Spatial distribution and association of seedlings and saplings in a spruce-fir forest in the Changbai Mountains area of northeastern China
摘要:目的幼苗幼树空间分布是影响森林群落动态变化的重要因素,对云冷杉不同苗高进行空间分布格局分析,并分别研究幼苗幼树与周围小径木和大径木的关联性,以探究云冷杉幼苗空间变化规律和空间结构对幼苗幼树的影响,提出促进云冷杉天然更新措施,为云冷杉林可持续经营提供理论依据。方法本研究于2017年8月在金沟岭林场设置长白山云冷杉针阔混交林标准地(0.36 hm2),应用SADIE空间分析方法,分析了林分不同苗高级云冷杉的分布规律。结果云冷杉林分总体直径分布呈反“J”型;色木槭与冷杉直径分布呈增长型,云杉和红松为多峰波动曲线。林分内小径木聚集指数Ia > 1,且随机化检验概率Pa < 0.025,总体呈聚集分布;大径木Pa值为0.025 ~ 0.975,呈随机分布;随林木生长发育,林分空间分布由聚集逐渐趋于随机。冷杉作为主要树种之一,其小径木与大径木空间分布与林分总体空间分布相似;云杉呈随机分布;冷杉幼苗与冷杉大径木具有明显的空间关联性,并与云杉呈正相关,其幼苗具有较好的耐荫性;云杉幼苗总体呈空间分离或空间不相关,仅与冷杉大径木呈空间正相关性,云杉与冷杉为良好的伴生树种。苗高Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级冷杉幼苗空间关联性相似,苗高Ⅳ、Ⅴ级的幼树空间关联性相似;苗高Ⅰ、Ⅱ级云杉幼苗空间关联性相似。结论林分内,冷杉幼苗株数较多,与大多林木呈空间正相关,有利于冷杉的林下更新。云杉木材质量较好,作为主要目的树种,其大径木及幼苗株数较少,且幼苗幼树与小径木及大径木均呈空间分离,林下云杉更新状况较差,因此,在云杉幼苗时期采取适当的遮蔽措施,幼树时期进行采伐等经营措施,促进云杉幼苗生长,并通过对冷杉株数的合理控制,调整林分空间结构,为其释放生长空间,以增加云杉母树株数,提高产种能力及产量,促进云杉更新。Abstract:ObjectiveSpatial distribution of seedlings and saplings is an important factor affecting the dynamic changes of forest communities. Spatial distribution of Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis seedlings at different height levels was analyzed, and spatial association between their seedlings and surrounding small and large trees was studied in this paper to explore the spatial changes in a Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis forest and to find the impact of spatial structure on Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis seedlings. The measures were proposed for promoting natural regeneration, and theoretical basis was provided for the management plans in a Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis forest.MethodA sample plot of typical coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest with the area of 0.36 ha was set up in Jingouling Forest Farm, Jilin of northeastern China in August 2017. The SADIE spatial analysis method was used to analyze the spatial distribution of seedlings at different height levels.ResultWithin the forest stand, the diameter distribution showed an inverted “J” curve, the diameters of the Acer mono and Abies nephrolepis showed growth distribution pattern, and the diameter distribution of Picea jezoensis and Korean pine showed multi-peak fluctuation curves. The diameters of small trees in the forest stand showed an aggregate distribution with the aggregation index of Ia > 1 and randomization test probability of Pa < 0.025. The diameters of large trees were randomly distributed with Pa value between 0.025 and 0.975. The spatial distribution of forest stands changed from aggregation to randomization with the growth and