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孟兆新, 曹甲甲, 朱莉, 马婧尧, 石晋菘

孟兆新, 曹甲甲, 朱莉, 马婧尧, 石晋菘. 木材曲线锯送料平台动力学解析及补偿控制策略研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(2): 159-166. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190234
引用本文: 孟兆新, 曹甲甲, 朱莉, 马婧尧, 石晋菘. 木材曲线锯送料平台动力学解析及补偿控制策略研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(2): 159-166. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190234
Meng Zhaoxin, Cao Jiajia, Zhu Li, Ma Jingyao, Shi Jinsong. Kinetics analysis and strategy of compensation control study for feeding platform of curve saw for wood[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(2): 159-166. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190234
Citation: Meng Zhaoxin, Cao Jiajia, Zhu Li, Ma Jingyao, Shi Jinsong. Kinetics analysis and strategy of compensation control study for feeding platform of curve saw for wood[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(2): 159-166. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190234


基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2572018CP08)

    孟兆新,博士,教授。主要研究方向:机械工程。  地址:150040 黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路26号东北林业大学机电工程学院

  • 中图分类号: S777

Kinetics analysis and strategy of compensation control study for feeding platform of curve saw for wood

  • 摘要:
    结果经文中设计的单神经元PI经文中设计的单神经元PID算法补偿后,送料平台末端轨迹曲线在XY方向偏移误差从补偿前的3 mm降至小于等于1.5 mm,倾斜角误差从补偿前的3.5°降至1.5°,平台末端轨迹曲线与指令曲线相比,在大部分曲线段完全重合。
    ObjectiveFeeding platform is a mechanism designed by imitating manual feeding when sawing wood board. The posture of platform end is the key to ensure sawing quality. A compensation control strategy was proposed in this paper to enhance the accuracy of end posture as the error of platform cannot be simply and efficiently compensated just through hardware.
    MethodFirstly, Lagrange method was used to establish the dynamic transfer function of the platform. Through dynamic analysis, the motion characteristics of the key components of the platform were analyzed. By simulation and other methods, according to mathematical solution, the error and its characteristics of the end posture were studied, thus a simple error model was established. Secondly, based on the traditional PID control and the parameter optimization function of RBF neural network, a single neuron PID controller suitable for the feeding platform was designed to compensate the driving displacement relation of each branch chain and to carry out real-time compensation control on the mechanism. Finally, the compensation control strategy was verified and analyzed by the joint method of Matlab and Adams, and the algorithm was transplanted to the controller of the feeding platform successively.
    ResultAfter compensation by the single neuron PID algorithm, the offset error of the end trajectory curve of the feeding platform in X and Y directions was reduced from 3 mm to less than 1.5 mm, and the angle error was reduced from 3.5° to 1.5°, and in most curve segments, the end trajectory curve of the platform completely coincides with the command curve.
    ConclusionThe SN-PID proposed by this paper can effectively improve the accuracy of the end posture of the woodworking saw feeding platform, and the feeding platform after compensation control can realize the precise cutting task of the wood plate.
  • 对机构进行软件层面的补偿控制是提高机械加工准确性快速且有效的方法。国内外学者在误差补偿控制的研究中已取得了一定的成果,如朱城伟等[1]设计出SMC-PID控制器,有效降低机构误差;柴保明等[2]对3TPT并联机构建立误差模型并对模型研究提出一种误差补偿方法;Ni等[3]利用一阶摄动建立了误差矩阵对三自由度并联机械手实现机构补偿控制;秦海宁等[4]对3-PRR并联机构的误差进行了定性分析,建立了误差测量实验平台,进行了误差消除试验,提出补偿控制方法;Vinoth等[5]针对自己设计的三自由度平面并联机构建立了基于EKF的间接自适应补偿控制;Castillo-Castaneda等[6]对一种6-DOF并联机构设计了基于PMAC运动控制器的轨迹误差补偿算法;夏筱筠等[7]运用双模糊控制算法对数控机床过象限误差进行补偿;彭志文等[8]提出了基于计算力矩控制的RBF神经网络在线补偿控制策略;Behrad等[9]研究出一种新型自适应在线神经网络补偿器应用于气动龙门机器人的位置控制中;Niu等[10]研究了平面二自由度五杆运动副背隙误差,并建立了误差模型和控制策略;Si等[11]提出了一种迭代补偿策略,减小五轴侧铣薄壁件时刀具或工件形变引起的误差;Schneider等[12]提出了一种三维压电补偿控制单元以及匹配的控制算法用以补偿机器人加工系统的加工精度。




