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SUN Feng, ZHOU Yong-dong, LI Xiao-ling, LvJian-xiong, HAN Chen-jing, ZHAN Man-jun. Effects of species, diameter and processing equipment on veneer recovery of Eucalyptus spp.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 128-133.
Citation: SUN Feng, ZHOU Yong-dong, LI Xiao-ling, LvJian-xiong, HAN Chen-jing, ZHAN Man-jun. Effects of species, diameter and processing equipment on veneer recovery of Eucalyptus spp.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 128-133.

Effects of species, diameter and processing equipment on veneer recovery of Eucalyptus spp.

More Information
  • Received Date: December 31, 1899
  • Revised Date: December 31, 1899
  • Published Date: July 29, 2013
  • To improve the veneer recovery of Eucalyptus spp. and rational utilize its wood, peeling experiments of E. urophylla 伊grandis with spindle-less lathes of BQK1813C and six species of Eucalyptus logs with spindle-less lathes of BXQS1813A were conducted and analyzed in this paper. The results showed that the log-s diameter had significant influence on veneer recovery, while species and processing equipment had little influence. The effects on veneer recovery were mainly from the volume of left wood core. The veneer recovery of Eucalyptus spp. firstly increased and then stabilized with the increasing of log's diameter, except E. urophylla ⅹgrandis, since the log's diameter was within 12 cm, its veneer recovery showed a slowly increasing trend, and the veneer comprehensive recovery increased to a maximum value of 77.65% with diameter as 12 cm. When the log's diameter was around 12 cm, the veneer recovery of E. salig stabilized at (77.98 ±1.44)%, E. grandis's at (81.73 ±2.20)%, E. cloeziana's at (83.75 ±2.03)%, E. dunnii's at (75.01 ±0.45)% and E. pellita's stabilized at (72.12 ±0.62)%. The veneer recovery of grade A + B of six species of Eucalyptus logs accounted for more than 74.91% of the veneer comprehensive recovery, so the economic benefits will be better if the logs with soft properties for veneer usage are cut with the diameter around 12 cm and use the peeling equipment which produces smaller wood core.
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