development of forest trees. Since the Abies nephrolepis was one of the main tree species, its spatial distribution was similar to the overall spatial distribution in the forest stand. The diameters of Picea jezoensis had a random distribution. The locations of Abies nephrolepis seedlings had obvious spatial association with the locations of large Abies nephrolepis trees, and they were positively spatial associated with locations of all Picea jezoensis trees. Abies nephrolepis seedlings had good shade tolerance. The locations of Picea jezoensis seedlings generally showed spatial segregation or spatial irrelevance, which was only positively correlated with the locations of Abies nephrolepis trees, so Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis are good companion species. The locations of Abies nephrolepis seedlings at Ⅰ to Ⅲ height levels had similar spatial associations, the locations of Abies nephrolepis seedlings at Ⅳ and Ⅴ height levels had similar spatial associations, and the locations of Picea jezoensis seedlings at Ⅰ and Ⅱ height levels had similar spatial associations.ConclusionWithin the forest stand, the number of Abies nephrolepis seedlings is more than Picea jezoensis seedlings. Abies nephrolepis seedlings are positively spatial associated with the trees, which is beneficial to the regeneration of Abies nephrolepis. The quality of Picea jezoensis wood is good. As the main target species, the number of Picea jezoensis and its seedlings is small, and seedlings and saplings of Picea jezoensis show a separated spatial distribution with small trees and large trees. The regeneration status of Picea jezoensis under the forest is poor. As a result, appropriate shelter measures should be adopted for Picea jezoensis at the seedling stage, and management measures like cutting in the sapling period may be proposed to promote the growth of Picea jezoensis seedlings. In addition, the spatial structure of the stand could be adjusted for releasing the growth space of Picea jezoensis by appropriate controlled number of Abies nephrolepis in order to increase the number of Picea jezoensis mother trees. Then, seed production capacity will be improved, and the regeneration of Picea jezoensis will be promoted.
森林动态很大程度上取决于更新,不同空间和时间尺度上的更新受生物和非生物因素的影响[1]。幼苗幼树空间格局是影响森林群落动态变化的重要因素[2];乔木的空间结构关系决定了植物的扩散潜力及更新能力[3-5]。因此,研究林分内林木与幼苗幼树空间分布及空间关联性对了解林分结构,以及掌握森林群落动态变化有重要理论意义。20世纪中期,我国已开始研究林下幼苗幼树的生长发育[6-7]。目前国内用于林下更新空间分布格局研究的分析方法主要有:点格局分析法、聚集性指数(I)和方差均值比率法等[8-11];空间关联性主要采用双变量成对相关函数(bivariate pair-correlation function,BPCF)g12(r)与标记相关函数(mark correlation function,MCF)两种方法,它们也可用于不同空间尺度下的空间格局分析[12-15]。Janzen-Connell假说认为种子扩散受母株限制主要散落于母树周围,幼苗阶段根部系统较小,资源利用主要在小范围进行,因此小尺度的空间分析对幼苗的生长有重要作用[16-17]。
