或油松、桦树、蒙古栎天然人工针阔混交林 地等采集标本350 余份。多样性分析表明:旺业甸林场野生大型真菌种类较为丰富,共发现大型真菌162 种,隶属 于2 门4 纲12 目41 科79 属。依据林型的差异,大型真菌分布的多样性和丰富度由大到小依次为天然混交林、落 叶松林、天然人工针阔混交林和油松林;分布种数最多的3 个科依次为蘑菇科、红菇科和多孔菌科;调查同时发现 内蒙古新纪录种12 个,中国新纪录种2 个,并在该地发现珍稀野生药用真菌———猪苓,极大丰富了该地区的野生 大型真菌资源,并首次提供了调查名录,为后期的保护和开发利用奠定了基础


      Abstract: Species diversity of macrofungi at Wangyedian Forest Farm was systematically investigated in 2012. More than 350 specimens were collected from pine forest, larch forest, natural mixed forests, and natural-artificial mixed forest at the regions including Duanmugou, Xinkaiba, Liudaogou, Meilin, and Maojingba, etc. Diversity analysis revealed that the wild macrofungi were abounding at the Wangyedian Forest Farm. Total 162 species were found, which belong to 2 phyla, 4 classes, 12 orders, 41 families, and 79 genera. The diversity and abundance of macrofungi were different in these types of forests, most of which was natural mixed forests, followed by larch forest, pine forest, and natural-artificial mixed forest. The dominant families of these macrofungi were Agaricaceae, Russulaceae, and Polyporaceae. Twelve species are new to Inner Mongolia and 2 species are new records in China. Polyporus umbellatus (Pers. ) Fr. , a rarely medicinal wild macrofungi, was also collected in this area. The directory of wild macrofungi was provided and this will lay a good foundation for their protection and application in the future.


