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张加龙, 胥辉

张加龙, 胥辉. 基于遥感的高山松连清固定样地地上生物量估测模型构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(7): 1-11. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190394
引用本文: 张加龙, 胥辉. 基于遥感的高山松连清固定样地地上生物量估测模型构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(7): 1-11. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190394
Zhang Jialong, Xu Hui. Establishment of remote sensing based model to estimate the aboveground biomass of Pinus densata for permanent sample plots from national forestry inventory[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(7): 1-11. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190394
Citation: Zhang Jialong, Xu Hui. Establishment of remote sensing based model to estimate the aboveground biomass of Pinus densata for permanent sample plots from national forestry inventory[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(7): 1-11. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190394


基金项目: 林业公益性行业科研专项(201404309),云南省唐守正院士专家工作站(2018IC066),云南省王广兴专家工作站(2018IC100),国家自然科学基金项目(31770677、31860207)

    张加龙,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:森林生物量遥感估测。 地址:650024 云南省昆明市盘龙区白龙路300号西南林业大学林学院


    胥辉,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:森林测计。 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S758.5

Establishment of remote sensing based model to estimate the aboveground biomass of Pinus densata for permanent sample plots from national forestry inventory

  • 摘要:
      目的  研究利用遥感方法构建高山松固定样地地上生物量估测的参数模型,可以在今后前期样地的基础上直接快速、准确地估测生物量,或者开展少量的外业调查即可获取地上生物量。
      方法  基于遥感因子与样地地上生物量变化量和线性混合模型提高生物量估测精度,以香格里拉市1987、1992、1997、2002、2007、2012、2017年7期国家森林资源清查固定样地和对应年份Landsat TM、OLI的Level-1数据为基础,首先对遥感数据进行预处理:包括辐射定标、大气校正、几何校正和地形校正,提取原始波段、比值因子、植被指数、图像增强信息、纹理指数、混合像元分解后的丰度、叶面积指数,计算5 ~ 30年间隔样地对应的遥感因子变化值。根据森林资源二类调查的高山松分布特征,选择地形因子作为线性混合模型的固定和随机效应,采用多元线性回归、非线性回归、地理加权回归、线性混合模型构建高山松地上生物量估测的静态模型,基于遥感光谱信息变化量构建了有树高和无树高参与的动态模型。最后对不同的建模方法和验证结果进行对比分析,选择最优结果作为估测模型并验证。
      结果  (1)分析静态数据建模和验证的结果,采用样地号为固定因子、坡度等级为随机因子的线性混合模型的拟合R2最高,为0.75;但利用训练数据集和2017年数据验证,其精度都较低。(2)分析变化量数据建模和验证的结果,采用样地号为固定因子、坡度等级为随机因子、遥感因子变化量为自变量的线性混合模型拟合R2最高,为0.70,预测精度P值为(68.86 ± 11.93)%;增加平均树高变化量,拟合R2最高为0.79,预测P值为(73.39 ± 6.18)%。(3)无论是有、还是无树高参与的变化量模型其拟合和预测精度都达到80%,其预测精度达到了非参数模型预测精度。
      结论  基于变化量的估测模型的拟合和预测精度较静态模型有所提高;综合遥感因子、地形因子构建的高山松地上生物量估测线性混合模型,其精度有较大提高;采用遥感因子变化量构建的高山松地上生物量估测模型,有效弥补了静态光学遥感数据估测生物量的不足,经检验可用于其他年期的估测。
      Objective  This study aims to establish a remote sensing based parametric model for estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) of Pinus densata for permanent sample plots, which can be used for rapid and accurate biomass estimation in the future with previous sample plots, or obtaining biomass quickly with less field work.