东北地区作为我国主要的木材生产地区,拥有大面积森林资源,其中长白山云冷杉针阔混交林占较大比重,由于不合理的经营措施使大量原始林遭到破坏,使我国东北林区存在大面积的过伐林, 面临着森林质量低下、生态服务功能薄弱的局面[18]。云冷杉作为当地的顶级树种,林分内空间结构不合理,主要以幼中龄林为主,成过熟林占比较小,林下更新较差[19-20]。以往对于云杉(Picea jezoensis)、冷杉(Abies nephrolepis)更新空间分布、与周围林木空间关联性研究较少,且主要研究不同尺度下的空间分布格局及空间关联性,杨华等[21]的研究表明幼苗幼树的关联性在小尺度表现明显,随尺度增大关联性减弱,所以研究小尺度的幼苗空间分布格局和关联性对揭示林木生长、林分空间结构变化及林分发展等具有一定指导意义。
本文以金沟岭林场的长白山云冷杉针阔混交林为研究对象,研究区属长白山过伐林区。云冷杉针阔混交林是一种典型的森林类型,具有较为特殊的林分形成机制和生长发育过程。研究云冷杉幼苗幼树空间分布格局可以快速掌握天然更新特征,探索合理科学的森林经营途径[18]。实现过伐林的有效恢复与保护,提高森林质量和功能是目前迫切需要解决的问题,因此本文仅将云冷杉作为主要研究树种,以5 m × 5 m为单元,采用距离指数空间分析法(spatial analysis by distance indices,SADIE)分析林分内云冷杉小径木和大径木与不同苗高级幼苗幼树的空间分布格局,研究幼苗幼树与周围小径木和大径木的关联性,以探究云冷杉幼苗幼树空间变化规律和空间结构对幼苗幼树的影响,并提出促进云杉天然更新的方法措施,为进一步预测林分空间分布变化过程、进行合理经营管理提供理论基础。
1. 研究区概况与研究方法
1.1 研究区概况
研究区位于吉林省汪清县东北部金沟岭林场(43°17′ ~ 43°25′N,130°05′ ~ 130°20′E)。低山地貌,海拔300 ~ 1 200 m,多数山坡坡度5° ~ 25°,少数在34°以上。季风型气候,年积温约2 144 ℃,年日照时数2 358 h,年均气温约为3.9 ℃,1月气温最低,约为− 32 ℃,7月气温最高,约为22 ℃,年降水量600 ~ 700 mm,多集中在7月。土壤为暗棕壤,研究区土壤母岩为玄武岩,属于灰化土棕壤地区,土壤结构通常为颗粒状的黏壤土类。
1.2 标准地设置
2017年8月,在金沟岭林场设置面积为0.36 hm2(60 m × 60 m)的长白山云冷杉针阔混交林标准地。将西南角定为坐标原点,南北方向为x轴,东西方向为y轴,以1 m为单位,建立二维平面直角坐标系,记录所有调查个体坐标。采用相邻格子法将标准地分为10 m × 10 m的小样方,对每个样方内乔木(胸径DBH ≥ 5 cm)进行每木检尺,幼苗、幼树(DBH < 5 cm,且苗高 ≥ 30 cm)记录树种、地径(DGH)、幼苗高或幼树高。
该林分为针阔混交林,共14种乔木树种,株数密度为1 197株/hm2,每公顷断面积为28.577 1 m2/hm2,平均胸径为17.43 cm。落叶松(Larix gmelinii)、冷杉、红松(Pinus koraiensis)为主要树种,约占总断面积的61.72%,其中落叶松为人工种植。阔叶树种占比较小,色木槭(Acer mono)株数分布较多(表1)。
表 1 标准地林木数量特征Table 1. Quantitative characteristics of trees in the sample plots树种
Tree species断面积/(m2·hm− 2)
Basal area/(m2·ha− 1)断面积比例
Ratio of basal area/%林分密度/(株·hm− 2)
Stand density/(tree·ha− 1)平均胸径
Mean DBH/cm平均树高
Mean tree height/m云杉 Picea jezoensis 2.333 7 8.17 78 19.55 12.91 红松 Pinus koraiensis 3.128 1 10.95 103 19.69 12.80 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 5.745 9 20.11 289 15.91 11.96 色木槭 Acer mono 1.172 4 4.10 142 10.26 8.36 落叶松 Larix gmelinii 8.762 8 30.66 186 24.48 21.69 白桦 Betula platyphylla 2.840 1 9.94 108 18.27 14.87 硕桦 Betula costata 1.887 6 6.61 92 16.19 16.89 暴马丁香 Syringa reticulata 0.506 7 1.77 97 8.15 8.49 紫椴 Tilia amurensis 0.309 2 1.08 22 13.31 10.14 花楷槭 Acer ukurunduense 0.041 8 0.15 8 7.99 5.13 裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata 0.040 0 0.14 6 9.57 8.75 青楷槭 Acer tegmentosum 0.194 1 0.68 19 11.27 9.13 水曲柳 Fraxinus mandschurica 0.833 9 2.93 31 18.64 13.61 山杨 Populus davidiana 0.780 9 2.73 17 24.43 19.48 合计 Total 28.577 1 100 1 197 林分主要更新树种为冷杉、色木槭、云杉及红松,更新株数密度为2 563株/hm2,其中冷杉与色木槭幼苗数量最多,共2 191株/hm2,红松幼苗192株/hm2,云杉幼苗株数180株/hm2。
1.3 分级方法
本研究将标准地内到达起测胸径以上林木按不同径级划分为小径木(6 ~ 20 cm径级)和大径木(径级 ≥ 22 cm)[20-22]。
