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周磊, 王树力

周磊, 王树力. 阔叶树对红皮云杉人工林土壤营养状况的改善作用[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 46-53. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190113
引用本文: 周磊, 王树力. 阔叶树对红皮云杉人工林土壤营养状况的改善作用[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 46-53. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190113
Zhou Lei, Wang Shuli. Improvement of broadleaved tree species to soil nutrient conditions of Picea koraiensis plantations[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 46-53. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190113
Citation: Zhou Lei, Wang Shuli. Improvement of broadleaved tree species to soil nutrient conditions of Picea koraiensis plantations[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 46-53. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190113


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0601103),黑龙江省省级财政林业科研专项(201522)

    周磊。主要研究方向:水土保持与林业生态工程。Email:leizhou93@163.com 地址:150040 黑龙江省哈尔滨市和兴路26号东北林业大学林学院


    王树力,教授。主要研究方向:生态学、水土保持及荒漠化防治。Email:shuliwang@163.com 地址:同上

Improvement of broadleaved tree species to soil nutrient conditions of Picea koraiensis plantations

  • 摘要:
    结论依据树种叶片、凋落物及土壤部分的C含量、N含量、P含量、C∶N、C∶P和N: P,胡桃楸和水曲柳可做为红皮云杉人工林的适宜混交树种,培育过程中应注意解决N素和P素含量的不足。
    ObjectiveExploring the changes of soil nutrient conditions and the improvement role of broadleaved tree species to the soil nutrients of Picea koraiensis plantations aims to select the suitable mixed species and fertilization elements for the cultivation of Picea koraiensis plantations.
    MethodWe collected the sample of leaf, litter and soil from Picea koraiensis plantations and natural forest in the sample plots, and used carbon nitrogen analyzer to determine the C content of the samples, used Kjeldahl instrument to determine the N content of leaves and litter samples, used the continuous flow analyzer to determine the N content of the soil samples, and used sulfuric acid-perchloric acid digestion-molybdenum antimony colorimetry to determine the P content of the samples.
    Result(1) The difference of C content, N content and P content in the soil of four plantation types was significant, pure Picea koraiensis plantation was lower than three mixed plantations, and highest in Picea koraiensis-Juglans mandshurica mixed plantations. (2) The difference of C:N and C:P in the soil of four plantation types was significant, pure Picea koraiensis plantation was higher than three mixed plantations, and lowest in Picea koraiensis-Juglans mandshurica mixed plantations. (3) The difference of N content and P content in the leaf and litter of three mixed species was significant, lowest in Phellodendron amurense, and highest in Juglans mandshurica, but all of them were higher than that of Picea koraiensis. (4) The C:N and C:P in the leaf and litter of mixed tree species were highest in Phellodendron amurense and lowest in Juglans mandshurica, but all of them were obvious lower than that of Picea koraiensis. (5) The correlations of C content, N content, P content, C:N and C:P between leaf and soil as well as between litter and soil were higher in the mixed species than that in Picea koraiensis.
    ConclusionAccording to the C contents, N contents, P contents, C:N, C:P and N:P in the leaf, litter and soil parts of Picea koraiensis plantations, Juglans mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica should be prefer as the mixed tree species, more attention should be paid to the lack of N content and P content during the cultivation of Picea koraiensis plantations.
  • 图  1   红皮云杉人工林和天然林树种叶片−凋落物−土壤的C含量、N含量和P含量

    不同小写字母表示不同林型间差异显著;不同大写字母表示不同组分间差异显著(P < 0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters mean the difference is significant between varied plantation types; different capital letters mean the difference is significant between varied components (P < 0.05). The same below.

    Figure  1.   C content, N content and P content in the species leaf-litter-soil of Picea koraiensis plantations and natural forest

    图  2   红皮云杉人工林和天然林树种叶片、凋落物和土壤的生态化学计量特征

    Figure  2.   Ecological stoichiometric characteristics in the species leaf-litter-soil of Picea koraiensis plantations and natural forests

