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张恒硕, 查同刚, 张晓霞

张恒硕, 查同刚, 张晓霞. 晋西黄土区退耕年限对土壤物理性质的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(6): 123-133. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190087
引用本文: 张恒硕, 查同刚, 张晓霞. 晋西黄土区退耕年限对土壤物理性质的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(6): 123-133. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190087
Zhang Hengshuo, Zha Tonggang, Zhang Xiaoxia. Effects of converting years from farmland to forestland on soil physical properties in the loess area of western Shanxi Province, northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 123-133. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190087
Citation: Zhang Hengshuo, Zha Tonggang, Zhang Xiaoxia. Effects of converting years from farmland to forestland on soil physical properties in the loess area of western Shanxi Province, northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 123-133. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190087


基金项目: 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题(2015BAD07B03)

    张恒硕。主要研究方向:土壤退化与生态修复。Email:zhs418473740@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学水土保持学院


    查同刚,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:土壤退化与生态修复。Email:zhtg73@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

Effects of converting years from farmland to forestland on soil physical properties in the loess area of western Shanxi Province, northern China

  • 摘要:
    结果(1)所有人工林土壤密度随退耕年限呈现先上升(退耕后前1 ~ 4年)后下降(退耕后4 ~ 23年间)的趋势,在10 ~ 15年下降至一个比初始值更低的值后逐渐趋于平稳;自然恢复林随退耕年限土壤密度呈不断下降趋势,最高下降幅度为11.21%(0 ~ 20 cm土层)。(2)人工林土壤总孔隙度在前10 ~ 15年呈先下降后上升的趋势,自然恢复林土壤总孔隙度随恢复年限上升趋势越来越缓慢,0 ~ 20 cm土层和20 ~ 40 cm土层累积变化率为1.4%和0.6%。(3)5种典型林分的毛管孔隙度均随退耕年限增加呈上升趋势,其中人工林内20 ~ 40 cm土壤层的毛管孔隙度变化大于0 ~ 20 cm土层,自然恢复林0 ~ 20 cm土层和20 ~ 40 cm土层的累积变化率分别为2.5%和1.5%左右。
    结论退耕年限对土壤物理性质影响显著(P < 0.05),4种人工林中土壤物理性质的变化主要发生在退耕后的前10 ~ 15年内,其中刺槐×侧柏混交林对土壤物理性质的改良效果更明显,建议该地区人工林恢复类型应以刺槐×侧柏混交林为主。
    ObjectiveThis paper aims to evaluate the effects of converting time from cropland to forestland on soil physical properties, and provide a basis for the construction of soil and water conservation forests in the region.
    MethodThe 23 years positioning continuous monitoring was taken on soil physical properties under five typical forests, including one natural restoration Populus davidiana plantation, two mixed plantations of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia, Pinus tabuliformis and Robinia pseudoacacia, two pure plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia and Pinus tabuliform, and taking the corn farmland as control.
    Result(1) With the increase of converted years, the soil bulk density (BD) under the four plantations increased first and then decreased to a stable value, which was lower than initial value at about 10−15 years. In the natural restoration forest (NF), BD showed a downward tendency with the highest decreasing range of 11.21% at 0−20 cm soil depth. (2) The soil total porosity (TP) under the 4 plantations decreased first and then increased to a stable value, which was higher than initial value at about 10−15 years. The cumulative changing rates of TP at the soil depths of 0−20 cm and 20−40 cm were 1.4% and 0.6%, respectively under NF. (3) The capillary porosity (CP) under the five typical forests all showed an increasing trend with the increase of converting time. The CP at 0−20 cm changed more than at 20−40 cm in the plantations; the cumulative changing rates of CP at 0−20 cm and 20−40 cm were 2.5% and 1.5%, respectively under NF.
    Conclution The converted years showed a significant effects on soil physical properties (P < 0.05) under the typical forests, while for the plantations, the change of BD and TP mostly occurred in the first 10−15 years. The mixed forests of Pinus tabuliformis and Robinia pseudoacacia should be the prioritized for the artificial vegetation restoration in the research area based on its remarkable improvement effects on soil physical properties.
  • 图  1   恢复年限对土壤密度的影响

    Figure  1.   Effects of recovery time on soil bulk density

    图  2   恢复年限对土壤总孔隙度的影响

    Figure  2.   Effects of recovery time on soil total porosity

    图  3   恢复年限对土壤毛管孔隙度的影响

    Figure  3.   Effects of recovery time on soil capillary porosity

    图  4   不同植被类型下土壤有机质变化幅度

    Figure  4.   Changing range of soil organic matter under different vegetation types

