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Tang Lin, Guan Huiyuan, Wang Ning, Dai Pengfei. Development of intelligent programming system for numerical controlled mortise and tenon joint[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(3): 134-142. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180414
Citation: Tang Lin, Guan Huiyuan, Wang Ning, Dai Pengfei. Development of intelligent programming system for numerical controlled mortise and tenon joint[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(3): 134-142. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180414

Development of intelligent programming system for numerical controlled mortise and tenon joint

More Information
  • Received Date: December 17, 2018
  • Revised Date: January 01, 2019
  • Available Online: March 27, 2019
  • Published Date: February 28, 2019
  • ObjectiveCode generation is the key to realize the numerical controlled (NC) machining of mortise and tenon joint, but the traditional NC programming is difficult, inefficient and over-dependent on CAM software. So it is necessary to develop an intelligent programming system for the numerical controlled mortise and tenon joint.
    MethodFirstly, the joints were classified by group technology, and a parameterized artifact database was established based on the extraction of joints ’ dimension parameters. Intelligent dimension matching was implemented by transforming plentiful process experience and existing research results into functions. Then, the standard NC code template of each joint was set up according to template technology, and these standard NC code templates constituted the module of toolpaths. We used expression algorithm to complete the instantiation of code templates. The change of machining parameters leaded to the change of values in NC code templates, so the NC codes can be programmed automatically, the parameterized and modularized NC programs can be achieved. Based on the principle of post-processing, the compensation of NC code was achieved through the add-in that can calculate the compensation value automatically. At last, on the basis of those researches, an intelligent programming system for numerical controlled mortise and tenon joint was developed by the visualization program VB.
    ResultCombined with the actual authoring of three-way mitered joint part, the feasibility of the system was verified. By checking the dimensions of the processed part, the accuracy of the machining codes generated by the system was also verified.
    ConclusionThis system is simple, stable and efficient. It can simplify the programming process and generate program NC codes automatically. The system is helpful to transform processing of mortise and tenon joint from experience type to knowledge-based type.
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