Influence of plant growth regulator on transpiring water consumption of Sophora japonica L.
Graphical Abstract
Factual water consumption status of Sophora japonica L.sprayed with different concentrations of plant growth regulator Shifengle" solution including 10, 20 and 40 mg/L(water is control) was studied by using BP3400 Precision Balance etc.Leaf water potential was measured using pressure chamber in different phases.It was indicated that S.japonica L.was low-water-potential, dehydration-resisted, drought-resisted species, and the equation of the relation between water potential and soil moisture content was y=0.018 2 x2-1.071 3 x + 16.52(R2=0.998 7).Under the same moisture content conditions, water consumption rate of control was 10.2%(-) 82.7% higher than that sprayed by "Shifengle".With the drought stress increasing, water potential of control sharply diminished, but the treated remained high water potential.