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KANG Xin-gang, ZHENG Yan-feng, ZHAO Hao-yan, YANG Hua, GONG Zhi-wen, LIU Yan. Operational plans for main working-groups of non-commercial forest in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(4): 13-21.
Citation: KANG Xin-gang, ZHENG Yan-feng, ZHAO Hao-yan, YANG Hua, GONG Zhi-wen, LIU Yan. Operational plans for main working-groups of non-commercial forest in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(4): 13-21.

Operational plans for main working-groups of non-commercial forest in Beijing

More Information
  • Received Date: December 31, 1899
  • Revised Date: December 31, 1899
  • Published Date: July 29, 2011
  • Non-commercial forest in Haidian and Daxing districts and Yanqing County were chosen as objects of our study. Base on classification, statistics and analysis of data from forestry resource survey, twenty-two working-groups were chosen according to principle of classification of non-commercial forest. Combined with management objectives of forest species, management measures were formulated for every working-group through applying the theory and technology of forest ecosystem management and close-to-nature forest management.
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