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Pan Yanyan, Liang Deyang, Guo Jing, Wang Fang, Wang Fuwei, Li Shuchun, Zhao Xiyang. Variance analyses on growth traits of Larix kaempferi in different seed sources[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(11): 19-27. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170478
Citation: Pan Yanyan, Liang Deyang, Guo Jing, Wang Fang, Wang Fuwei, Li Shuchun, Zhao Xiyang. Variance analyses on growth traits of Larix kaempferi in different seed sources[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(11): 19-27. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170478

Variance analyses on growth traits of Larix kaempferi in different seed sources

More Information
  • Received Date: December 28, 2017
  • Revised Date: April 19, 2018
  • Published Date: October 31, 2018
  • ObjectiveTo determine the genetic variation of growth traits of different seed sources and families of Larix kaempferi could provide basis for the genetic improvement of Larix kaempferi.
    Method169 Larix kaempferi half-sib families in 4 seed sources were taken as materials, the ANOVA analysis, genetic parameter analysis, correlation analysis and family selection were carried out for the tree height and DBH in different growth years.
    ResultThe results of ANOVA showed that all the traits were significantly different (P < 0.01) among varied families and seed sources. The phenotype variation coefficients of tree height and DBH ranged from 4.00% to 37.37% and 24.89% to 26.48%, and genetic variation coefficients of tree height and DBH ranged from 1.94% to 20.93% and 8.93% to 13.68%, respectively, which all decreased with the increase of time. The family heritability of tree height and DBH of families ranged from 0.881 to 0.972 and 0.877 to 0.879, respectively. The high variation coefficients and high heritability were beneficial to evaluate and select the elite families and plants. Correlation analysis results showed that there existed significantly positive correlation among all traits in different seed sources. By the multiple-traits comprehensive method, when evaluated the families with the selected rate of 10%, 17 families were selected as elite families. The average of tree height and DBH of the elite families were 11.10 m and 13.82 cm and the genetic gains were 11.35% and 15.80%, respectively. When evaluated with the selected rate of 5%, 25 plants were selected as elite trees. The average of tree height and DBH of the elite single plants were 12.58 m and 17.72 cm, and the genetic gains were 8.54% and 12.50%, respectively.
    ConclusionIn this study, the abundant variations among seed sources and families are beneficial to select the elite seed sources, families and single trees, respectively. The elite families and single trees can provide superior materials for the establishment of improved seed orchard and the second generation seed orchard. The study can provide basis for the genetic improvement of Larix kaempferi.
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