Large-scale forest mapping based on ERS-1/2 and Envisat ASAR data.
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, two kinds of forest map over Northeast China were produced by use of archived ERS-1/2 tandem data (1995-2000) and Envisat ASAR data (2005). As far as ERS-1/2 coherence model was concerned, a new approach was introduced, that allowed model training using the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields canopy cover product without further need for ground data. On basis of this method, the largescale forest stem volume map (four classes: 0-20, 20-50, 50-80 and 80 m3/hm2) was generated. As regards the Envisat ASAR data, the object-based classifier was applied to map the forest/nonforest areas automatically. The crosscomparisons were performed for these two kinds of map based on the land use map from Landsat TM-5 data acquired in 2005. The results show that these two satellite SAR data can be used for the largescale forest mapping and their maps in current case will provide supports for the further analysis of forest change detection and the map updating.