      Method  Based on the change of remote sensing images and permanent sample plots, linear mixed model was used to improve the accuracy of biomass estimation. Based on the permanent sample plots in the 7 survey years of 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017 from the national forest inventory and corresponding years of Landsat TM and OLI images, firstly the images were preprocessed including radiometric correction, atmospheric correction, geometric correction and topographic correction. The original bands, ratio factors, vegetation indices, image enhancement information, textures, fraction after spectral mixture analysis, leaf area index were extracted. Then, the changes of remote sensing spectral variables were derived. According to the distribution of Pinus densata from the forest management inventory, the topographic factors were selected as the fixed and random effects for the linear mixed model. The multiple linear regression, non-linear regression, geographically weighted regression, and linear mixed model were used to establish the static models of the AGB estimation for Pinus densata. The change models with and without tree height participation were developed based on the change of remote sensing spectral variables. Finally, the different modeling and validation results were compared and validated, and the optimal results were selected as the estimation model and validated.
      Result  (1) Comparing the static data for modeling and validation, the linear mixed model with the plot number as fixed effect and the slope grade as random effect got the highest R2 of 0.75. The prediction result showed that either using the remaining 20 training datasets or the observed data in the year of 2017 for validation, the prediction accuracy was low. (2) Comparing the change data for modeling and validation, the linear mixed model with the plot number as fixed factor, slope grade as random factor and remote sensing change factors as independent variables performed the best with R2 of 0.70, the predicted P value was (68.86 ± 11.93)%. When increasing the change of average tree height, the fitting R2 was 0.79, the P value was (73.39 ± 6.18)%. (3) The change model with or without the participation of tree height got a fitting and prediction accuracy of 80%, and its prediction accuracy reached the prediction accuracy of non-parametric models.
      Conclusion  The accuracy of fitting and prediction based on the change variables is improved compared with the static model. The accuracy for estimating AGB of Pinus densata has been greatly improved with linear mixed model, remote sensing and topographic factors. The developed model of estimating the AGB of Pinus densata with remote sensing change factors has effectively compensated the deficiency of the static optical images, and it can be used for estimation of other years after validation.
  • 樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)隶属于松科(Pinaceae)松属(Pinus),是欧洲赤松(P. sylvestris)的一个变种,该树种抗旱、耐寒、耐瘠薄、防风固沙、适应性强,能够在降水量低、土壤贫瘠的沙土上顽强生长,是我国北方干旱和半干旱沙区防风固沙和水土保持的重要树种[1-4]。自1964年樟子松在陕西榆林红石峡引种栽培成功后[5],经过几十年的推广造林,已成为毛乌素沙区防风固沙造林的常用树种,对陕北沙区生态环境的改善发挥了重要作用[6-8]。营建樟子松种子园的主要目的是为造林绿化和林业生产提供遗传和品质优良的种子[6],随着樟子松母树年龄和树体高度的增加,采种难度也随之增加,树冠中上部的优质种子难以采收,导致种子质量参差不齐,严重影响了种子的产量和质量[9-10]。因此,矮化樟子松母树已成为沙区樟子松种子园亟待解决的技术问题之一,对种子园母树优质高产和科学管理具有重要意义。

