Citation: | Liang Longyue, Zhang Jianjun, Li Yang, Hu Yawei, Zhao Jiongchang, Yang Zhou. Response of radial growth of artificial Pinus tabuliformis plantations to climate change in loess area of western Shanxi Province[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240140 |
Pinus tabuliformis is an important tree species for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau. Studying the response of the radial growth of P. tabuliformis to climate factors is beneficial for deeply understanding the adaptability of P. tabuliformis plantations to climate change. Moreover, it can provide a basis for the management and response to climate change of existing P. tabuliformis plantations.
This study took the P. tabuliformis plantation in the Caijiachuan Basin, Jixian County, Shanxi Province as the research object. Tree - disk samples of 49 P. tabuliformis trees were collected. Based on the characteristics of the change in the radial growth rate of trees with age, the growth process of P. tabuliformis was divided into three stages: the rapid - growth stage (< 7 years), the growth - decline stage (8−27 years), and the growth - plateau stage (> 28 years). By establishing a standardized tree - ring width chronology, the inter - annual variation characteristics of the radial growth of P. tabuliformis were analyzed, and the response laws of the radial growth of P. tabuliformis to climate factors at different growth stages were identified.
(1) During the entire growth cycle, the radial growth of P. tabuliformis is mainly affected by the temperature factors in March and June of the current year, as well as the relative humidity in May of the previous year and March of the current year. For P. tabuliformis in the rapid growth stage, its radial growth is mainly affected by the precipitation in March of the current year, and the relative humidity in March of the previous year and January of the current year. For those in the growth decline stage, the radial growth of P. tabuliformis is mainly influenced by the temperature factors in March, May - July of the previous year and the current year, as well as the minimum temperature in August - September of the previous year and the current year. For P. tabuliformis in the growth plateau stage, there is no significant correlation between its radial growth and various climate factors. The results of the sliding correlation analysis show that the sensitivity of P. tabuliformis in the rapid growth stage to the maximum temperature and precipitation decreases, and the sensitivity of P. tabuliformis in the growth decline stage to the minimum temperature and relative humidity weakens. (2) Before the abrupt change of temperature, the radial growth of P. tabuliformis in the rapid growth stage and the growth decline stage was significantly affected by precipitation and relative humidity (P < 0.05). After the abrupt change of temperature, the sensitivity of the radial growth of P. tabuliformis in the rapid growth stage to precipitation and relative humidity increased. However, the sensitivity of the radial growth of P. tabuliformis in the growth decline stage to precipitation and relative humidity decreased, while the sensitivity to temperature factors increased.
The research reveals that there are differences in the sensitivity of P. tabuliformis plantations at different growth stages to the response of climate factors. Under the background of future climate warming, it provides a scientific basis for the sustainable management of P. tabuliformis at each growth stage.
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