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李晓婷, 马杰, 刘佳, 贾宝全, 姜莎莎

李晓婷, 马杰, 刘佳, 贾宝全, 姜莎莎. 北京六环内校园林木树冠覆盖与森林结构分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 110-118. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190259
引用本文: 李晓婷, 马杰, 刘佳, 贾宝全, 姜莎莎. 北京六环内校园林木树冠覆盖与森林结构分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 110-118. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190259
Li Xiaoting, Ma Jie, Liu Jia, Jia Baoquan, Jiang Shasha. Analysis on tree canopy coverage and forest structure in schools within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 110-118. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190259
Citation: Li Xiaoting, Ma Jie, Liu Jia, Jia Baoquan, Jiang Shasha. Analysis on tree canopy coverage and forest structure in schools within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 110-118. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190259


基金项目: 林业公益性行业科研专项(201404301)

    李晓婷。主要研究方向:城市景观生态。Email:2459024105@qq.com  地址:100091北京市海淀区香山路东小府一号


    贾宝全,博士生导师。主要研究方向:城市景观生态。Email:jiabaoquan2006@163.com  地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S731.8; Q14; X32

Analysis on tree canopy coverage and forest structure in schools within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing

  • 摘要:
    方法本论文以2013年北京城区0.5 m分辨率的World -View- 2卫星影像以及树冠覆盖栅格与矢量图为数据源,对北京市六环内984所学校校园林木树冠覆盖率进行统计;并随机抽取了126所学校,对其城市森林结构进行典型样地调查,记录调查样地内乔灌木植物种类、胸径(乔木)或地径(灌木)、树高、冠幅指标,据此进行校园森林群落结构分析。
    结果大学、中学、小学树冠覆盖率分别为31.91%、16.52%、17.08%,潜在树冠覆盖率分别为4.81%、0.62%、0.42%。学校整体物种丰富度指数(R)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Pielou指数(J)分别为6.30、1.55、0.91,大学新校区物种多样性低于老校区。校园内树木平均胸径、冠幅和树高分别为23.93 cm、6.02 m和7.80 m。
    结论北京市校园森林群落林木树冠覆盖低于北京市整体林木树冠覆盖水平,且潜在绿化空间不足。大学物种丰富度高于中小学,同类校园内部物种多样性差异也较大,校园绿化水平参差不齐。胸径在10 ~ 20 cm,冠幅在4 ~ 6 m以及树高在5 ~ 10 m等级的青、壮年树木在学校城市森林中的数量占比最多,树冠自然扩展的潜力较强,是今后提高校园林木树冠覆盖的后备力量。校园城市森林树冠覆盖率,树冠覆盖斑块大小,树木胸径平均值均与校园面积显著正相关。
    ObjectiveCampus is the main activity area for youth groups.This article aims to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for further enriching the connotation of urban forests and improving the quality of school greening in the future by exploring the quantity and quality of urban forest in the school. At the same time, it is hoped that the construction of campus urban forest and the expansion of urban forest function will be paid more attention to in order to truly meet the needs of urban youth groups.
    MethodThis paper analyses the urban tree canopy (UTC) in 984 schools within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing. Analysis was made based on World-View-2 remote sensing images with a resolution of 0.5 m in 2013 and the tree canopy coverage grid and vector map. In addition, 126 schools were randomly selected and their urban forest structure was investigated by field sampling.The survey included tree species, DBH, tree height and crown width.
    ResultThe results showed that the existing urban tree canopy rate (EUTCR) of universities, high schools and primary schools were 31.91%, 16.52% and 17.08%, respectively, and the potential urban tree canopy rates (PUTCR) were 4.81%, 0.62% and 0.42%, respectively. The species richness index (R), Shannon-Wiener index (H) and Pielou index (J) were 6.30, 1.55 and 0.91, respectively. The species diversity of new campus was lower than that of old campus; the average DBH, crown width and tree height in the school were 23.93 cm, 6.02 m and 7.80 m, respectively.
    ConclusionThe EUTCR in school was lower than the average level in Beijing urban area, and PUTCR in school was insufficient.The species richness of universities was higher than that of primary and high schools, and the species diversity of same kind of schools was also quite different.There were many young and middle-aged trees with DBH of 10−20 cm, crown width of 4−6 m and tree height of 5−10 m in the school, showing that the potential of natural expansion of tree canopy was strong, and it is a reserve force to improve the EUTCR in the future. In addition, our study also shows that the EUTCR, the size of tree canopy patches, and the average DBH of trees are significantly positively correlated with the school area.
  • 图  1   北京六环内全部学校与学校抽样点分布图

