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REN Shi-xue, FANG Gui-zhen, MA Yan-li, WANG Peng. Dispersibility and flocculability of a trimethy quaternary ammonium salt of wheatalkalilignin under microwave irradiation.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(6): 137-142.
Citation: REN Shi-xue, FANG Gui-zhen, MA Yan-li, WANG Peng. Dispersibility and flocculability of a trimethy quaternary ammonium salt of wheatalkalilignin under microwave irradiation.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(6): 137-142.

Dispersibility and flocculability of a trimethy quaternary ammonium salt of wheatalkalilignin under microwave irradiation.

More Information
  • Received Date: December 31, 1899
  • Revised Date: December 31, 1899
  • Published Date: November 29, 2012
  • The trimethyl quaternary ammonium salt was synthesized under microwave irradiation with wheatalkalilignin as raw material, which was extracted from black liquor from the kraft process. Its dispersibility and flocculability were determined: surface tension decreased with the increasing concentration of trimethyl quaternary ammonium salt, degreasing of surface tension was less effective toward water, the surface tension was 63.64 mN/m with its concentration of 500 mg/L;it had a certain dispersion of calcium carbonate particles and can be used as a scale inhibitor; the flocculation of trimethy quaternary ammonium salt was examined by the acid dye of Acid Red B and Acid Orange GG, and the results showed that the acid dye of Acid Red B and Acid Orange GG could be flocculated, and decolorization of Acid Orange GG was higher; the trimethyl quaternary ammonium salt had sedimentation of flocculation with a concentration of 1 000 mg/L kaolin colloidal particle at a concentration of 300-500 mg/L with pH values of no more than 3.
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