Citation: | Kang Xiangyang. Bottleneck problems and their solutions in the industrialization process of Eucommia ulmoides[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(3): 1-6. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20250028 |
Eucommia ulmoides is a unique and multipurpose economic tree species endemic to China, possesses remarkable developmental potential due to its abundant Eucommia rubber (Eu-rubber) and various medicinal compounds in leaves, bark and other tissues. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research and development history of Eucommia ulmoides industry in China over the past 60 years, identifying the persistently high costs of raw material production or extraction as a critical bottleneck hindering substantial advancements in the Eu-rubber industry. Particularly in the current era where traditional farmers are gradually disappearing, the labor-intensive arbor forest management model for leaf or fruit-oriented cultivation struggles to support large-scale, low-cost raw material production due to constraints in human resources and rising labor costs. To address this challenge, it is essential to develop high-yielding triploid Eucommia ulmoides varieties with enhanced Eu-rubber and medicinal properties, coupled with a raw material production model based on leaf forest cultivation and mechanized harvesting. This approach can shorten production cycles and reduce planting, management and harvesting costs. Additionally, adopting an organ-specific whole-plant processing and utilization model can help distribute raw material costs more evenly and improve economic efficiency. Consequently, the primary bottleneck restricting Eucommia ulmoides industrialization has shifted to the integration of capital and advanced technologies. We therefore suggest that governments and industry alliances leverage their organizational strengths to effectively consolidate resources such as capital, technology, talent and market access, fostering co-creation, shared responsibility, and mutual benefits. This will promote the linkage, integration, and sustainable development of the first and second industries in Eucommia ulmoides resource cultivation, processing and utilization.
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