未达起测胸径的幼苗幼树以苗高分级,以1 m为1个苗高距,划分为5个苗高级:0.3 m ≤ Ⅰ级 < 1 m,1 m ≤ Ⅱ级 < 2 m,2 m ≤ Ⅲ级 < 3 m,3 m ≤ Ⅳ级 < 4 m,4 m ≤ Ⅴ级 < 5 m。
1.4 研究方法
SADIE法是计算株数分布从观测位置移动到所有单元都尽可能相同时的最小距离D,并通过产生随机种子,比较观测值D与随机数据产生的d值大小,以分析空间分布格局[5, 23-24]。
将每个小样方分为4个5 m × 5 m的小单元,每个单元内的小径木和大径木按树种统计株数,云冷杉幼苗按苗高统计株数。使用SADIE软件分别计算各苗高级、小径木和大径木的株数在每个小单元中的聚类指数v及整个林分内的聚集指数Ia和随机化检验概率Pa。本文中使用Surfer®13.5.583软件(Golden Software Inc.,Co.,USA)对每个样方的聚类指数v进行可视化分析。聚类指数v由聚集斑块(vi)和空隙(vj)组成。vi为流出单元i(i=1,2,…,n)的聚类指数,vi > 1.5为显著聚集,表示林木分布较多;vj为
流入单元j(j=1,2,…,m)的聚类指数,vj < −1.5为空隙,表示林木分布较少。聚集指数Ia表示空间分布格局:Ia > 1表示呈聚集分布,Ia < 1为均匀分布,Ia = 1则为随机分布。随机化检验概率Pa表示聚集程度,Pa < 0.025为显著空间聚集,Pa > 0.975表示均匀,两者之间则为随机[5, 24]。在此基础上分析幼苗幼树与小径木和大径木的空间关联指数X。将两者空间位置进行匹配,具有相同位置的小单元依据聚类指数v可算出相应的关联指数chi_p,所有小单元关联指数chi_p的平均值即为空间关联指数X(X > 0为空间关联,X < 0为空间分离,X = 0表示没有空间关系)。假设检验概率P值:P < 0.025为显著空间关联性,P > 0.975为显著空间分离,P值处于两者之间表示无显著相关性[5, 25-26]。 2. 结果与分析
2.1 直径分布
标准地内小径木和大径木的总直径分布大致呈典型的反“J”分布,小径级株数较多,随径级增大,株数逐渐减少,在14、20、28、30、32 cm径级株数有小幅度波动(图1a)。其中:冷杉与色木槭为典型异龄林直径分布,冷杉与色木槭林下更新状况良好,小径阶株数多,冷杉与色木槭处于较稳定的结构;红松与云杉分别在10和14 cm径级株数最多,为6株和5株(图1b)。林分内落叶松直径呈正态分布,为典型的同龄林直径结构,在22 cm径级株数最多,为12株。
2.2 幼苗幼树分布状况
表 2 标准地云冷杉幼苗幼树数量特征Table 2. Quantitative characteristics of seedlings and saplings for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis in the sample plots苗高级
Seedling height level云杉 Picea jezoensis 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 株数
Tree number平均地径
Mean ground diameter/mm平均苗高
Mean seedling
Tree number平均地径
Mean ground diameter/mm平均苗高
Mean seedling
height/mI (0.3 m ≤ Ⅰ < 1 m) 33 11.99 0.65 347 10.77 0.56 II (1 m ≤ Ⅱ < 2 m) 27 25.15 1.41 164 20.66 1.36 III (2 m ≤ Ⅲ < 3 m) 3 33.06 2.40 40 32.82 2.23 IV (3 m ≤ Ⅳ < 4 m) 2 50.71 3.55 27 46.67 3.40 V (4 m ≤ Ⅴ < 5 m) 0 8 60.89 4.18 2.3 林分空间分布格局
表 3 云冷杉苗高分级的株数空间分布Table 3. Tree number spatial distribution of seedling height grading for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis树种 Tree species 苗高级 Seedling height level Pa Ia ˉvi P(ˉvi) 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis Ⅰ 0.000 2 1.780 1.653 0.001 3 Ⅱ 0.000 2 1.777 1.705 0.001 3 Ⅲ 0.018 4 1.409 1.468 0.008 0 Ⅳ 0.074 9 1.248 1.216 0.092 0 Ⅴ 0.062 3 1.279 1.228 0.094 4 Ⅳ-Ⅴ 0.003 7 1.531 1.470 0.009 6 云杉 Picea jezoensis Ⅰ 0.582 4 0.946 0.944 0.5839 Ⅱ 0.173 8 1.140 1.182 0.111 9 Ⅲ 0.159 4 1.162 1.081 0.255 9 Ⅳ 0.329 1 1.048 0.916 0.686 1 Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ 0.107 8 1.201 1.231 0.080 4 注:ˉvi为所有流出单元的聚类指数平均值,Ia为聚集指数,Pa为随机化检验概率,P(ˉvi)为显著性。Notes: ˉvi is the average clustering index of all outflow units, Ia is the index of aggregation, Pa is randomization test probability, and P(ˉvi) is significance level. 标准地内冷杉幼苗幼树各高度级均呈聚集分布,即Ia > 1。在苗高Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级聚集程度较显著,即Pa < 0.025;在苗高Ⅳ、Ⅴ级聚集程度较弱,Ia分别为1.248、1.279,Pa为0.0749、0.062 3(0.025 < Pa < 0.1);在苗高Ⅳ-Ⅴ级聚集程度强,Pa = 0.003 7 < 0.025,Ia = 1.279。