    关于种子园母树矮化和结实方面的研究,国内外已有大量报道。地中海白松(P. halepensis[11]、欧洲赤松[12]、火炬松(P. taeda[13]、辐射松(P. radiate[14-16]、红松(P. koraiensis[17-18]、油松(P. tabulaeformis[19]、长白落叶松(Larix olgensis[20]、杏仁桉(Eucalyptus regnans[21]经过修剪、摘心、截冠等矮化处理后,结实量和种子品质均有所提高。洪永辉等[22-23]和谭小梅等[24]对马尾松二代种子园内的61个无性系母树进行截干处理,发现马尾松母树经过处理后分枝角变大,枝下高降低,冠幅增加,侧枝结果率、球果产量和籽粒质量均提高,采种成本大幅度下降。黄开勇等[25]对杉木种子园大龄母树进行截杆矮化处理,发现大多数杉木无性系母树截杆处理后种子产量明显提高,种子质量明显改善。戴俊等[26]研究发现杉木种子园内经截杆处理后的大部分无性系母树种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数明显提高,且用其种子繁殖的子代苗木地径和苗高均显著高于未截杆处理母树种子繁殖的子代苗木。


    研究区设在陕西省榆林市樟子松种子园(109°46′02″ ~ 109°46′30″E、38°09′06″ ~ 38°09′27″N),位于榆林市城南约15.2 km处,地处毛乌素沙地南缘与黄土丘陵区过渡地带,平均海拔1 024 m。该种子园为西北地区最大的樟子松种子园,属温带半干旱大陆性季风气候,园内年平均气温8.1 ~ 10.7 ℃,极端低温− 32.7 ℃,极端高温38.6 ℃,年平均降水量432 mm,降水主要集中于7—9月,蒸发量大于1 900 mm,年平均风速5.1 m/s,最大风速为28.1 m/s。土壤为沙土和盖沙黄土,通透性好,有机质含量低,为0.32% ~ 0.54%,pH值为6.9 ~ 7.6。研究样地内主要植物有角茴香(Hypecoum erectum)、虎尾草(Chloris virgata)、角蒿(Incarvillea sinensis)、沙打旺(Astragalus adsurgens)、醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)。目前樟子松种子园内有68个无性系母树,主要源自内蒙古红花尔基天然樟子松林和榆林当地。研究区域内有18个樟子松无性系,树龄均为24年,平均胸径17.16 cm,平均冠幅4.69 m,定植密度5.0 m × 5.0 m。

    2016年3月8日至3月11日,对研究区内的18个樟子松无性系母树,按照冠幅不超过10 cm、树高不超过20 cm和胸径不超过1.5 cm的标准,每个无性系挑选出6株樟子松母树用于试验,每个无性系随机选取3株母树进行截冠处理,截去顶部3轮枝,余下的轮枝在每枝距离树干2/3处进行拉枝垂吊处理,并以相同无性系未截冠母树作为对照,截冠处理与未截冠处理的母树均采用相同的抚育管理措施,每年进行正常的施肥和人工除草各1次。


    数据采用Excel 2016和DPS 17.1软件进行处理。对截冠处理母树和未截冠处理母树的各项指标进行统计分析,出籽率(SY)、截冠处理母树各指标相对于未截冠处理母树单个无性系的增益值(Gn)及平均增益值(GA)按照如下公式计算。

    SY=P/C×100%, (1)


    Gn=(AnBn)/Bn×100% (2)


    GA=(G1+G2+G3+Gn)/n×100% (3)



    以截冠处理的18个无性系樟子松母树作为一个样本,以未截冠相对应系号樟子松母树作为另一个样本,进行配对t检验,截冠处理母树与未截冠母树各产量指标的t检验结果见表1。从表1可知,截冠处理母树与未截冠处理母树的单果质量和单株球果质量2个产量指标没有显著性差异(P > 0.05),说明截冠处理对单果质量和单株球果质量影响不显著。樟子松母树的单株种子质量和出籽率在截冠处理与对照之间存在显著差异(P < 0.05),说明截冠处理对种子产量具有显著影响。

    表  1  截冠处理母树与未截冠母树各产量指标的配对t检验结果
    Table  1.  Comparing sample t-test results on yield index of mother trees under top pruning and non-top pruning
    产量指标 Yield index   均值 Mean标准差 Standard deviationtt value自由度 dfPP value
    单果质量 Single cone mass − 1.022 5.286 0.820 17 0.423 3
    单株球果质量 Cone mass per tree − 43.41 688.228 0.268 17 0.792 2
    单株种子质量 Seed mass per tree − 5.448 10.492 2.203 17 0.041 7
    出籽率 Seed-production rate − 0.408 0.595 2.910 17 0.009 8
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    截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树的球果产量增益分析见表2。截冠处理后樟子松母树无性系单果质量增益值在− 62.41% ~ 235.04%之间,平均增益值为24.86%。其中10个无性系母树单果质量为正增益(1、6、28、47、29、13、60、46、34、21),其余8个无性系母树单果质量为负增益。樟子松壮龄母树无性系单株球果质量的增益值在− 61.82% ~ 189.47%之间,平均增益值为23.82%。7个无性系母树单株球果质量为正增益(1、6、47、29、60、34、21),11个无性系母树单株球果质量为负增益。从平均增益值来看,截冠后樟子松壮龄母树球果产量呈增长状态,说明截冠在一定程度上能提高樟子松壮龄母树球果产量。