    图  1  一种送料平台结构示意图
    D、E、F、M、N为丝杠传动组;LD、LE、LF为连杆;Oj为等效锯切点;l1l2为丝杠长度;l5为连杆LE和夹具铰接点与丝杠E的距离;a为丝杠间距;b为相邻铰接点间距;hY向丝杠M与光杆间距;θ'为夹具结构角;θ31为丝杠D和连杆LD夹角;θ32为丝杠E和连杆LE夹角;θ33为丝杠F和连杆LF夹角。D, E, F, M and N are screw drive modules,LD, LE and LF are connecting-rods,Oj is equivalent sawing point, l1 and l2 are length of screw,l5 is distance from joint that clamp and rod LE to screw E,a is distance between adjacent screw,b is the distance between adjacent joint,h is distance between screw M and polish rod of direction Yθ' is structural angle of clamp,θ31 is included angle between screw D and rod LDθ32 is included angle between screw E and rod LEθ33 is included angle between screw F and rod LF.
    Figure  1.  Diagrammatic sketch of feeding platform
    图  2  支链D结构解析图
    OjXjYj为等效锯切点坐标系;lD4为螺母D初始位置到等效锯切点距离;θ为夹具转角;βde夹角;d为连杆LD和夹具的铰接点与等效锯切点间距离;e为夹具底边中心点与等效锯切点间距离;yD为螺母D初始位置到丝杠D右侧的距离;LD为连杆。OjXjYj is coordinate system of equivalent sawing point,lD4 is distance from nut D initial position to equivalent sawing point,θ is rotation angle of clamp,β is include angle of d and ed is distance from joint of rod LD and clamp to equivalent sawing point,e is distance from center point of clamp’s bottom line to equivalent sawing point,yD is distance from nut D initial position to right of screw D,LD is connection-rod.
    Figure  2.  Analysis of branched chain D


    {lx=x0+l5ly=y0+lEl2El25lD=lD4dcos(β+θ)lD2[adsin(β+θ)]2lE=lE4ecosθlE2(esinθ)2lF=lF4dcos(βθ)lF2[adsin(βθ)]2 (1)


    {θ=arctan(f(x0)),l5=f1(θ)e=f2(θ)=f1(θ)csc(θ)+bsin(θ)d=f3(θ)=(bcosθ)2+(e+bsinθ)2β=f4(θ)=arccos[(bcosθ)/d] (2)


    表  1  夹具转角θl5关系
    Table  1.  Relationship about rotation angle θ of clamp and l5
    l5/mm 147 138 134 123 123 117 110 104
    θ/rad 0.262 0.244 0.227 0.209 0.175 0.140 0.122
    l5/mm 99 95 85 76 65 48 30
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    ddt(T˙qα)Tqα=Qα(α=1,2,3,4,5) (3)



    Js=msϕ28,Jl=mll23,Jj=m(h2+w2)12+ml2d (4)



    {θ31=arccos[(lDcosγq3)/lD]θ32=arccos[(lEq4)/lE]θ33=arccos[(lFcosγq5)/lF] (5)



    {Ts=125α=1Jsα(qαPα)2,Tm=125α=1mα(˙qα)2Tl=125α=3Jlα(˙qαkα)2,Tj=12Jj(k1.54L5˙q4L25+k1.54)2 (6)



    Tqα=5α=1JsαqαPα (7)
    T˙qα=5α=1mα˙qα+5α=3Jlα˙qαkα+Jjk1.54l5l25+k1.54˙q4 (8)


    5α=1mα¨qα+3α=1Jlα¨qα+2kα+Jjk1.54l5l25+k1.54¨q45α=1JsαqαPα=Qα (9)


    θ=arctanJj¨q4k1.542[Qα(5α=1mα¨qα+3α=1Jlα¨qα+2kα5α=1JsαqαPα)] (10)