云杉幼苗幼树的Ia在苗高Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ及Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ级均大于1,在苗高Ⅰ级小于1,但其Pa值均在0.025 ~ 0.975之间。因此,云杉在幼苗及幼树阶段都表现为随机分布。
使用SADIE法对标准地内冷杉、云杉、其他树种及总的树种株数进行空间分布格局分析。结果显示绝大多数小径木的空间分布呈聚集分布(Ia > 1,Pa < 0.025),大径木则呈随机分布(Ia约为1,0.025 < Pa < 0.975);云杉小径木与大径木均呈随机分布,云杉小径木Ia = 1.066 > 1,Pa = 0.281 5 > 0.025,云杉大径木Ia = 0.933 < 1,Pa = 0.610 4 < 0.975(表4)。
表 4 标准地不同树种小径木与大径木的株数空间分布Table 4. Tree number spatial distribution of small diameter and large diameter trees for different tree species in the sample plots树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Pa Ia ˉvi P(ˉvi) 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 1.832 1.531 0.003 5 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.209 3 1.116 1.167 0.150 0 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.281 5 1.066 1.087 0.254 6 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.610 4 0.933 0.966 0.528 2 其余树种 Other tree species 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 1.855 1.757 0.000 2 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.027 3 1.329 1.163 0.115 3 所有树种 All tree species 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 2.176 1.945 0.000 0 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.119 0 1.179 1.053 0.296 0 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级的冷杉幼苗主要沿东南—西北对角线分布,与冷杉大径木空间分布相似;Ⅳ、Ⅴ级的冷杉幼树主要分布于标准地南侧,与冷杉小径木分布相似;云杉标准地更新较少,分布较离散(图2和图3)。图3显示了云杉与冷杉不同苗高级的空间分布,可以看出云冷杉幼苗随苗高增加,空间分布逐渐由聚集变为随机。
图 2 云冷杉小径木与大径木的空间分布vi为流出单元i的聚类指数,其中vi > 1.5为显著聚集,即林木分布较多;vj为流入单元j的聚类指数,其中vj < − 1.5为空隙,即林木分布较少。下同。vi is clustering index of outflow unit i, vi > 1.5 means significant aggregation, i.e. more trees are distributed; vj is clustering index of inflow unit j, vj < − 1.5 means gap, i.e. less trees are distributed. The same below.Figure 2. Spatial distribution of small diameter and large diameter trees for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis2.4 云冷杉幼苗幼树空间关联性
2.4.1 冷杉幼苗幼树空间关联性
冷杉小径木与苗高Ⅳ、Ⅴ级幼树具有显著空间关联(X > 0且P < 0.025),与Ⅲ级幼树不相关(0.125 < P < 0.875),与Ⅰ、Ⅱ级幼苗存在较弱空间负相关(X < 0且P > 0.875)。冷杉大径木与苗高Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级幼苗幼树呈空间正相关(X > 0且P < 0.025),与Ⅴ级幼树呈空间负相关(X < 0且P > 0.875),与Ⅳ级幼树空间不相关(0.125 < P = 0.3144 < 0.875)(图4a和表5)。