    表  1   研究林分状况

    Table  1   General information of the study plantations

    Plantation type
    Average tree height/m
    Average DBH/cm
    现存密度/(株·hm− 2
    Present density/
    (tree·ha− 1)
    Canopy density/%
    Pure Picea koraiensis plantation (PP)
    红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis 15.28 12.82 2 333 95
    Picea koraiensis-Phellodendron amurens mixed plantations (PPheM)
    黄檗 Phellodendron amurens 16.44 11.45 833 95
    红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis 15.67 12.90 1 967
    Picea koraiensis-Fraxinus mandshurica mixed plantations (PFM)
    水曲柳 Fraxinus mandshurica 18.22 13.19 769 95
    红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis 16.83 13.56 1 346
    Picea koraiensis-Juglans mandshurica mixed plantations (PJM)
    胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica 19.78 14.08 722 95
    红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis 17.89 13.79 1 430
    Natural forest (NF)
    水曲柳 Fraxinus mandshurica 17.75 14.86 950 90
    胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica 18.23 13.25
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    表  2   红皮云杉人工林树种C含量、N含量、P含量在叶片、凋落物和土壤间的相关性

    Table  2   Correlations of C content, N content, P content among species leaf, litter and soil of Picea koraiensis plantations

    Relative component
    红皮云杉纯林 PP红皮云杉黄檗混交林 PPheM红皮云杉水曲柳混交林 PFM红皮云杉胡桃楸混交林 PJM
    C 叶片与凋落物
    Leaf and litter
    0.82** 0.548* 0.653* 0.507* 0.605* 0.410* 0.639*
    Leaf and soil
    0.481* 0.701** 0.576* 0.745** 0.692** 0.791** 0.645*
    Litter and soil
    0.716** 0.814** 0.642* 0.674* 0.562* 0.860** 0.676*
    N 叶片与凋落物
    Leaf and litter
    0.840** 0.693* 0.736** 0.723** 0.645* 0.641* 0.608*
    Leaf and soil
    0.503* 0.646* 0.513* 0.804** 0.672* 0.748** 0.573*
    Litter and soil
    0.695* 0.765** 0.607* 0.704** 0.691** 0.820** 0.610*
    P 叶片与凋落物
    Leaf and litter
    0.724** 0.696** 0.638* 0.512* 0.658* 0.607* 0.792**
    Leaf and soil
    0.578* 0.529* 0.402* 0.612* 0.559* 0.694** 0.588*
    Litter and soil
    0.638* 0.754** 0.518* 0.733** 0.630* 0.784** 0.607*
    注:**表示极显著相关(P < 0.01),*表示显著相关(P < 0.05)。Notes: ** means extremely significant correlation at P < 0.01 level, * means significant correlation at P < 0.05 level.
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    表  3   红皮云杉人工林树叶凋落物土壤系统的养分下降状况

    Table  3   Decrease situation of nutrient in the leaf-litter-soil system of Picea koraiensis plantations

    指标 Index树叶 Leaf凋落物 Litter土壤 Soil
    C content
    N content
    P content
    C content
    N content
    P content
    C content
    N content
    P content
    Average decrease value of PM/(g·kg− 1)
    Average decrease value of PP/(g·kg− 1)
    Average decrease rate of pure PM/%
    Average decrease rate of pure PP/%
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    表  4   红皮云杉人工混交林树叶凋落物土壤系统的养分改善状况

    Table  4   Improvement of nutrient in the leaf-litter-soil system of Picea koraiensis mixed plantations

    指标 Index树叶 Leaf凋落物 Litter土壤 Soil
    C content
    N content
    P content
    C content
    N content
    P content
    C content
    N content
    P content
    Average increase value of PJM/(g·kg− 1)
    30.29 7.67 0.61 12.50 7.61 0.76 17.42 4.65 0.66
    Average increase value of PFM/(g·kg− 1)
    33.72 7.25 0.50 − 4.20 5.99 0.61 11.92 3.20 0.49
    Average increase value of PPheM/(g·kg− 1)
    15.59 4.16 0.42 − 9.43 3.24 0.34 3.70 1.41 0.24
    Average increase value of PM/(g·kg− 1)
    26.53 6.35 0.51 − 0.38 5.61 0.57 11.02 3.09 0.47
    Average increase rate of PJM/%
    6.77 35.65 50.58 3.24 46.29 86.36 28.24 65.65 59.29
    Average increase rate of PFM/%
    7.53 33.67 41.63 − 1.09 36.43 69.09 19.32 45.14 44.11
    Average increase rate of PPheM/%
    3.48 19.32 35.16 − 2.44 19.73 38.64 6.00 19.94 21.61
    Average increase rate of PM/%
    5.93 29.51 42.62 − 0.10 34.14 64.77 17.86 43.64 41.96
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