Citation: | Jiang Rong, Zhang Xin, Li Guanheng, Wang Ruixin. Construction of ecological corridor in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province of southwestern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2024, 46(11): 113-123. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230260 |
This paper constructs an ecological corridor network in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province of southwestern China and puts forward rational suggestions for regional ecological protection and restoration, ecological space management and sustainable development, and corridor composite protection.
Taking Xishuangbanna Prefecture as the research object, the method of “ecosystem services-ecological sensitivity” was adopted to optimize the identification of ecological source, and the minimum cumulative resistance model (“MCR Model”) was adopted to determine ecological nodes and ecological corridors. A green ecological network system was established. And taking ecological conservation as the key task, multi-level ecological space management and control areas were classified.
25 ecological corridors were established within the research scope, therein 12 important ecological corridors were included. In general, the ecological corridors of whole region extended a long distance, but their radiation area and ecological resistance were poor; important ecological corridors were divided into three lines and two types, concentrated in the central and eastern regions (belonging to Jinghong City and Mengla County, respectively); the coverage of corridor was low in the southeastern (Mengla County), western and southwestern parts (Menghai County), the ecological node density and ecological connectivity were insufficient. Thus, there was a large space for improvement and integration.
Xishuangbanna, as an ecological barrier on the southern border of Yunnan Province, has extremely outstanding ecological value. In response to issues such as scattered patches and multiple breakpoints in ecological corridors, it is recommended to develop a comprehensive management approach from multiple perspectives, accelerate the improvement of ecological compensation mechanisms, coordinate and regulate the corridor network, and promote the sustainable development of ecological corridors.
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