表 5 不同苗高级冷杉幼苗分别与云冷杉小径木和大径木的空间关联显著性分析Table 5. Significance analysis on spatial association between different height-level seedlings of Abies nephrolepis and small diameter as well as large diameter trees of Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis, respectively树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅳ-Ⅴ 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.896 1* 0.924 9* 0.349 4 0.019 4** < 0.000 1** 0.000 1** 大径木 Large diameter tree < 0.000 1** < 0.000 1** < 0.000 1** 0.314 4 0.927 0* 0.624 1 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.008 4** 0.007 6** 0.000 9** 0.109 9* 0.033 6* 0.034 3* 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.000 2** 0.003 2** 0.001 5** 0.465 7 0.123 2* 0.236 0 注:*表示P > 0.875 或 P < 0.125;**表示P > 0.975 或 P < 0.025。下同。Notes: * means P > 0.875 or P < 0.125, ** means P > 0.975 or P < 0.025. The same below. 云杉小径木与Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ幼苗幼树空间关联性较强,与Ⅴ级幼树空间关联性较弱,即X = 0.192 > 0且0.025 < P = 0.0336 < 0.125,与冷杉Ⅳ 级幼树空间关联性最弱。因此,云杉小径木周围冷杉幼苗幼树分布数量由多到少为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级、Ⅴ级、Ⅳ级。云杉大径木与冷杉Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级幼苗幼树呈空间正相关,与Ⅳ、Ⅴ级苗高呈空间不相关或弱相关(图4b和表5)。
2.4.2 云杉幼苗幼树空间关联性
冷杉小径木与云杉幼树Ⅳ苗高级有不明显的空间分离,X < 0但P < 0.875,与其余苗高级均存在明显的空间分离,X < 0且P > 0.975。冷杉大径木与云杉幼苗Ⅰ、Ⅱ苗高级存在空间正相关,X > 0且P < 0.125,与Ⅲ级云杉幼树呈现空间负相关(X = − 0.145 8,P = 0.921 > 0.875)(图4a和表6)。云杉小径木和大径木仅与幼树Ⅲ苗高级有明显的空间分离,X分别为− 0.347 8、− 0.180 3,P分别为0.999 5、0.936 6,与其余幼苗幼树空间关联不明显(图4b和表6)。
表 6 不同苗高级云杉幼苗幼树分别与云冷杉小径木和大径木的空间关联显著性分析Table 6. Significance analysis on spatial association between different height-level seedlings of Picea jezoensis and small diameter as well as large diameter trees of Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis, respectively树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.997 9** 0.998 5** > 0.999 9** 0.703 7 0.999 3** 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.028 2* 0.075 7* 0.921 0* 0.454 1 0.173 2 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.718 0 0.775 0 0.999 5** 0.578 9 0.955 8* 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.467 5 0.615 1 0.936 6* 0.172 9 0.734 7 3. 讨 论
3.1 林木分布状况
林分为混交林,总体为相对稳定的增长型结构,小幅波动的直径分布可能与林分采伐措施有关(图1a)。色木槭直径分布呈明显的反“J”型,冷杉直径分布与林分总体直径分布大致相同,冷杉的耐荫性及色木槭种子易扩散的特性有利于其在林下的存活和生长[9, 16]。云杉与红松直径分布为多峰曲线,其幼苗在林下不能正常存活和生长,幼苗株数较少,导致其小径级不能得到补充[6, 27-28](图1b)。落叶松直径结构为正态分布,是典型的同龄林直径分布。标准地内主要更新树种云杉、冷杉、红松及色木槭幼苗的苗高分布也大致呈反“J”型[29](表2)。
3.2 空间分布格局
本研究采用相邻格子法将标准地划分为5 m × 5 m的小单元,主要是依据徐振邦等[30]发现幼苗幼树主要分布在距立木2.5 m范围内,运用SADIE法分析云冷杉幼苗幼树的空间分布格局,并与其周围大小林木建立空间关联。结果显示,小径木为聚集分布,大径木为随机分布。李盾等[31]提出林分的生长发育过程是其空间分布格局从聚集趋于随机的过程。林分空间分布的变化与林分竞争有关,幼树期竞争能力较弱,且大多幼苗具有耐荫性,因此呈聚集分布;随着林木的不断生长,竞争逐渐增大,导致大多林木死亡,空间分布趋于随机[31-33]。
云杉幼苗幼树数量较少,各苗高级均呈随机分布,其原因可能是:(1)标准地内云杉株数少;(2)云杉平均胸径为19.55 cm,平均高为12.91 m,正处于生长阶段,不具备或产种能力较弱;(3)云杉小径木与大径木均为随机分布。
3.3 云冷杉幼苗幼树空间关联性
4. 结 论
图 2 云冷杉小径木与大径木的空间分布
