

    Construction of biodiversity protection value model for forest based on habitat quality

    • 摘要:
      结果(1)福建省生境质量分布整体呈现内北高南低、内陆高沿海低和自然保护区高非自然保护区低的态势。(2)福建主要植被类型的平均生境质量按大小排序为针阔混交林 > 竹林 > 阔叶混交林 > 阔叶林 > 灌丛 > 针叶林 > 经济林。(3)调整后栎类和栲类的物种单位面积保育价值最高,为3.58万元/hm2,调整后各优势树种(组)的物种保育总值中阔叶混交林价值最高,为658.42亿元,构建模型核算的福建省森林生物多样性保育价值为2 056.39亿元。


      ObjectiveThe traditional forest biodiversity conservation value lacks the unified evaluation standard, which is not convenient for comparison of results. At present, the models of the species protection value mainly calculate the current protection value of forests by the richness of forest, but do not consider the potential impacts of the types of land use on the growth process of tree species, they cannot measure the long-term protection value of forests. In recent years, new theories of biodiversity value evaluation have been gradually improved, but the method which is suitable for assessing the protection value of forest biodiversity has not yet existed.
      MethodWe calculated and graded the habitat quality by analyzing the land use in Fujian Province of southern China and firstly proposed the adjustment coefficient of habitat quality. The biodiversity conservation value model of forest based on the habitat quality was constructed by the geographical correspondence between habitat quality and forest distribution (HQ-BPV model), it integrated the impact of land use into the assessment of forest biodiversity protection value of Fujian Province.
      Result(1) The distribution of habitat quality in Fujian Province is generally high in the north and low in the south, high in the inland and low in the coastal areas, and low in the nature reserves and non-nature reserves. (2) The average habitat quality of the main plant types in Fujian Province was ranked in the descending order and be presented as theropencedrymion > bamboo forest > broadleaved mixed forest > broadleaved forest > bushwood > coniferous forest > economic forest. (3) After adjustment, the species of Quercus spp. and Castanopsis spp. had the highest protection value per unit area, which was 35 800 CNY/ha, the broadleaved mixed forest had the highest protection value, which was 65 842 million CNY by comparing with each dominant tree species (set), the total biodiversity conservation value of the forest in Fujian Province was 205.639 billion CNY.
      ConclusionHQ-BPV model is constructed based on the habitat quality index, which can quantify the impact of land use for evaluating the protection value of forest biodiversity in Fujian Province. It provides new ideas for the protection value accounting of forest biodiversity and is useful for the forest resource monitoring and the structure optimization.


