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孟晨, 牛健植, 余海龙, 杜灵通, 尹正聪

孟晨, 牛健植, 余海龙, 杜灵通, 尹正聪. 土壤大孔隙三维特征影响因素和测定方法研究进展[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(11): 9-16. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190158
引用本文: 孟晨, 牛健植, 余海龙, 杜灵通, 尹正聪. 土壤大孔隙三维特征影响因素和测定方法研究进展[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(11): 9-16. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190158
Meng Chen, Niu Jianzhi, Yu Hailong, Du Lingtong, Yin Zhengcong. Research progress in influencing factors and measuring methods of three-dimensional characteristics of soil macropores[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(11): 9-16. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190158
Citation: Meng Chen, Niu Jianzhi, Yu Hailong, Du Lingtong, Yin Zhengcong. Research progress in influencing factors and measuring methods of three-dimensional characteristics of soil macropores[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(11): 9-16. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190158


基金项目: 宁夏自然科学基金项目(2019AAC03045),国家自然科学基金项目(41961001、41967027),宁夏重点研发计划项目(2019BFG02010)

    孟晨,助理研究员。主要研究方向:水土保持与土壤水文。Email:mengchen@nxu.edu.cn 地址:750021宁夏回族自治区银川市西夏区贺兰山西路489号

  • 中图分类号: 210.5010

Research progress in influencing factors and measuring methods of three-dimensional characteristics of soil macropores

  • 摘要: 土壤大孔隙是优先流的主要通道,对土壤水分、空气和化学物质及污染物的优先运移起着重要作用,土壤大孔隙三维形态特征的量化分析及影响因素研究是目前大孔隙的研究重点,研究成果可为理解土壤水分运动机理及评估地下水污染等提供科学支撑。本文从大孔隙三维形态特征参数的定义(大孔隙体积、表面积、长度、数量、迂曲度、倾斜角度、路径数量、孔径、节点、连接度、圆度等),各参数测定方法及软件(Avizo 9.0、VG Studio MAX 2.2、Arc/Info 10.0、ImageJ等),大孔隙特征影响因素(根系、土壤动物、干湿及冻融交替、人为因素等)3个方面,综合介绍了土壤大孔隙三维特征的研究现状及进展,并基于此预测了今后的研究趋势,以期为今后大孔隙三维特征的深入研究提供参考。
    Abstract: Macropore is the main channel for preferential flow, therefore it largely impacts the transportation of water, air, and chemical materials in soil. Recently, it has become a focus of interest for quantitative analysis and influencing factors of three-dimensional(3D) morphological characteristics of soil macropores, since it could provide fundamental explanations for water soil movement patterns and groundwater pollution assessment. This paper examines state-of-the-art research development regarding 3D morphological characteristics of soil macropore by revisiting the concept (macropore volume, surface area, length, number, tortuosity, inclination angle, path number, macropore diameter, node, connectivity, roundness, etc.), quantitative measurements and software (Avizo 9.0, VG Studio MAX 2.2, Arc/Info 10.0, Image J, etc.) and impact factors (root system, soil animal, alternation of dry wet and freeze-thaw, human factors, etc.) of soil macropore characteristics. On the basis of summarizing the current research status, this paper summarizes the relevant research conclusions, and also proposes the direction of future work by reviewing current work.
  • 图  1   不同控制措施土壤大孔隙三维可视图

    引自文献[30]。Cited from reference [30].

    Figure  1.   Three-dimensional(3D) visualization of soil macropores with different control measures

    表  1   大孔隙特征及其定义

    Table  1   Characteristics and definition of macropores

    Macropore characteristics
    Volume density/(mm3·mm−3)
    Total volume of macropores per unit volume of soil column[19-20]
    Surface area density/(mm2·mm−3)
    Total surface area of macropores per unit volume of soil column[19-20]
    Length density/(mm·mm−3)
    Total actual length of macropores per unit volume of soil column[20]
    Network density (quantity density)/(number·mm−3)
    Total number of macropores per unit volume of soil column[20-24]
    Ratio of actual length of macropores to the length of straight lines, indicating the bending degree of macropores[20, 25]
    Inclination angle/(°)
    Angle between vertical direction of macropores and ground plane, indicating the inclination degree of macropores[18, 20, 23, 25-26]
    Number of path
    Number of continuous and independent macropores penetrating top and bottom of column[19]
    Average diameter of macropore/mm
    Average value of all macropore diameter per unit volume[20]
    Number of node
    Number of intersections connecting two macropore branches[19]
    Node density/(number·mm−3)
    Number of macropore nodes per unit volume soil[19]
    Number of independent paths between two points in macropore space, and the number of macropores connecting the surface and bottom of soil[24, 27]
    Degree of surface area of macropores approaching the theoretical circle[28]
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    表  2   大孔隙特征测定方法及其精度

    Table  2   Measuring method and precision of macropore characteristics

    Computing software
    Available macropore characteristics
    Accuracy of measurement
    Avizo 9.0 体积、表面积、长度、数量、倾斜角度、迂曲度、路径数量、节点数量、节点密度、孔径、连接度等
    Volume, surface area, length, number, inclination angle, tortuosity, number of path, number of node, node density, diameter of macropore, connectivity, etc.
    毫米级 Millimeter-scale
    VG Studio MAX 2.2 体积、表面积、长度、网络密度/数量密度、倾斜角度、迂曲度、孔径、连接度等
    Volume, surface area, length, network density/quantity density, inclination angle, tortuosity, diameter of macropore, connectivity, etc.
    毫米级 Millimeter-scale
    Arc/Info 10.0 体积、网络密度/数量密度、孔径、圆度等
    Volume, network density/quantity density, diameter of macropore, roundness, etc.
    毫米级 Millimeter-scale
    ImageJ 体积、表面积、长度、网络密度/数量密度、连接度、迂曲度、路径数量等
    Volume, surface area, length, network density/quantity density, connectivity, tortuosity, number of path, etc.
    毫米级 Millimeter-scale
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  • 被引次数: 16
  • 收稿日期:  2019-03-21
  • 修回日期:  2019-12-02
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-10-14
  • 发布日期:  2020-12-13