    图3所示,LD、LE、LF支链连杆(依次为Rod-1、Rod-2、Rod-3)在运动起始阶段杆长变化频繁,出现反复拉压的现象,但经过0.15 s后归于稳定。杆件伸缩量均不超过2.5 mm,属于微小变形。假设伸缩量在[− 2 mm,2 mm]之间变化,测量形变对送料平台末端姿态的变化影响如图4所示,其中Rod-1、Rod-3的误差仅在局部时间段内使平台末端轨迹偏离理想曲线,而Rod-2误差的影响覆盖了末端轨迹全程。但不难发现,杆的伸缩量与末端轨迹误差呈线性关系。

    图  3  LD、LE、LF连杆伸缩−时间曲线图
    Figure  3.  Graphs between time and connecting-rod LD, LE, LF
    图  4  角度调节机构各连杆形变对末端姿态的影响曲线
    Figure  4.  The curve effected to end posture from deformation of each connect-rod of angle adjusting mechanism


    FD=JL1JjLDcosθ31FE=JL2+JjLEcosθ32FF=JL32JjLFcosθ33 (11)



    eLD=JL1JjlDSeLE=JL2+JjlESeLF=JL32JjlFS (12)


    假设螺母位移误差绝对值小于0.5 mm,分析该误差对连杆转角影响如图5(其中支链D、E和F的丝杠简称为丝杠D、丝杠E和丝杠F),图5a5b5c依次为丝杠D、丝杠E、丝杠F的螺母位移误差对连杆转角的影响。很明显较小的位移便能产生较大的转角误差,甚至影响连杆转向,而连杆转角直接影响了末端姿态。依据文献[14]对关节转角误差的分析,考虑到螺旋传动受背隙、摩擦等影响,很难建立一个准确的数学模型,因此为每组丝杠安装尺光栅传感器,用以反馈螺母位置信息,用ls表示,伺服电机自带编码盘作为其位置检测装置,角度用γ表示。于是,丝杠螺母的误差可以表示为esα=lsγαPα/2π,(α=1,2,3,4,5)

    图  5  丝杠传动误差对连杆转角的影响曲线
    Figure  5.  Curves effected to angle of joint rotation from transfer motion error of screw



    图  6  支链D单神经元PID控制器方案
    yi. 输入信号Input signal;yd. 输出信号Output signal;kp. 比例系数Scale factor;ki. 积分系数Integral factor;kd. 微分系数Differential factor;e. 误差Error;u. 补偿后输入信号Input signal after compensation;f. 干扰信号Disturb signal
    Figure  6.  Control strategy of SN-PID of branch D


    u(k)=kp(e(k)e(k1))+kie(k)+kd(e(k)2e(k1)+e(k2)) (13)


    RBF神经网络结构采用三层前向网络。第一层为丝杠位移误差矩阵,即 X=[eα]T,(α=1,2,3,4,5);第二层为隐含层,径向基函数为H=[hα]T,其中hα为高斯基函数,hα=g({{{C}}_{\alpha}} = [{c_{{\alpha}1}},{c_{{\alpha}2}}, \cdots, {c_{{\alpha}m}}]表示网络节点α的高斯基函数中心点,{{b}} = [{b_1},{b_2}, \cdots, {b_m}]表示某个节点的高斯基函数宽度;第三层为输出层,{{{K}}_\alpha } = [{k_{{\rm{p}}\alpha }},{k_{{\rm{i}}\alpha }},{k_{{\rm{d}}\alpha }}],由于PID的3个系数具有不确定性,设不确定项 {f_\alpha }(x) = {{{W}}_\alpha }^T{{{K}}_\alpha }(x) + {\varepsilon _\alpha },其中W为神经网络权值,{{{W}}_\alpha } = {[{W_{\alpha 1}},{W_{\alpha 2}}, \cdots,{W_{\alpha m}}]^T},其中α = 1,2,3,4,5,\varepsilon 为神经网络逼近误差。所以神经网络的输出为 {\bar f_\alpha }(x) = {{{W}}_\alpha }^T{h_\alpha }(x),其中{\bar f_\alpha }(x)为不确定项{f_\alpha }(x)的神经网络系统代替值。


    {{E}}(t) = \frac{1}{2}{[{y_{\rm{i}}}(t) - {y_{\rm{d}}}(t)]^2} (14)


    \Delta {{{w}}_i}(t) = - \eta \frac{{\partial {{E}}}}{{\partial {w_i}}} = \eta ({y_{\rm{i}}}(t) - {y_{\rm{d}}}(t)){h_{\alpha}}\;\;(i=1,2,3,4,5) (15)

