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Wang Lixuan, Gao Jiaqi, Yang Guang, Di Xueying, Yu Hongzhou, Weng Yuetai. Stoichiometric characteristics of C and N of post-fire forest floor of Larix gmelinii[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(12): 55-64. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200281
Citation: Wang Lixuan, Gao Jiaqi, Yang Guang, Di Xueying, Yu Hongzhou, Weng Yuetai. Stoichiometric characteristics of C and N of post-fire forest floor of Larix gmelinii[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(12): 55-64. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200281

Stoichiometric characteristics of C and N of post-fire forest floor of Larix gmelinii

More Information
  • Received Date: September 13, 2020
  • Revised Date: July 13, 2021
  • Available Online: November 19, 2021
  • Published Date: January 04, 2022
  •   Objective  Forest floor is the main fuel of forest soil surface, and it is also the fundamental substance for wildfire to disturb the ecological process of boreal forest. Nutrient cycling and energy flow are the core contents for the ecological restoration of post-fire stands. In order to better understand the effects of fire disturbance on the forest floor carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles of boreal forest ecosystem, this study explored the relationship between C, N or C/N ratio and spatial or temporal factors in post-fire forest floor.
      Method  In the forest floors (Oi horizon and Oe horizon) of different burned and unburned Larix gmelinii stands, the total organic C, N, ammonium N, nitrate N and soluble organic C contents were measured. We used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare differences in the stoichiometric characteristics of forest floor C and N in post-fire forests, which were characteristics of different environments and time since fire. Pearson correlation was used to show the correlation between carbon content, nitrogen content, carbon nitrogen ratio and various factors; the influence of different factors on the stoichiometric ratio of carbon and nitrogen in forest floor was analyzed by factor analysis. ower than that in gentle slope (P > 0.05). In Oe horizon, the C and N contents of samples collected from gentle slope were slightly higher than that from flat slope, but the C/N ratio in flat slope was slightly higher than that in gentle slope. The sequential order of environmental factors affecting the C/N ratio in Oi horizon was longitude > latitude > ammonium N content > N content > C content > slope gradient > slope aspect > pH; whereas, in Oe horizon, the sequential order was longitude > C content > slope aspect > altitude > N content > pH > nitrate N content.
      Conclusion  Time since fire and environmental factors could influence C, N and C/N ratio in post-fire Larix gmelinii forest floor. Some environmental factors, such as slope gradient and slope aspect, could significantly affect the C, N and C/N ratio of post-fire Larix gmelinii forest floor. Time factor and environmental factors could affect the C and N cycles in post-fire boreal forest ecosystem by changing the decomposition rate of the forest floor.
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    14. 何芳远,苏权,陈坤铨,陈善栋,姜勇,罗明,梁士楚. 基于功能性状及系统发育的桂林喀斯特石山群落构建. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2023(03): 171-181 .
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    17. 李雪梅,舒英格. 不同土地利用类型下土壤养分变化及生态化学计量特征分析. 中国农学通报. 2023(28): 62-69 .
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    28. 张萌,沈雅飞,陈天,王丽君,曾立雄,孙鹏飞,肖文发,田耀武,程瑞梅. 宜阳县不同森林类型土壤化学计量特征. 陆地生态系统与保护学报. 2022(02): 1-8 .
    29. 陈培云,范弢,何停,户红红. 滇东岩溶高原不同恢复阶段云南松林叶片-枯落物-土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征. 应用与环境生物学报. 2022(06): 1549-1556 .
    30. 刘翔,张连凯,黄超,徐灿,马一奇,杨慧. 广西岩溶区芒果园土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征. 南方农业学报. 2022(12): 3346-3356 .
    31. 李强. 土地利用方式对岩溶断陷盆地土壤细菌和真核生物群落结构的影响. 地球学报. 2021(03): 417-425 .
    32. 陈云,李玉强,王旭洋,牛亚毅. 中国典型生态脆弱区生态化学计量学研究进展. 生态学报. 2021(10): 4213-4225 .
    33. 蔡雅梅,冯民权. 汾河河岸带土壤氮、磷的时空分布规律及其影响因素研究. 水土保持学报. 2021(04): 222-229+236 .
    34. 蔡国俊,锁盆春,张丽敏,符裕红,李安定. 黔南喀斯特峰丛洼地3种建群树种不同器官C、N、P化学计量特征. 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2021(05): 36-44 .
    35. 魏亚娟,汪季,党晓宏,韩彦隆,高岩,李鹏,金山. 白刺灌丛沙堆演化过程中叶片C、N、P、K含量及其生态化学计量的变化特征. 中南林业科技大学学报. 2021(10): 102-110+139 .
    36. 杨洪炳,肖以华,李明,许涵,史欣,郭晓敏. 典型城市森林旱季土壤团聚体稳定性与微生物胞外酶活性耦合关系. 生态环境学报. 2021(10): 1976-1989 .
    37. 陈剑,王四海,杨卫,吴超. 外来入侵植物肿柄菊群落动态变化特征. 生态学杂志. 2020(02): 469-477 .
    38. 郑鸾,龙翠玲. 茂兰喀斯特森林不同地形土壤生态化学计量特征. 南方农业学报. 2020(03): 545-551 .
    39. 夏光辉,郭青霞,卢庆民,杜轶,康庆. 黄土丘陵区不同土地利用方式下土壤养分及生态化学计量特征. 水土保持通报. 2020(02): 140-147+153 .
    40. 吴鹏,崔迎春,赵文君,侯贻菊,朱军,丁访军,杨文斌. 茂兰喀斯特区68种典型植物叶片化学计量特征. 生态学报. 2020(14): 5063-5080 .
    41. 朱平宗,张光辉,杨文利,赵建民. 红壤区林地浅沟不同植被类型土壤生态化学计量特征. 水土保持研究. 2020(06): 60-65 .
    42. 余杭,罗清虎,李松阳,林勇明,王道杰. 灾害干扰受损森林土壤的碳、氮、磷初期恢复特征与变异性. 山地学报. 2020(04): 532-541 .
    43. 郭汝凤,刘鑫铭,李冠军,黄婷,吴承祯,林勇明,李键. 武夷山人工湿地系统植物生长期内土壤-植物碳氮磷变化特点. 应用与环境生物学报. 2020(02): 433-441 .
    44. 闫丽娟,王海燕,李广,吴江琪. 黄土丘陵区4种典型植被对土壤养分及酶活性的影响. 水土保持学报. 2019(05): 190-196+204 .

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