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MA Feng-feng, PAN Gao, LI Xi-quan, HAN Yun-juan. Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379
Citation: MA Feng-feng, PAN Gao, LI Xi-quan, HAN Yun-juan. Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379

Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China

More Information
  • Received Date: December 12, 2016
  • Revised Date: April 04, 2017
  • Published Date: May 31, 2017
  • The interspectific associations of main woody plant species and the relationships between environmental factors and plant communities were investigated in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China. Eleven sampling plots (20 m×20 m in size each) were established in three forest communities (Quercus acutissima forest, Liquidambar formosana forest, and Excentrodendron hsienmu forest) in the study site, and statistic methods including niche theory, interspecific relation principle, two-way indicator species analysis and canonical correspondence analysis were used. The results showed that Quercus acutissima, Liquidambar formosana, and Excentrodendron hsienmu were dominant species in the study area. The largest niche overlap was observed between Ardisia quinquegona and Schefflera octophylla, between Psychotria rubra and Ficus pandurata, and between Orophea hainanensis and Canthium dicoccum for the Quercus acutissima natural secondary forest, Liquidambar formosana natural secondary forest and Excentrodendron hsienmu natural secondary forest, respectively. No significant positive correlations were found in terms of the overall interspecific associations among dominant woody plant species in Quercus acutissima natural secondary forest. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 50, the number of species pairs in negative association was 52, and the number of species pairs in non-association was 3, the association ratio was 0.96, and the significance rate of test was 6.67%. The overall interspecific associations were negative correlations among dominant woody plant species in Liquidambar formosana natural secondary forest, but the correlations were not significant. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 96, the number of species pairs in negative association was 113, the number of species pairs in non-association was 1, the association ratio was 0.85, and the significance rate of test was 8.10%. The overall interspecific associations were significantly positive correlations among dominant woody plant species in Excentrodendron hsienmu natural secondary forests. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 19, the number of species pairs in negative association was 17, the association ratio was 1.12, and the significance rate of test was 8.33%. By CCA analysis, soil pH, total phosphorus, slope aspect, soil total potassium and elevation were the most important factors affecting species composition and distribution in plant communities in the study area, which accounted for about 76.95% of the variation. Our study indicates that the more significantly positive the associations between plant species are, the higher the degree of niche overlap is. In contrast, the more significantly negative the associations between plant species are, the lower the degree of niche overlap is.
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    7. 邹丰虎,柴宗政. 近自然经营对马尾松人工林生态系统碳储量的影响. 广西科学. 2024(03): 405-415 .
    8. 赵吉平. 不同结构落叶松天然林生物量及生产力特征. 南方农业. 2023(04): 101-104 .
    9. 高谢雨,董利虎,郝元朔. 基于TLS的抚育间伐对长白落叶松干形的影响. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版). 2023(06): 85-94 .
    10. 杜雪,王海燕,邹佳何,孟海,赵晗,崔雪,董齐琪. 长白山北坡云冷杉阔叶混交林土壤有机碳分布特征及其影响因素. 生态环境学报. 2022(04): 663-669 .
    11. 肖军,雷蕾,曾立雄,李肇晨,马成功,肖文发. 不同经营模式对华北油松人工林碳储量的影响. 生态环境学报. 2022(11): 2134-2142 .
    12. 张乃暄,王韵頔,许中旗,付立华,张菲,程顺. 抚育间伐对塞罕坝地区云杉人工林碳储量及固碳速率的影响. 河北农业大学学报. 2022(06): 81-87 .
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    14. 赵状,董希斌,曲杭峰,宋鑫彧,刘慧,毛亮亮. 可拓评判法在红皮云杉碳质量分数评价中的应用. 东北林业大学学报. 2021(10): 71-76 .
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    16. 南维波. 不同抚育强度对兴安落叶松人工林的影响. 农村实用技术. 2020(06): 121-122 .
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    19. 宋重升,张利荣,王有良,游云飞,冯随起,林开敏. 抚育间伐对人工林生态系统影响的研究进展. 亚热带农业研究. 2020(04): 279-288 .
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    21. 廖鋆章,贲丽云. 不同间伐措施强度对杉木人工林碳储量及其分配的影响研究. 低碳世界. 2019(04): 308-309 .
    22. 周焘,王传宽,周正虎,孙志虎. 抚育间伐对长白落叶松人工林土壤碳、氮及其组分的影响. 应用生态学报. 2019(05): 1651-1658 .
    23. Zhenge HUANG,Minyang XIE,Mingbao WEI,Bin HE,Shaozhuang MO,Gang ZHOU,Ji LIANG. Carbon Storage and Distribution of the Mature Pinus massoniana Plantation in Northwest Guangxi. Agricultural Biotechnology. 2019(03): 141-144 .
    24. 管惠文,董希斌,张甜,曲杭峰,王智勇. 抚育间伐后落叶松天然次生林生境恢复效果的评价. 东北林业大学学报. 2019(07): 6-13+24 .
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    28. 韦明宝,王朝健,杨正文,黄振格,王汉敢,何斌. 桂西北马尾松人工林生态系统碳贮量与分布. 亚热带农业研究. 2019(03): 152-156 .
    29. 银彬吾,刘奇林,陆滟灵,何斌,黄振格,谢敏洋. 2种更新方式4年生尾巨桉人工林碳储量及其分布特征. 广西林业科学. 2019(04): 466-471 .
    30. 朱子卉,杨华,张恒,王全军,孙权,杨超. 择伐后落叶松云冷杉林直径结构及生长的动态变化. 北京林业大学学报. 2018(05): 55-62 . 本站查看
    31. 韦家国,周刚,刘凡胜,杨正文,莫少壮,何斌. 秃杉林和连栽杉木林生态系统C积累及其分布格局. 亚热带农业研究. 2018(01): 29-33 .
    32. Zhou Gang,He Bin,Wei Jiaguo,Liu Fansheng,Mo Shaozhuang,Yang Zhengwen. Carbon Accumulation and Distribution in Ecosystems of Taiwania flousiana Plantation and Successive Rotation Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata. Meteorological and Environmental Research. 2018(04): 11-14+18 .
    33. 张期奇,董希斌,张甜,曲杭峰,马晓波,管惠文,王智勇,阮加甫,陈蕾. 抚育间伐强度对兴安落叶松中龄林测树因子的影响. 森林工程. 2018(05): 1-7+55 .
    34. 段梦成,王国梁,史君怡,周昊翔. 间伐对油松人工林碳储量的长期影响. 水土保持学报. 2018(05): 190-196 .
    35. 马长明,赵辉,牟洪香,刘炳响. 燕山山地华北落叶松人工林碳密度及分配特征. 水土保持学报. 2017(05): 208-214 .

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