Regional trial of superior clones for fodder in Robinia pseudoacacia.
Graphical Abstract
A regional trial of eight Robinia pseudoacacia clones on three sites (Yanqing and Haidian of Beijing, Luoning of Henan) was assessed in order to select stable superior clones. Data on growth characteristics (height and basal diameter) and leaf nutrition (crude protein and crude fiber) of those two-year-old clones were analyzed by regression model and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. The results showed that genotype-environment interaction was significant for growth. The interaction may result in different leaf maturation in the same season at different sites. Based on superior performance in height and basal diameter, clones K2 and 84023, H2 and 8044, K4 and 8048 were suitable to Haidian, Yanqing and Luoning, respectively. In addition, considering the genotypic adaptability and stability in growth characteristics and nutrient content, clones 83002 and K2 are suitable for fodder production on all these three sites.