    表  2  截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树的球果产量增益分析
    Table  2.  Gain analysis on cone yield of aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica mother trees after top pruning
    Clone No.
    Top pruning treatment
    Gain value of cone yield of single clone after top pruning/%
    Single cone mass/g
    Cone mass per tree/g
    Single cone mass/g
    Cone mass per tree/g
    Single cone mass
    Cone mass per tree
    51 9.16 541.43 7.88 533.10 − 13.97 − 1.54
    11 7.13 374.93 4.53 281.21 − 36.47 − 25.00
    5 7.99 1 140.72 7.24 733.75 − 9.39 − 35.68
    7 9.28 1 608.56 7.22 1 265.94 − 22.20 − 21.30
    1 6.45 1 308.45 21.61 3 527.86 235.04 169.62
    53 11.14 1 412.40 7.36 539.27 − 33.93 − 61.82
    6 6.09 634.09 9.63 1 085.75 58.13 71.23
    28 5.49 693.81 6.31 639.31 14.94 − 7.86
    47 5.92 190.58 15.72 456.31 165.54 139.43
    29 6.5 1 473.43 10.10 1 750.91 55.38 18.83
    13 9.61 1 680.89 11.03 1 659.67 14.78 − 1.26
    38 8.61 1 728.75 6.68 1 198.34 − 22.42 − 30.68
    60 5.21 585.68 9.10 1 275.45 74.66 117.77
    46 6.23 1 508.47 6.32 1 039.56 1.44 − 31.09
    30 13.54 1 301.56 5.09 761.10 − 62.41 − 41.52
    40 8.29 1 002.52 4.80 526.41 − 42.10 − 47.49
    34 9.00 1 560.54 11.47 1 993.02 27.44 27.71
    21 4.54 137.91 6.49 399.21 42.95 189.47
    Average gain value
    / / / / 24.86 23.82
    注:“/”代表此项内容不存在。下同。Notes:“/” represents this content non-existents.The same below.
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    截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树种子产量的增益分析见表3。截冠处理后樟子松单株种子质量的增益值在− 65.94% ~ 273.26%之间,其中仅有3个樟子松无性系单株种子质量为负增益(28、38、53),其余15个无性系为正增益。种子出籽率也出现了类似的结果,樟子松种子出籽率的增益值在− 39.33% ~191.38%之间,5个无性系母树种子出籽率为负增益(1、30、38、53、60),其余13个无性系为正增益。单株种子质量的平均增益值是81.38%,出籽率的平均增益值是55.94%,说明截冠处理能提高樟子松壮龄母树种子产量。

    表  3  截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树种子产量增益分析
    Table  3.  Gain analysis on seed yield of aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica mother trees after top pruning
    Clone No.
    Top pruning treatment
    Gain value of seed yield of single clone after top pruning/%
    Seed mass per tree/g
    Seed-production rate/%
    Seed mass per tree/g
    Seed-production rate/%
    Seed mass per tree
    51 5.11 0.94 10.88 2.04 112.92 117.02
    11 3.80 1.01 13.14 1.12 245.79 10.89
    5 9.19 0.81 16.85 2.30 83.35 183.95
    7 22.36 1.39 22.42 1.77 0.27 27.34
    1 13.05 1.00 30.61 0.87 134.56 − 13.00
    53 15.21 1.08 5.18 0.96 − 65.94 − 11.11
    6 4.86 0.77 16.31 1.5 235.6 94.81
    28 11.66 1.68 11.04 1.73 − 5.32 2.98
    47 4.77 0.6 7.97 1.09 67.09 81.67
    29 20.19 1.37 29.48 1.68 46.01 22.63
    13 21.36 1.27 33.17 2.00 55.29 57.48
    38 41.35 2.39 17.43 1.45 − 57.85 − 39.33
    60 8.34 1.42 14.93 1.17 79.02 − 17.61
    46 17.26 1.14 19.63 1.89 13.73 65.79
    30 16.08 1.24 19.35 1.23 20.34 − 0.81
    40 12.98 1.29 19.96 1.89 53.78 46.51
    34 9.05 0.58 33.78 1.69 273.26 191.38
    21 7.26 0.51 19.82 1.46 173.00 186.27
    Average gain value/%
    / / / / 81.38 55.94
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    截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树球果大小的影响见表4。从增益值分析可知,截冠后樟子松壮龄母树球果的平均短径增益值在− 29.36% ~ 42.23%之间,平均增益值为− 0.25%,其中有11个无性系为正增益,7个无性系为负增益。截冠后樟子松壮龄母树球果的平均长径增益值在− 31.59% ~ 43.31%之间,平均增益值为1.37%,其中有7个无性系为正增益,11个无性系为负增益。表5为截冠处理与未截冠处理母树的球果大小指标的配对t检验结果,不难看出,截冠处理与对照母树的球果长径和球果短径均无显著差异(P > 0.05),说明截冠对樟子松壮龄母树球果大小的影响不显著。

