

    Correlation analysis between the spatial characteristics of landscape pattern and risk of forest fire in Jiufeng Forest Park of Beijing

    • 摘要:
        目的  研究景观格局空间特征与森林火险的关系与影响,为深入研究基于景观尺度的森林空间布局对降低森林火灾风险的影响奠定理论基础。
        方法  本研究以北京市鹫峰林场区域为研究对象,利用层次分析法计算森林火险指数并做火险等级评价,提取景观尺度下景观格局信息,探索各景观指数与森林火险指数的关系。先对所获得的GF-1高峰一号遥感影像进行预处理并分类,得到鹫峰土地利用分类图。利用Fragstats4.2计算林场各小班的景观指数,用层次分析法结合二类清查资料计算各个小班火险指数,并对火险分5个等级。统计各火险等级的景观指数,采用灰色关联度分析和相关性分析法,研究景观格局空间特征与森林火险指数的关系。
        结果  (1)景观形状指数LSI,景观丰度指数PR,香浓多样性指数SHDI在低火险区最大值最高。说明在一定程度上斑块形状越复杂,景观分割度越大,生物多样性越大,阻火性能越好。(2)在低火险区,7种景观指数(斑块数量NP,斑块密度PD,蔓延度CONTAG,景观分割度DIVISION,景观丰度PR,景观丰都密度PRD,香浓多样性SHDI)对森林火险的线性影响均不大;在中火险等级区域中,与森林火险指数的关联度最低的是斑块密度指数PD,关联度最高的是景观丰度密度指数PRD。在较低火险等级(II),高(IV)、较高火险(V)等级中,均是斑块密度指数PD与森林火险指数的关联度最小,PR与森林火险指数关联度最大,PR与森林火险指数相关系数分别为−0.452和−0.497呈负相关,相关性较显著,说明景观异质性随着景观要素种类增多而提高,景观异质性越高,森林火灾发生的危险性越小。
        结论  在一定程度上,景观斑块密度越大,景观丰度越高,蔓延度越低,越不容易发生火灾,在火灾中抗干扰能力和阻碍能力最强。景观格局内异质性低、生物多样性少则更容易发生火灾。通过对众多景观指数与森林火险指数的灰色关联度和相关性计算,筛选更能表征与森林抗火性有关的指数,其中蔓延度指数CONTAG,景观分割度指数DIVISION,香农多样性指数SHDI,景观丰度PR和景观丰度密度指数PRD等能更好的表达对森林景观的抗火性。


        Objective  In order to lay a in-depth theoretical foundation on which the impact of forest spatial layout based on landscape scale on reducing forest fire risk, this paper studies the relationship between spatial characteristics of landscape pattern and forest fire risk.
        Method  The research area of this study is Jiufeng Forest Park. We calculated the index of forest fire risk and made a fire risk rating using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), extracted the information of landscape pattern to explore the relationship between them. The obtained GF-1 remote sensing images were preprocessed and classified. We calculated the landscape indexes of each sub-compartment in research area using Fragstats 4.2 and the index of forest fire risk by AHP and sub-forest management inventory. So the fire risk rating of Jiufeng forest was divided into 5 levels. The relationship between spatial characteristics of landscape pattern and forest fire risk was studied by grey correlation analysis and correlation analysis.
        Result  (1) Landscape shape index (LSI), patch richness (PR) and Shannon’s diversity index (SHDI) had the highest values at the first level. To some extent, it indicated that the more complex the patch shape was, the greater the landscape segmentation was, the greater the biodiversity and the fire resistance performance were. (2) In the low fire risk areas, all the seven landscape indexes, i.e. number of patches (NP), patch density (PD), contagion (CONTAG), landscape division index (DIVISION), PR, patch richness density (PRD) and SHDI, had little linear effect on forest fire risk. In the moderate fire risk areas, PD had the lowest correlation with forest fire risk index, and PRD had the highest correlation. In the area with fire risk level II, IV and V, the correlation between relative PR and forest fire risk index was the least, while the correlation between PR and forest fire risk index was the greatest, the correlation coefficients of PR and forest fire risk index were −0.452** and −0.497*, and the correlation was significant. This results indicated that the more types the landscape elements in the landscape pattern were, the higher the landscape heterogeneity was, and the lower the risk of forest fire was.
        Conclusion  To some extent, the higher the density of landscape patches and the abundance of the landscape were, with a low degree of the spread, the lower the risk of fire was, and the ability to resist interference and obstruction was the strongest in a fire. If the heterogeneity in the landscape pattern is very low and the biodiversity is relatively low, fire is very easy to occur. The larger the maximum plaque index was, the stronger the human activity was, the more prone to fire. Low heterogeneity and low biodiversity in the landscape pattern were more prone to fire. By calculating the grey correlation degree and correlation between many landscape indices and forest fire risk indices, the indices which can better represent the forest fire resistance are selected, including CONTAG, DIVISION, SHDI, PR and PRD, which can better express the fire resistance of forest landscape.


