

    Analysis on phenotypic variation and germplasm resource selection of wild Amygdalus mira in Tibet of southwestern China

    • 摘要:
        目的  本研究是探究西藏野生光核桃果实表型性状种群变异规律,结合主成分分析筛选优良种质资源,探明生态因子对果实表型性状的影响,为光核桃良种选育和推广提供参考。
        方法  根据西藏野生光核桃的集中分布区,兼顾种群生长海拔、气候和成熟期的差异,对5个地级市18个种群(SYD、AR、LD、JT、DB、QD、MX、LK、BM、GY、SZ、BJ、ZR、PZ、QN、BH、LZ、CN)进行实地调查采样,每个种群选取13株长势良好的光核桃,各单株间距大于50 m,每株分阴面、阳面和上、下4个方位采集成熟果实,从每方位的果实中随机选择5枚,共20枚,测量其表型性状。
        结果  光核桃果实表型性状种群间和种群内均存在极显著差异;种群间表型分化系数均值为67.99%,表型变异主要来源于种群间;根据PCA分析结合利用部位果肉和果核,筛选出果实大、果核小、果肉厚、出核率低的果用型光核桃,代表种群为山南贡嘎县江塘镇、林芝米林县羌纳乡、林芝朗县朗镇;果实小、果核大、果肉薄、高出核率的核用型光核桃,代表种群有林芝察隅县古玉乡、日喀则亚东县上亚东乡、昌都芒康县曲登乡。RDA分析5个生态因子共解释56.00%的果实性状变异,仅年均温对果实性状的总体变异影响显著(P = 0.049);两个特征性状果肉厚和出核率与生态因子的多元回归方程均回归显著(P < 0.01),调整后判定系数分别为0.599 3、0.798 1。果肉厚与经度、海拔、年均降雨量呈负相关,与纬度和年均温呈正相关;出核率与经度、海拔、年均降雨量和年均温呈正相关,与纬度呈负相关;5个生态因子中经度、纬度、海拔对果肉厚和出核率的影响极显著。
        结论  光核桃果实表型性状变异主要来源于种群间;根据表型性状筛选出了果用型和核用型光核桃及其代表种群,其特征性状主要受经纬度、海拔的影响。


        Objective  This study aims to explore the variation of fruit phenotypic traits of the wild Amygdalus mira populations in Tibet of southwestern China and to screen the good germplasm resources by the principal component analysis, and also to ascertain the effects of ecological factors on phenotypic traits of fruits for fine breeding and generalizing of Amygdalus mira.
        Method  The 18 populations (SYD, AR, LD, JT, DB, QD, MX, LK, BM, GY, SZ, BJ, ZR, PZ, QN, BH, LZ, CN) in 5 regions were surveyed and sampled according to the concentration distribution area combined with the differences in altitude, climate and maturity of wild A. mira in Tibet. In each population, 13 trees with good growth potential were selected, and the spacing of each individual plant was greater than 50 m. The ripe fruits were collected from the dark, sunny and the upper, lower four directions of each plant, 5 fruits were randomly selected from each direction, 20 in total, and then the phenotypic traits were measured.
        Result  The fruit phenotypic traits were highly significantly different in population and among populations of A. mira. The mean of phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 67.99%, and the fruit phenotypic variations were mainly derived from populations. According to the results of PCA analysis and the use of pulp and core, the representative populations with large fruit, small nut, thick pulp and low nuclear rate were selected, and they were the Jiangtang Township, Qiangna Township and Lang Township. While the representative populations with small fruit, large nut, thin pulp and high nuclear rate were the Guyu Township, Shangyadong Township and Qudeng Township. The 5 ecological factors explained 56.00% of the fruit character variation through RDA analysis, and only the annual average temperature had a significant effect on the overall variation of fruit traits (P = 0.049). The multiple regression equation of the two characteristics of the pulp thickness and the nuclear rate with the ecological factors were all significant (P < 0.01), and the adjusted R2 was 0.5993 and 0.7981, respectively. The thickness of pulp was negatively correlated with longitude, altitude and average annual rainfall, and was positively correlated with latitude and average annual temperature. The nuclear rate was positively correlated with longitude, altitude, average annual rainfall and annual temperature, and was negatively correlated with latitude. The effects of longitude, latitude and altitude on the thickness of pulp and the nuclear rate were highly significant.
        Conclusion  The phenotypic variation of A. mira mainly comes from populations. According to the phenotypic traits, fruit type and nut type of A. mira and its representative populations were screened. The effects of longitude, latitude and altitude of 5 ecological factors on the thickness of pulp and the nuclear rate were the most significant.


