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Liu Yue, Xu Liying, Wang Yujiao, Yu Jiangbo, Yang Lixue. Characteristics analysis of quantity and spatial structure of standing live and dead trees in Tilia amurensis secondary forest on the west slope of Zhangguangcailing, northeastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 68-79. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190305
Citation: Liu Yue, Xu Liying, Wang Yujiao, Yu Jiangbo, Yang Lixue. Characteristics analysis of quantity and spatial structure of standing live and dead trees in Tilia amurensis secondary forest on the west slope of Zhangguangcailing, northeastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 68-79. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190305

Characteristics analysis of quantity and spatial structure of standing live and dead trees in Tilia amurensis secondary forest on the west slope of Zhangguangcailing, northeastern China

More Information
  • Received Date: September 04, 2019
  • Revised Date: April 09, 2020
  • Available Online: May 17, 2020
  • Published Date: June 30, 2020
  • ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to provide a basis for the growth, protection and management of Tilia amurensis secondary forest by analyzing the quantity and spatial structure characteristics of standing live and dead trees and exploring the growth state, succession process and the main causes of standing dead trees under two disturbance modes (non-cutting and selective cutting).
    MethodThe research was conducted by analyzing the species composition, diameter structure, height structure and spatial structure of standing live and dead trees.
    Result(1) Tilia amurensis, Acer mono, as well as other dominant tree species in living trees also had a dominant position in dead trees in selective cutting stand, while only Tilia amurensis was dominate among the living trees and standing dead trees in non-cutting stand, but Acer mono was only dominate in the living trees, and it was rare in dead standing trees. (2) The standing live and dead trees of the small diameter were dominant in all two stands, and the diameter distribution was roughly inverted J type. The height class distribution of living trees was roughly left-skewed distribution in two stands, while the standing dead trees were inverted J type, meanwhile, the small standing dead trees accounted for a large proportion. Therefore, it could be analyzed that the main reason for the formation of dead trees in the two stands was the competition among trees. (3) The trivariate distribution of spatial structure parameters had shown that there were more dominant living trees, which were randomly distributed, highly mixed and dominant in two stands. Whereas, most of the standing dead trees were randomly distributed, in disadvantaged state, and the surrounding trees were all other tree species or only one was the same tree species. (4) The quadrivariate distribution of spatial structure parameters showed that the standing dead trees of the two stands were randomly distributed in general with good mixture of species and obvious size differentiation. There were three or four standing live trees around one standing dead trees in that state.
    ConclusionIt further indicates that inter-species competition is the main reason for the formation of standing dead trees. This study analyzed the spatial structure and quantitative characteristics of standing live and dead trees in the secondary forest of Tilia amurensis. Therefore it is not only exploring the formation of dead standing trees in the secondary forest, but also provides a theoretical basis for its protection and management.
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    16. 王薇,张蕾. 基于CiteSpace的城市环境中细颗粒物研究进展的可视化分析. 生态环境学报. 2021(06): 1321-1332 .
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    18. 吴桂香,徐成林,刘杰,杨燕飞. 城市道路植物叶面滞尘的微观效应研究. 昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版). 2021(06): 109-115 .
    19. 陈胜楠,陈左司南,张志强. 北京山区油松和元宝槭冠层气孔导度特征及其环境响应. 植物生态学报. 2021(12): 1329-1340 .
    20. 王琴,冯晶红,黄奕,王鹏程,谢梦婷,万好,苏泽琳,王仁鹏,王征洋,余刘思. 武汉市15种阔叶乔木滞尘能力与叶表微形态特征. 生态学报. 2020(01): 213-222 .
    21. 童凌云,何婉璎,裘璐函,陈健,刘美华. 基于层次分析法的杭州市8种园林植物林分环境质量评价. 浙江林业科技. 2020(01): 56-62 .
    22. 苏维,刘苑秋,赖胜男,古新仁,刘青,龚鹏. 南昌市8种乔木叶片性状对叶表滞留颗粒物的影响. 西北林学院学报. 2020(04): 61-67 .
    23. 刘开琳,李学敏,万翔,刘淑娟,李菁菁,徐先英,刘虎俊. 民勤植物园3种灌木的叶面微结构及其滞尘能力研究. 中国农学通报. 2020(26): 62-68 .
    24. 孙应都,陈奇伯,李艳梅,杨思莹. 昆明市6个绿化树种叶表微结构与滞尘能力的关系研究. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学). 2019(03): 78-85 .
    25. 张俊叶,邹明,刘晓东,王林,朱晨晨,俞元春. 南京城市森林植物叶面颗粒物的含量特征. 环境污染与防治. 2019(07): 837-843 .
    26. 林星宇,李海梅,李彦华,姜月梅. 八种乔木滞尘效益及其与叶表面特征关系. 北方园艺. 2019(17): 94-101 .
    27. 林星宇,李海梅,李彦华,刘志科. 灌木滞尘能力与重金属含量间的关系. 江苏农业科学. 2019(15): 180-183 .
    28. 姜霞,侯贻菊,刘延惠,舒德远,崔迎春,李成龙,杨冰,丁访军. 3种木樨科树种叶片滞尘效应动态变化及其与叶片特征的关系. 江苏农业科学. 2019(16): 150-154 .
    29. 林星宇,李彦华,李海梅,李士美. 乔木对不同粒径颗粒物吸滞作用研究. 福建农业学报. 2019(08): 912-919 .
    30. 阿丽亚·拜都热拉,甄敬,潘存德,张中远,胡梦玲,喀哈尔·扎依木. 乌鲁木齐市河滩快速路林带内颗粒物浓度变化特征. 新疆农业大学学报. 2019(05): 378-384 .
    31. 林星宇,李海梅,李彦华,郑茗月. 5种灌木的滞尘效益研究. 现代农业科技. 2018(02): 150-151+155 .
    32. 赵文君,侯贻菊,舒德远,刘延惠,崔迎春,丁访军. 贵阳市木兰科树种叶片滞尘效应及影响因素. 贵州林业科技. 2018(02): 19-24 .
    33. 李艳梅,陈奇伯,王邵军,孙应都,杨淏舟,杨思莹. 昆明市主要绿化树种叶片滞尘能力的叶表微形态学解释. 林业科学. 2018(05): 18-29 .
    34. 朱济友,于强,刘亚培,覃国铭,李金航,徐程扬,何韦均. 植物功能性状及其叶经济谱对城市热环境的响应. 北京林业大学学报. 2018(09): 72-81 . 本站查看

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