    表  4  截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树球果大小的影响
    Table  4.  Effects of top pruning on cone size of aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica mother trees
    Clone No.
    Top pruning treatment
    Gain value of cone size of single clone after top pruning/%
    Cone short diameter/mm
    Cone long diameter/mm
    Cone short diameter/mm
    Cone long diameter/mm
    Cone short
    Cone long
    51 19.17 ± 0.30 45.77 ± 1.72 19.81 ± 0.39 42.22 ± 1.43 3.34 -7.75
    11 18.51 ± 0.16 40.21 ± 1.20 16.10 ± 0.75 35.78 ± 0.30 − 13.00 − 11.02
    5 18.69 ± 0.57 42.66 ± 1.42 19.07 ± 0.45 35.84 ± 2.37 2.05 − 15.99
    7 20.37 ± 0.62 45.18 ± 1.21 18.44 ± 0.14 43.86 ± 2.65 − 9.46 − 2.92
    1 18.51 ± 0.55 35.45 ± 1.23 20.60 ± 0.07 38.31 ± 1.33 11.29 8.07
    53 17.34 ± 0.67 47.49 ± 0.12 18.43 ± 0.50 40.58 ± 0.95 6.29 − 14.54
    6 20.60 ± 0.07 38.13 ± 1.33 19.73 ± 0.27 45.19 ± 1.61 − 4.22 18.52
    28 21.18 ± 0.47 31.94 ± 2.21 17.61 ± 0.22 35.92 ± 1.59 − 16.86 12.45
    47 16.28 ± 0.61 40.08 ± 3.85 23.16 ± 0.41 57.44 ± 1.23 42.23 43.31
    29 19.02 ± 0.20 35.32 ± 1.49 20.11 ± 0.98 40.80 ± 1.04 5.73 15.53
    13 21.91 ± 0.44 43.40 ± 2.69 22.49 ± 0.73 36.11 ± 2.86 2.65 − 16.8
    38 23.91 ± 0.46 40.94 ± 1.51 16.89 ± 0.28 34.57 ± 1.73 − 29.36 − 15.56
    60 16.58 ± 0.70 29.48 ± 3.56 19.36 ± 0.30 41.77 ± 2.52 16.74 41.71
    46 17.33 ± 0.41 40.45 ± 2.75 17.68 ± 0.51 37.08 ± 1.31 2.02 − 8.34
    30 16.58 ± 1.21 51.69 ± 2.73 17.66 ± 0.43 35.36 ± 2.29 6.51 − 31.59
    40 20.65 ± 0.17 36.50 ± 1.99 16.14 ± 0.88 35.50 ± 0.86 − 21.83 − 2.74
    34 20.68 ± 0.29 42.58 ± 1.81 22.60 ± 0.48 52.22 ± 1.77 9.27 22.64
    21 21.94 ± 0.39 33.54 ± 2.12 18.01 ± 0.30 32.80 ± 0.50 − 17.9 − 2.22
    Average gain value
    / / / / − 0.25 1.37
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    表  5  截冠处理母树与未截冠母树球果大小指标的配对t检验结果
    Table  5.  Comparing sample t-test results on cone size index of mother trees under top pruning and non-top pruning
     球果大小指标 Cone size index均值 Mean标准差 Standard deviationtt value自由度 dfPP value
    球果短径 Cone short diameter 0.297 8 3.201 0.395 17 0.698 0
    球果长径 Cone long diameter − 0.030 0 8.227 0.016 17 0.987 8
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    截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树种子质量的影响见表6,对增益值进行分析可知,樟子松母树无性系截冠后种子千粒质量增益值范围为− 41.8% ~ 68.60%,平均增益值为7.43%,其中仅有6个负增益(5、7、11、28、38、51),其余12个都为正增益;单个无性系截冠后种子优良度增益值为6.25% ~ 45.00%之间,平均增益值为24.96%,且优良度增益全为正增益。截冠处理母树与未截冠母树的种子质量指标的配对t检验结果(见表7),截冠处理母树与对照母树种子千粒质量无显著差异(P > 0.05),截冠处理与对照母树种子优良度有显著差异(P < 0.05),截冠处理对种子千粒质量无明显影响,对种子优良度有明显影响。说明截冠处理可以提高樟子松母树种子质量。