vi为流出单元i的聚类指数,其中vi > 1.5为显著聚集,即林木分布较多;vj为流入单元j的聚类指数,其中vj < − 1.5为空隙,即林木分布较少。下同。vi is clustering index of outflow unit i, vi > 1.5 means significant aggregation, i.e. more trees are distributed; vj is clustering index of inflow unit j, vj < − 1.5 means gap, i.e. less trees are distributed. The same below.
Figure 2. Spatial distribution of small diameter and large diameter trees for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis
表 1 标准地林木数量特征
Table 1 Quantitative characteristics of trees in the sample plots
Tree species断面积/(m2·hm− 2)
Basal area/(m2·ha− 1)断面积比例
Ratio of basal area/%林分密度/(株·hm− 2)
Stand density/(tree·ha− 1)平均胸径
Mean DBH/cm平均树高
Mean tree height/m云杉 Picea jezoensis 2.333 7 8.17 78 19.55 12.91 红松 Pinus koraiensis 3.128 1 10.95 103 19.69 12.80 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 5.745 9 20.11 289 15.91 11.96 色木槭 Acer mono 1.172 4 4.10 142 10.26 8.36 落叶松 Larix gmelinii 8.762 8 30.66 186 24.48 21.69 白桦 Betula platyphylla 2.840 1 9.94 108 18.27 14.87 硕桦 Betula costata 1.887 6 6.61 92 16.19 16.89 暴马丁香 Syringa reticulata 0.506 7 1.77 97 8.15 8.49 紫椴 Tilia amurensis 0.309 2 1.08 22 13.31 10.14 花楷槭 Acer ukurunduense 0.041 8 0.15 8 7.99 5.13 裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata 0.040 0 0.14 6 9.57 8.75 青楷槭 Acer tegmentosum 0.194 1 0.68 19 11.27 9.13 水曲柳 Fraxinus mandschurica 0.833 9 2.93 31 18.64 13.61 山杨 Populus davidiana 0.780 9 2.73 17 24.43 19.48 合计 Total 28.577 1 100 1 197 表 2 标准地云冷杉幼苗幼树数量特征
Table 2 Quantitative characteristics of seedlings and saplings for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis in the sample plots
Seedling height level云杉 Picea jezoensis 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 株数
Tree number平均地径
Mean ground diameter/mm平均苗高
Mean seedling
Tree number平均地径
Mean ground diameter/mm平均苗高
Mean seedling
height/mI (0.3 m ≤ Ⅰ < 1 m) 33 11.99 0.65 347 10.77 0.56 II (1 m ≤ Ⅱ < 2 m) 27 25.15 1.41 164 20.66 1.36 III (2 m ≤ Ⅲ < 3 m) 3 33.06 2.40 40 32.82 2.23 IV (3 m ≤ Ⅳ < 4 m) 2 50.71 3.55 27 46.67 3.40 V (4 m ≤ Ⅴ < 5 m) 0 8 60.89 4.18 表 3 云冷杉苗高分级的株数空间分布
Table 3 Tree number spatial distribution of seedling height grading for Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis
树种 Tree species 苗高级 Seedling height level Pa Ia ˉvi P(ˉvi) 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis Ⅰ 0.000 2 1.780 1.653 0.001 3 Ⅱ 0.000 2 1.777 1.705 0.001 3 Ⅲ 0.018 4 1.409 1.468 0.008 0 Ⅳ 0.074 9 1.248 1.216 0.092 0 Ⅴ 0.062 3 1.279 1.228 0.094 4 Ⅳ-Ⅴ 0.003 7 1.531 1.470 0.009 6 云杉 Picea jezoensis Ⅰ 0.582 4 0.946 0.944 0.5839 Ⅱ 0.173 8 1.140 1.182 0.111 9 Ⅲ 0.159 4 1.162 1.081 0.255 9 Ⅳ 0.329 1 1.048 0.916 0.686 1 Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ 0.107 8 1.201 1.231 0.080 4 注:ˉvi为所有流出单元的聚类指数平均值,Ia为聚集指数,Pa为随机化检验概率,P(ˉvi)为显著性。Notes: ˉvi is the average clustering index of all outflow units, Ia is the index of aggregation, Pa is randomization test probability, and P(ˉvi) is significance level. 表 4 标准地不同树种小径木与大径木的株数空间分布
