Preservation of Dendrobium densiflorum pollen.
Graphical Abstract
This paper focuses on the effects of different storage temperatures on the pollen longevity of Dendrobium densiflorum, and provides one promising cryopreservation procedure. Results indicated that: 1) The pollen longevity at (27±2)℃ was only 5 days, 23 days at 4℃ and 17 days at -20℃, while the pollen storaged in liquid nitrogen (LN)(-196℃) can also germinate even after 120 days, and the germination level of which was comparable with that of the fresh pollen. These data showed that cryopreservation was suitable for pollen preservation of D. densiflorum in a short or midium term. 2) The optimum cryopreservation procedure was immersing fresh pollen (moisture content 43.26%) into LN without desiccation, and thawing at room temperature by running water or warm water (37℃) after cryopreservation.