    表  6  截冠处理对樟子松壮龄母树种子质量的影响
    Table  6.  Effects of top pruning on seed quality of aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica mother trees
    Clone No.
    Top pruning treatment
    Gain value of seed quality of single clone after top pruning/%
    Thousand seed mass/g
    Seed soundness /%
    Thousand seed mass/g
    Seed soundness/%
    Thousand seed
    Seed soundness
    51 10.48 ± 0.02 45 ± 1.28 8.72 ± 0.02 54 ± 1.56 − 16.79 20.00
    11 9.45 ± 0.07 48 ± 1.35 7.95 ± 0.04 55 ± 1.78 − 15.87 14.58
    5 7.89 ± 0.04 55 ± 1.02 7.04 ± 0.04 62 ± 1.87 − 10.77 12.73
    7 8.36 ± 0.06 54 ± 1.32 6.11 ± 0.07 67 ± 1.71 − 26.91 24.07
    1 9.10 ± 0.08 44 ± 1.09 13.2 ± 0.03 57 ± 2.43 45.05 29.55
    53 7.04 ± 0.08 49 ± 1.43 9.57 ± 0.01 62 ± 2.10 35.94 26.53
    6 7.42 ± 0.06 55 ± 1.52 8.50 ± 0.04 61 ± 1.37 14.56 10.91
    28 7.56 ± 0.13 47 ± 1.76 4.40 ± 0.04 57 ± 1.56 − 41.80 21.28
    47 7.62 ± 0.05 38 ± 1.24 9.86 ± 0.01 53 ± 1.62 29.40 39.47
    29 5.86 ± 0.06 40 ± 1.31 9.88 ± 0.02 58 ± 2.02 68.60 45.00
    13 8.83 ± 0.03 51 ± 1.27 11.13 ± 0.03 61 ± 1.74 26.05 19.61
    38 9.73 ± 0.03 48 ± 1.42 7.39 ± 0.06 51 ± 2.48 − 24.05 6.25
    60 7.18 ± 0.08 38 ± 1.24 7.90 ± 0.03 50 ± 1.91 10.03 31.58
    46 8.85 ± 0.11 41 ± 1.44 8.96 ± 0.02 53 ± 2.13 1.24 29.27
    30 7.96 ± 0.03 39 ± 1.09 8.03 ± 0.02 53 ± 1.53 0.88 35.90
    40 7.75 ± 0.03 53 ± 1.53 8.86 ± 0.01 59 ± 1.41 14.32 11.32
    34 6.41 ± 0.06 47 ± 1.43 7.69 ± 0.04 66 ± 2.66 19.97 40.43
    21 7.84 ± 0.03 52 ± 1.47 8.15 ± 0.03 68 ± 1.73 3.95 30.77
    Average gain value
    / / / / 7.43 24.96
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    表  7  截冠处理与未截冠母树种子质量指标的配对t检验结果
    Table  7.  Comparing sample t-test results on seed quality index of mother trees under top pruning and non-top pruning
      种子质量指标 Seed quality index均值 Mean标准差 Standard deviationtt value自由度 dfPP value
    种子千粒质量 Thousand seed mass − 0.445 2.133 0.885 17 0.388 5
    种子优良度 Seed soundness − 11.278 4.390 10.900 17 0.000 1
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  • 图  1   研究区及连清高山松固定样地分布图