Table 4 Tree number spatial distribution of small diameter and large diameter trees for different tree species in the sample plots
树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Pa Ia ˉvi P(ˉvi) 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 1.832 1.531 0.003 5 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.209 3 1.116 1.167 0.150 0 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.281 5 1.066 1.087 0.254 6 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.610 4 0.933 0.966 0.528 2 其余树种 Other tree species 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 1.855 1.757 0.000 2 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.027 3 1.329 1.163 0.115 3 所有树种 All tree species 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.000 2 2.176 1.945 0.000 0 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.119 0 1.179 1.053 0.296 0 表 5 不同苗高级冷杉幼苗分别与云冷杉小径木和大径木的空间关联显著性分析
Table 5 Significance analysis on spatial association between different height-level seedlings of Abies nephrolepis and small diameter as well as large diameter trees of Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis, respectively
树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅳ-Ⅴ 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.896 1* 0.924 9* 0.349 4 0.019 4** < 0.000 1** 0.000 1** 大径木 Large diameter tree < 0.000 1** < 0.000 1** < 0.000 1** 0.314 4 0.927 0* 0.624 1 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.008 4** 0.007 6** 0.000 9** 0.109 9* 0.033 6* 0.034 3* 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.000 2** 0.003 2** 0.001 5** 0.465 7 0.123 2* 0.236 0 注:*表示P > 0.875 或 P < 0.125;**表示P > 0.975 或 P < 0.025。下同。Notes: * means P > 0.875 or P < 0.125, ** means P > 0.975 or P < 0.025. The same below. 表 6 不同苗高级云杉幼苗幼树分别与云冷杉小径木和大径木的空间关联显著性分析
Table 6 Significance analysis on spatial association between different height-level seedlings of Picea jezoensis and small diameter as well as large diameter trees of Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis, respectively
树种 Tree species 发育阶段 Developing stage Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ 冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.997 9** 0.998 5** > 0.999 9** 0.703 7 0.999 3** 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.028 2* 0.075 7* 0.921 0* 0.454 1 0.173 2 云杉 Picea jezoensis 小径木 Small diameter tree 0.718 0 0.775 0 0.999 5** 0.578 9 0.955 8* 大径木 Large diameter tree 0.467 5 0.615 1 0.936 6* 0.172 9 0.734 7 -
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