Carbon budget characteristics of the broadleaved Korean pine forests in Changbaishan Mountains
Graphical Abstract
Studies on CO2 exchange between vegetation and atmosphere can enhance the scientific understanding and modelling of carbon budget on terrestrial ecosystem.As a part of the ChinaFLUX program, CO2 flux was measured for year-round in 2003 by an open-path eddy covariance system over a broadleaved Korean pine forests in northeastern China.The net ecosystem carbon exchange(NEE) between forest and atmosphere ranged from(-6.37) to 2.13 g/(m2·d) during the observational year, with the net carbon assimilation peak occurred in June, and a highest net carbon efflux occurred in October.The nocturnal NEE showed an exponential regression relationship with 5 cm depth soil temperature, and the CO2 respiration Q10 of ecosystem was 3.17.With the increase of photosynthetic active radiation(PAR), CO2 flux changes were in well accordance with the curve of Michaelis-Menten model.The total NEE was -191.3 g/m2 in 2003, which indicated that the broadleaved Korean pine forests of Changbaishan Mountains were functioning as a moderate carbon sink.