    Figure  1.   Research area and distribution of Pinus densata of permanent sample plots from national forestry inventory

    图  2   多元回归分析拟合精度对比

    Figure  2.   Accuracy comparison of modeling with multiple regression analysis

    表  1   固定样地调查次数统计

    Table  1   Statistics of investigation time of permanent sample plots

    样地编号 Sample plot No.162172183200212214255293298342371192306345
    调查次数 Investigation time77777777777666
    样地编号 Sample plot No.346231285165180300325365236199211232245
    调查次数 Investigation time6554444321111
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    表  2   获取的研究区Landsat Level-1 影像

    Table  2   Collected images of Landsat Level-1 in the research area

    Investigation year
    Cloud cover/%
    2017 LC08_L1TP_132040_20171216_20171224_01_T1 2017−12−16 0.78
    LC08_L1TP_132041_20171216_20171224_01_T1 2017−12−16 0.45
    LC08_L1TP_131041_20171225_20180103_01_T1 2017−12−25 0.30
    2012 LT51320412011286BKT00 2011−10−13 19.52
    LT51320402011014BKT00 2011−01−14 18.15
    LT51310412011007BKT00 2011−01−07 0.22
    2007 LT51310412007060BJC00 2007−03−01 1.00
    LT51320402007003BJC01 2007−01−03 23.00
    LT51320412006288BJC00 2006−10−15 15.00
    2002 LT51310412002302BJC00 2002−10−29 0.13
    LT51320402002005BJC00 2002−01−05 0.15
    LT51320412002005BJC00 2002−01−05 2.80
    1997 LT51310411997320BKT01 1997−11−16 7.00
    LT51320401997279BKT00 1997−10−06 16.00
    LT51320411997311BKT00 1997−11−07 4.00
    1992 LT51310411991320BKT00 1991−11−16 8.05
    LT51320401991311BKT00 1991−11−07 2.44
    LT51320411991311BKT00 1991−11−07 5.24
    1987 LT51320411987364BKT00 1987−12−30 10.60
    LT51320401987364BKT00 1987−12−30 23.89
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    表  3   遥感光谱变量

    Table  3   Remote sensing spectral variables

    类型 Type变量及方法 Variable and method
    Original single band
    Vegetation index of simple band ratio[3335]
    B43 = B4/B3,B42 = B4/B2,B54 = B5/B4,B3Albedo = B3/(B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B7),B437 = B4 × B3/B7
    Vegetation index[3637]
    NDVI = (B4 − B3)/(B4 + B3),ND32 = (B3 − B2)/(B2 + B3),ND54 = (B5 − B4)/(B5 + B4),ND53 = (B5 − B3)/(B5 + B3),ND57 = (B5 − B7)/(B5 + B7),ND452 = (B4 + B5 − B2)/(B5 + B4 + B2),DVI = B4 − B3
    Image enhancement[4, 38]
    主成分变换 Principal component transformation:VIS123 = B1 + B2 + B3,Albedo = B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B7,MID57 = B5 + B7
    Texture information[39]
    均值、方差、均一性、反差、相异、熵、角二阶矩、相关性、偏斜。窗口有5 × 5和9 × 9,用R5和R9表示 Mean(ME), variance(VA), homogeneity(HO), contrast(CO), dissimilarity(DI), entropy(EN), second moment(SM), correlation(CC), skewness(SK). The window sizes are 5 × 5 and 9 × 9, represented by R5 and R9, respectively
    Fraction information
    进行主成分分析,采用像元纯净指数法提取纯净端元,通过N-D可视化选取高山松、裸地、阴影端元样本,通过线性波谱分离法得到高山松丰度图 Principal component analysis is carried out, and the pure endmembers are extracted by the pixel pure index method. The endmember samples of Pinus densata, bare land and shades are selected by N-D visualization, and the fraction map of Pinus densata is obtained by linear spectral decomposition
    Leaf area index[40]
    注:C.海岸波段;B1、B2、B3、B4、B5和B7分别表示波段1、波段2、波段3、波段4、波段5和波段7;EVI表示植被增强指数。下同。Notes: C, coastal; B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B7 represent band 1, band 2, band 3, band 4, band 5 and band 7, respectively; EVI means enhanced vegetation index. The same below.
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    表  4   高山松分布海拔、坡度分级