    表  1   林地基本信息

    Table  1   Basic information of the research sites

    序号 No.植被类型 Vegetation type海拔
    坡度 Slope degree/(°)坡向 Slope aspect/(°)密度/(株·hm−2) Density/(plant·ha−1胸径
    Tree height/m
    Canopy density
    1RP1 19518NE321 38612.88.50.84
    2PP1 23413NE371 6509.46.50.78
    3PRP1 12615NE151 100 × 6007.9 ×
    4RPP1 23212NE20830 × 75010.1 ×
    5NP1 15819NE451 5308.77.30.92
    6CK1 15410NE2273 5803.42.40.84
    注:RP.刺槐人工林; PP.油松人工林; PRP.油松×刺槐混交林; RPP.刺槐×侧柏混交林; NP.自然恢复的山杨林; CK.耕地。NE.东北方向。下同。树高和胸径为平均值,耕地的郁闭度为玉米农作物的冠层覆盖度。Notes: RP, Robinia pseudoacacia plantation; PP, Pinus tabuliformis plantation; PRP, Pinus tabuliformis and Robinia pseudoacacia plantation; RPP, Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis plantation; NP, natural recovery Populus davidiana; CK, cultivated lands. NE, northeast aspect. The same below. Tree height and DBH are the average values, and the canopy density of cultivated land is the canopy coverage of corn crops.
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    表  2   不同植被下0 ~ 20 cm与20 ~ 40 cm层土壤机械组成变化

    Table  2   Changes of soil mechanical composition in 0−20 cm and 20−40 cm soil layers under different vegetations %

    Soil depth/cm
    0 ~ 20 1993年 Year 1993 16.16 13.85 16.05 15.92 17.48 16.12
    2006年 Year 2006 15.75 14.25 16.15 16.04 19.73 15.97
    Range of change
    − 2.54 2.89 0.62 0.75 12.87 − 0.93
    20 ~ 40 1993年 Year 1993 15.87 13.56 15.89 15.45 17.43 15.98
    2006年 Year 2006 15.72 13.79 15.94 15.62 18.13 16.04
    Range of change
    − 0.95 1.70 0.31 1.10 4.02 0.38
    0 ~ 20 1993年 Year 1993 52.54 53.25 51.17 51.87 51.98 49.32
    2006年 Year 2006 53.02 53.51 51.80 52.27 52.02 49.49
    Range of change
    0.91 0.49 1.23 0.77 0.08 0.34
    20 ~ 40 1993年 Year 1993 52.33 53.04 51.12 52.01 51.53 49.01
    2006年 Year 2006 52.51 53.08 51.47 52.32 52.35 49.00
    Range of change
    0.34 0.08 0.68 0.60 1.59 − 0.02
    0 ~ 20 1993年 Year 1993 31.30 32.90 32.78 32.21 30.54 34.56
    2006年 Year 2006 31.23 32.24 32.05 31.69 28.25 34.54
    Range of change
    − 0.22 − 2.01 − 2.23 − 1.61 − 7.50 − 0.06
    20 ~ 40 1993年 Year 1993 31.80 33.40 32.99 32.54 31.04 35.01
    2006年 Year 2006 31.77 33.13 32.59 32.06 29.52 34.96
    Range of change
    −0.09 −0.81 − 1.21 − 1.48 − 4.90 − 0.14
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    表  3   不同植被类型与恢复年限对土壤物理性质影响的方差分析

    Table  3   Variance analysis on the effects of different vegetation types and recovery years on soil physical properties

    Soil physical property
    Soil depth/cm
    项目 Item平方和
    Sum of squares
    Mean squares
    Soil bulk density/
    0 ~ 20 恢复年限 Recovery time 0.158 22 0.007 12.589 0.000
    林分种类 Stand species 0.292 4 0.073 127.755 0.000
    总计 Total 44.103 114
    20 ~ 40 恢复年限 Recovery time 0.047 22 0.000 8.252 0.000
    林分种类 Stand species 0.155 4 0.039 148.384 0.000
    总计 Total 167.235 114
    Soil total porosity/%
    0 ~ 20 恢复年限 Recovery time 17.992 22 0.818 31.457 0.000
    林分种类 Stand species 2 186.973 4 546.743 21 029.616 0.000
    总计 Total 374 820.670 113
    20 ~ 40 恢复年限 Recovery time 7.711 22 0.350 11.236 0.000
    林分种类 Stand species 1 980.467 4 495.117 15 872.489 0.000
    总计 Total 243 388.632 113
    Soil capillary porosity/%
    0 ~ 20 恢复年限 Recovery time 2.834 22 0.129 2.624 0.001
    林分种类 Stand species 2 743.996 4 685.999 13 959.025 0.000
    总计 Total 173 816.589 84
    20 ~ 40 恢复年限 Recovery time 4.579 22 0.208 14.364 0.000
    林分种类 Stand species 2 864.019 4 716.005 49 417.602 0.000
    总计 Total 161 268.871 138
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-02-24
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