Objective This paper aims to predict the global potential distributing area and analyze the ecological features of different suitable areas for introduction and cultivation management measures of Moringa oleifera.
Method We predicted the potential distribution area by Maxent according to the 500 distribution points of M. oleifera, and analyzed the ecological features based on the environmental variables in different time scales and corresponding statistical method.
Result M. oleifera was widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. In the northern hemisphere, it is mainly distributed in South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa. In the southern hemisphere, it is largely located in South Africa, South America. The variables affecting its geographical distribution were six climate factors, including three extreme temperature indicators (mean temperature of the coldest quarter (bio11), min. temperature of the coldest month (bio6) and mean temperature of the warmest quarter (bio10)); SD of temperature seasonality (bio4) indicating the temperature variation amplitude; mean temperature of the wettest quarter (bio8) denoting the hydrothermal synchronization; precipitation of the wettest quarter (bio16) representing the extreme moisture condition.
Conclusion The potential distribution areas for M. oleifera were mainly located from north of 32°N to south of 29°S. Temperature is the main affecting environmental factor for M. oleifera distribution.