    Figure  1.   Distribution map of the schools and sampling school points within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing

    图  2   不同类别校园林木树冠覆盖等级分布

    Figure  2.   Coverage level distribution of forest canopy in different kinds of schools

    图  3   校园城市森林空间结构特征

    Figure  3.   Spatial structure characteristics of school urban forests

    图  4   校园面积与林木树冠面积关系

    Figure  4.   Relations between campus area and forest canopy area

    表  1   乔木胸径、冠幅、树高分级

    Table  1   Grading standards of arbor DBH, crown width and tree height

    Grade No.
    DBH class/cm
    Tree height (H) class/m
    Crown width (G) class/m
    1DBH < 10H < 5G < 2
    210 ≤ DBH < 205 ≤ H < 102 ≤ G < 4
    320 ≤ DBH < 3010 ≤ H < 154 ≤ G < 6
    430 ≤ DBH < 4015 ≤ H < 206 ≤ G < 8
    540 ≤ DBH < 50H ≥ 208 ≤ G < 10
    6DBH ≥ 50G ≥ 10
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    表  2   校园林木树冠覆盖等级统计

    Table  2   Statistical analysis in levels of school tree canopy coverage

    Severe low coverage level
    Low coverage level
    Medium coverage level
    High coverage level
    Severe high coverage level
    Coverage range/%
    < 1.5 1.5 ~ 12.012.0 ~ 22.522.5 ~ 33.0 ≥ 33.0
    Total number
    Rate to total number/%
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    表  3   UTC斑块规模数量分布比例

    Table  3   Distribution pattern of UTC patches in different school categories %

    Small patch
    (≤ 500 m2)
    Medium patch
    (500 ~ 2 000 m2)
    Large patch
    (2 000 ~ 10 000 m2)
    Extra large patch
    (10 000 ~ 50 000 m2)
    Huge patch
    (> 50 000 m2)
    大学 University77.7615.115.521.400.21
    中学 High school84.0613.032.820.090.00
    小学 Primary school87.2210.791.860.130.00
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    表  4   大学校园人均UTC分级

    Table  4   Distribution of per capita UTC in university campus

    ≤ 2 m22 ~ 5 m25 ~ 10 m210 ~ 15 m215 ~ 20 m2> 20 m2总计 Total
    学校数量 School number15122142458
    学校数量占比 Proportion of school/%25.8620.6936.216.903.456.90100
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    表  5   校园城市森林各项多样性指数

    Table  5   Diversity indexes of urban forests in different school categories

    Richness index (R)
    Shannon-Wiener index (H)
    Pielou index (J)
    Coefficient of variation
    Coefficient of variation
    Coefficient of variation
    大学 University8.900.351.930.220.910.04
    中学 High school6.700.491.590.330.870.20
    小学 Primary school6.100.541.520.350.920.09
    全部学校 Total school6.300.531.550.350.910.11
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    表  6   校园城市森林乔木平均水平

    Table  6   Average level of urban forest trees in different school categories

    Average crown width/m
    Average tree height/m
    High school
    Primary school
    Total school
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    表  7   新旧校区各项指标比较

    Table  7   Comparison in each index between old and new campuses

    index (R)
    index (H)
    index (J)
    Existing canopy
    coverage (EUTCR)/%
    Potential canopy
    coverage (PUTCR)/%
    老校区 Old campus5.421.460.9030.790.00
    新校区 New campus4.911.200.7427.760.08
    差值 D-value− 0.51 − 0.26 − 0.16 − 3.030.08
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