    Table  4   Elevation and slope grades of Pinus densata distribution

    Slope degree
    1 500 ~ 3 000 1 0 ~ 8 1
    3 000 ~ 3 200 2 8 ~ 15 2
    3 200 ~ 3 400 3 15 ~ 25 3
    3 400 ~ 3 600 4 25 ~ 35 4
    3 600 ~ 3 800 5 35 ~ 90 5
    3 800 ~ 4 000 6
    4 000 ~ 5 520 7
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    表  5   1987—2012年连清样地训练集线性混合模型精度对比

    Table  5   Accuracy comparison using permanent sample plots of training datasets for national forestry inventory from 1987 to 2012 with linear mixed model

    Model form
    Fixed effect
    Random effect
    Fitting accuracy R2
    1 lnAGB = R5B4CC + ND32 + ND54 样地号 Sample plot No. 海拔等级 Elevation grade 0.69
    2 lnAGB = R5B4CC + ND32 + ND54 样地号 Sample plot No. 坡度等级 Slope degree grade 0.75
    3 lnAGB = R5B4CC + ND32 + ND54 海拔等级 Elevation grade 坡度等级 Slope degree grade 0.47
    4 lnAGB = R5B4CC + ND32 + ND54 坡度等级 Slope degree grade 海拔等级 Elevation grade 0.46
    注:AGB. 地上生物量。R5B4CC 、ND32 、 ND54为遥感光谱变量 。下同。Notes: AGB, aboveground biomass. R5B4CC , ND32 , ND54 are remote sensing spectral variables. The same below.
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    表  6   多元回归分析的拟合方式

    Table  6   Modeling way of multiple regression analysis

    序号 No.方式 Mode遥感光谱变量 Remote sensing spectral variable
    1 78组训练数据集
    78 groups of training datasets
    2 78组训练数据集增加234组变化量
    Increase 234 change datasets in 78 groups of training datasets
    3 78组训练数据和变化量为5 − 100 t/hm2共232组
    78 groups of training data and changes of 5 ~ 100 t/ha, totally 232 groups
    4 生物量变化量为1 ~ 200 t/hm2共178组数据
    Variation of 1−200 t/ha, totally 178 groups
    5 生物量变化量为5 ~ 100 t/hm2共153组数据
    A total of 153 groups with a variation of 5−100 t/ha
    6 每5年生物量变化量为正值的69组数据中相关性强的前3个因子
    The first three correlated factors in 69 groups with positive change every
    five years[23]
    7 相关性强的前10个遥感因子共234组数据
    234 groups of the top10 remote sensing factors with strong correlation
    8 上一步数据进行逐步回归
    Stepwise regression with the data of last step
    9 相关性强前10遥感因子,去除AGB负、小于1、异常值共178组
    Removal of negative, less than 1, abnormal AGB values of the top 10
    remote sensing factors with strong correlation, totally 178 groups
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    表  7   线性混合模型拟合精度对比

    Table  7   Modeling accuracy comparison with LMM

    Fixed effect
    Random effect
    Fitting accuracy R2
    1 样地号 Sample plot No. 坡度等级 Slope degree grade 0.70
    2 样地号 Sample plot No. 海拔等级 Elevation grade 0.67
    3 样地号 Sample plot No. 坡向等级 Slope aspect grade 0.64
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-14
  • 修回日期:  2019-11-26
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-07-03
  • 发布日期:  2020-08-13