    式中:wi为神经网络;权值\eta \in (0,1)为学习速率;hα为径向基函数。

    {{{w}}_{\alpha}}(t) = {{{w}}_{\alpha}}(t - 1) + \Delta {{{w}}_{\alpha}}(t) + \lambda ({{{w}}_{\alpha}}(t - 1) - {{{w}}_{\alpha}}(t - 2)) (16)

    式中:\lambda \in (0,1)为动量因子。


    图  7  Matlab与Adams联合仿真Simulink模型
    error_x、error_y、error_1、error_2和error_3为各螺母位移误差;xylDlElF为各螺母输入位移;output_x、output_y、output_1、output_2和output_3为各螺母输出位移;output_j为夹具输出转角。error_x, error_y, error_1, error_2 and error_3 are errors of displacement of each nut. x, y, lD, lE and lF are input displacement of each nut. output_x, output_y, output_1, output_2 and output_3 are output displacement of each nut. output_j is rotation angle of clamp.
    Figure  7.  Simulink model for simulation through Matlab and Adams

    假设板材加工轨迹可表示为曲线{{y}} = 15\cos (0.1x),为了验证补偿控制的可行性,运用Matlab和Adams联合仿真的方法求解机构各输入、输出曲线。补偿后各螺母位移−时间关系曲线如图8所示,可以看出各位移都在预设行程内。补偿前后,板材加工轨迹曲线如图9所示。从图9中可以看出:经补偿控制后加工轨迹曲线与指令曲线在XY方向最大偏移量不超过1.5 mm。计算其转角误差不大于1.5°,而补偿控制前该偏移量最大为3 mm,角度误差达4.8°。在部分区段,对加工轨迹曲线补偿后,可与指令曲线重合。其中,锯切轨迹在曲线顶峰和低谷区间的误差较大。这是由于在这一曲线段及其类似部分,为使锯与板料达到相切的目的,需要机构夹具的转角达到90°,即夹具需与X轴所在直线垂直。然而机构自身的结构决定该转角无法达到90°,于是锯切该范围曲线时,只能做到近似相切,补偿后,误差虽然较大,但已能满足木工加工精度要求。

    图  8  各轴螺母补偿后位移曲线
    Figure  8.  Curves of each screw nut’s displacement after compensation
    图  9  夹具上一点运动轨迹
    Figure  9.  The trajectory of one point on the clamp

    选用实心细木工板(大芯板)作为试验对象,板材规格为500 mm × 300 mm × 12 mm,采用带锯对其进行锯切试验,带锯机选用MJ344,锯条规格为3 035 mm × 27 mm × 0.9 mm × R4/3。图10a为送料平台样机,其中a = 240 mm,b = 190 mm,LD4 = 240 mm,LE4 = 335 mm,LF4 = 240 mm,c = 300 mm。各丝杠螺距皆为5 mm,L1 = 300 mm,L2 = 550 mm。电机转速ɷ = 30 r/min。送料平台初始位置如图10a所示。测量并绘制锯切轨迹曲线图10b,与指令函数对比可知其最大误差不超过1.5 mm,与仿真结果一致。

    图  10  送料平台试验样机及加工轨迹曲线
    Figure  10.  Model machine of feeding platform and the curve of trajectory

    为提高送料平台末端姿态精度,本文按照拉格朗日法与虚功原理建立机构传递函数,通过对机构进行动力学仿真,分析机构误差来源以及各误差对平台末端姿态准确性的影响,建立相应的误差模型。设计了一种单神经元PID控制算法对平台各驱动位移进行在线补偿。通过仿真分析的方法验证了补偿策略的可行性,并用该方法对试验台进行补偿控制试验,结果表明:文中设计的单神经元PID补偿控制可有效提高送料平台末端姿态的准确性,使其轨迹在XY方向的偏移误差从补偿前的3 mm,降至小于等于1.5 mm,倾斜角误差从补偿前的3.5°降低至1.5°,该误差在木材加工领域属于允许范围。说明文中设计的单神经元PID补偿控制可以提高送料平台送料精准度,为送料平台在木材加工机床的使用方面提供了一种实用的补偿控制方法。

