Field trials of sex attractant for Holcocerus artemisiae(Lepidoptera: Cossidae).
Graphical Abstract
The trapping effect and distance of the sex attractant for Holcocerus artemisiae was tested with seven traps set equidistantly from damaged Artemisia ordosica in the upwind, downwind and crosswind directions, respectively. The upwind trap was optimal(accounting for 60% of males) and crosswind trap was better than that in the downwind direction. Males were trapped at the distances of 30-210 m upwind, with the largest capture number at 60 m. The sex pheromone could last up to 25-34 days. The boat and triangle traps were effective than novel practical type. In addition to H. artemisiae, the sex attractant also attracted Loxostege sticticalis, Protexarnis squalid and Bombyliidae species.