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ZHAI Ming-pu, JIANG San-nai. Dynamics of nutrient absorption in root systems of Populus×xiao zhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(2): 29-33.
Citation: ZHAI Ming-pu, JIANG San-nai. Dynamics of nutrient absorption in root systems of Populus×xiao zhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(2): 29-33.

Dynamics of nutrient absorption in root systems of Populus×xiao zhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia

More Information
  • Received Date: December 09, 2004
  • Available Online: May 14, 2024
  • The nutrient absorption of N,P and K in root systems of Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia is analysed by a dynamic methodology.The results show that:1) NH4+ affinity for Populus×xiaozhuanica is weaker than that for Robinia pseudoacacia;the rate of NH4+ flowing into Populus×xiaozhuanica is slower than that flowing into Robinia pseudoacacia;the maximum absorption rate of NH4+ by the root system of Populus×xiaozhuanica is much higher than that of Robinia pseudoacacia;compared with Robinia pseudoacacia,Populus×xiaozhuanica has a stronger absorbency for and resistance to a deficiency in NH4+.2) the rate of H2PO4-flowing into Robinia pseudoacacia is higher than that of Populus×xiaozhuanica;Robinia pseudoacacia has a stronger H2PO4-deficiency resistance than Populus×xiaozhuanica.3) although differences exist between Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia in the dynamic characteristics of the ability to absorb K+,competition does not occur when the two species are planted together.Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia share a complementary and harmonious relation in the absorption of N and P nutrient elements.
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