  • 图  1   一种送料平台结构示意图

    D、E、F、M、N为丝杠传动组;LD、LE、LF为连杆;Oj为等效锯切点;l1l2为丝杠长度;l5为连杆LE和夹具铰接点与丝杠E的距离;a为丝杠间距;b为相邻铰接点间距;hY向丝杠M与光杆间距;θ'为夹具结构角;θ31为丝杠D和连杆LD夹角;θ32为丝杠E和连杆LE夹角;θ33为丝杠F和连杆LF夹角。D, E, F, M and N are screw drive modules,LD, LE and LF are connecting-rods,Oj is equivalent sawing point, l1 and l2 are length of screw,l5 is distance from joint that clamp and rod LE to screw E,a is distance between adjacent screw,b is the distance between adjacent joint,h is distance between screw M and polish rod of direction Yθ' is structural angle of clamp,θ31 is included angle between screw D and rod LDθ32 is included angle between screw E and rod LEθ33 is included angle between screw F and rod LF.

    Figure  1.   Diagrammatic sketch of feeding platform

    图  2   支链D结构解析图

    OjXjYj为等效锯切点坐标系;lD4为螺母D初始位置到等效锯切点距离;θ为夹具转角;βde夹角;d为连杆LD和夹具的铰接点与等效锯切点间距离;e为夹具底边中心点与等效锯切点间距离;yD为螺母D初始位置到丝杠D右侧的距离;LD为连杆。OjXjYj is coordinate system of equivalent sawing point,lD4 is distance from nut D initial position to equivalent sawing point,θ is rotation angle of clamp,β is include angle of d and ed is distance from joint of rod LD and clamp to equivalent sawing point,e is distance from center point of clamp’s bottom line to equivalent sawing point,yD is distance from nut D initial position to right of screw D,LD is connection-rod.

    Figure  2.   Analysis of branched chain D

    图  3   LD、LE、LF连杆伸缩−时间曲线图

    Figure  3.   Graphs between time and connecting-rod LD, LE, LF

    图  4   角度调节机构各连杆形变对末端姿态的影响曲线

    Figure  4.   The curve effected to end posture from deformation of each connect-rod of angle adjusting mechanism

    图  5   丝杠传动误差对连杆转角的影响曲线

    Figure  5.   Curves effected to angle of joint rotation from transfer motion error of screw

    图  6   支链D单神经元PID控制器方案

    yi. 输入信号Input signal;yd. 输出信号Output signal;kp. 比例系数Scale factor;ki. 积分系数Integral factor;kd. 微分系数Differential factor;e. 误差Error;u. 补偿后输入信号Input signal after compensation;f. 干扰信号Disturb signal

    Figure  6.   Control strategy of SN-PID of branch D

    图  7   Matlab与Adams联合仿真Simulink模型

    error_x、error_y、error_1、error_2和error_3为各螺母位移误差;xylDlElF为各螺母输入位移;output_x、output_y、output_1、output_2和output_3为各螺母输出位移;output_j为夹具输出转角。error_x, error_y, error_1, error_2 and error_3 are errors of displacement of each nut. x, y, lD, lE and lF are input displacement of each nut. output_x, output_y, output_1, output_2 and output_3 are output displacement of each nut. output_j is rotation angle of clamp.

    Figure  7.   Simulink model for simulation through Matlab and Adams

    图  8   各轴螺母补偿后位移曲线

    Figure  8.   Curves of each screw nut’s displacement after compensation

    图  9   夹具上一点运动轨迹

    Figure  9.   The trajectory of one point on the clamp

    图  10   送料平台试验样机及加工轨迹曲线

    Figure  10.   Model machine of feeding platform and the curve of trajectory

    表  1   夹具转角\theta l5关系

    Table  1   Relationship about rotation angle θ of clamp and l5

    {l_5}/mm 147 138 134 123 123 117 110 104
    θ/rad 0.262 0.244 0.227 0.209 0.175 0.140 0.122
    {l_5}/mm 99 95 85 76 65 48 30
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  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 朱莉,王猛,孟兆新,李博,乔际冰. 基于强化学习的木工送料平台误差控制研究. 林产工业. 2023(11): 38-45 . 百度学术
    2. 孟兆新,郭骐瑞,邢鑫,殷鑫,宋绪秋. 基于数字孪生的并联式曲线送料平台误差分析. 林业机械与木工设备. 2022(02): 28-33 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-05-27
  • 修回日期:  2019-06-23
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