Ability evaluation of coniferous forest aboveground biomass inversion using Sentinel-2A multiple characteristic variables
摘要:目的 森林生物量是衡量森林碳储量的关键因子,准确估算生物量对掌握森林现状和森林资源合理利用具有重要意义。欧空局发射Sentinel-2A数据因其丰富的光谱信息和较高的空间分辨率为生物量的反演和监测提供了新的机会。本文旨在评估基于Sentinel-2A的各类特征变量反演针叶林地上生物量的能力以及完成区域尺度的针叶林地上生物量定量估测。方法 试验以内蒙古赤峰市喀喇沁旗旺业甸林场针叶林为研究对象,以Sentinel-2A为主要数据源,提取了10个波段反射率、20个植被指数和5个生物物理参数共3种类型变量,分别建立基于光谱反射率、植被指数、生物物理参数,以及融合3类变量的多元逐步回归生物量估算模型,同时每组均加入高程因子分析地形对估算精度的影响。结果 (1)基于多种类型参数建立的模型估算效果最好,模型决定系数达到0.765,均方根误差为39.49 t/hm2;(2)在3组单类型变量模型中,基于植被指数的预测结果最好,说明相比于波段反射率和生物物理参数,植被指数对针叶林地上生物量的估算贡献更大;(3)无论基于何种类型参数建模,高程信息的加入都会提高针叶林地上生物量的估算精度。结论 基于Sentinel-2A植被指数与地形特征的针叶林地上生物量反演模型较好,可用于区域生物量估算。该研究对区域性森林资源监测的实际应用具有指导意义。
- Sentinel-2A /
- 地上生物量 /
- 多元逐步回归 /
- 生物物理参数 /
- 红边波段
Abstract:Objective Forest biomass is the key factor to measure forest carbon reserves. Therefore, accurate estimation of forest biomass is helpful for forest management and resource utilization. The data from Sentinel-2A provide new opportunities for biomass estimation and monitoring due to rich spectral information and high spatial resolution. In this paper, we evaluated the ability of various parameters to estimate aboveground biomass of coniferous forest , and completed regional-scale forest biomass estimation based on Sentinel-2A.Method Selecting the coniferous forest of Wangyedian Forest Farm in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia of northern China as the research object, this research extracted spectral reflectance, vegetation index and biophysical parameters in Sentinel-2A. Then we set up multiple stepwise regression equations by data types to estimate biomass. In addition, the elevation factor was added to improve the accuracy of model.Result The results showed that: (1) the model built with multiple types of parameters had the highest accuracy, with R2 reaching 0.765 and RMSE was 39.49 t/ha; (2) among the models established by spectral reflectance, vegetation index and biophysical parameters, the accuracy based on the vegetation index was higher, indicating that the vegetation index had a greater impact on coniferous forest aboveground biomass estimation than the spectral reflectance and biophysical parameters; (3) for all the models of our research, elevation always improved accuracy.Conclusion The retrieved aboveground biomass from Sentinel-2A spatial distribution is basically consistent with the actual situation, which shows that the coniferous forest aboveground biomass inversion is meaningful for regional forest resource monitoring. -
表 1 落叶松、油松的生物量计算模型
Table 1 Biomass calculating models of Larix gmelinii and Pinus tabuliformis
Tree species (group)生物量模型和参数
Biomass model and parameter落叶松 Larix gmelinii Wr=0.046238(D2H)0.905002 油松 Pinus tabuliformis WS=0.027636(D2H)0.9905; WB=0.0091313(D2H)0.982; WL=0.0045755(D2H)0.9894; Wr=WS+WB+WL 注: WS 、WB 、WL 、Wr 分别为树干生物量、树枝生物量、树叶生物量、地上部分总生物量,t/hm2;D为胸径,cm;H为树高,m。Notes:WS ,WB ,WL ,Wr indicate stem biomass, branch biomass, leaf biomass, total aboveground biomass, respectively, t/ha; D is DBH, cm; H is tree height, m.表 2 生态变量列表
Table 2 List of ecological variables
Data source类别
Variable name属性
FormulaSentinel-2A 波段信息
Band informationB2 蓝色 Blue
(波长 Wavelength (WL), WL = 490 nm)B3 绿色 Green (WL = 560 nm) B4 红色 Red (WL = 665 nm) B5 红边波段 Red edge band
(WL = 705 nm)B6 红边波段 Red edge band
(WL = 749 nm)B7 红边波段 Red edge band
(WL = 783 nm)B8 近红外 Near infrared (WL = 842 nm) B8a 近红外 Near infrared (WL = 865 nm) B11 短波红外 Shortwave infrared
(WL = 1 610 nm)B12 短波红外 Shortwave infrared
(WL = 2 190 nm)植被指数
indexRVI 比值植被指数
Ratio vegetation indexB8/B4 DVI 差值植被指数
Difference vegetation indexB8 − B4 WDVI 权重差值植被指数
Weighted difference vegetation indexB8−0.5×B4 IPVI 红外植被指数
Infrared vegetation indexB8/(B8 + B4) PVI 垂直植被指数
Perpendicular vegetation indexsin(45∘)×B8−cos(45∘)×B4 NDVI 归一化差值植被指数
Normalized difference vegetation index(B8 − B4)/(B8 + B4) NDVI45 B4和B5归一化差值植被指数
NDVI with band4 and band5(B5 − B4)/(B5 + B4) GNDVI 绿波归一化差值植被指数
NDVI of green band(B7 − B3)/(B7 + B3) IRECI 反红边叶绿素指数
Inverted red edge chlorophyll index(B7 − B4)/(B5/B6) SAVI 土壤调节植被指数
Soil adjusted vegetation index1.5 × (B8 − B4)/8 × (B8 + B4 + 0.5) TSAVI 转化土壤调节植被指数
Transformed soil adjusted vegetation index0.5 × (B8 − 0.5 × B4 − 0.5)/(0.5 × B8 + B4 − 0.15) MSAVI 修正型土壤调节植被指数
Modified soil adjusted vegetation index(2−NDVI×WDVI)×(B8−B4)/8×(B8+B4+1−NDVI×WDVI) MSAVI2 二次修正型土壤调节植被指数
Secondly modified soil adjusted vegetation index0.5×[2×(B8+1)−√(2×B8+1)2−8×(B8−B4)] ARVI 大气阻抗植被指数
Atmospherically resistant vegetation indexB8−(2×B4−B2)/B8+(2×B4−B2) PSSRa 特定色素简单比值植被指数
Pigment specific simple ratio chlorophyll indexB7/B4 MTCI Meris陆地叶绿素指数
Meris terrestrial chlorophyll index(B6 − B5)/(B5 − B4) MCARI 修正型叶绿素吸收比植指数
Modified chlorophyll absorption ratio index[(B5−B4)−0.2×(B5−B3)]×(B5−B4) S2REP “哨兵2号”红边位置指数
Sentinel-2 red edge position index705+35×[(B4+B7)2−B5]×(B6−B5) REIP 红边感染点指数
Red edge infection point index700+40×[(B4+B7)2−B5]/(B6−B5) GEMI 全球环境监测指数
Global environmental monitoring indexeta×(1−0.25×eta)−B4−0.1251−B4,eta=[2×(B8A−B4)+1.5×B8A+0.5×B4]/(B8A+B4+0.5) 生物物理参数
Biophysical parameterLAI 叶面积指数 Leaf area index FVC 植被覆盖度 Vegetation coverage FAPAR 有效光合吸收辐射度
Effective photosynthetically absorbed radianceCab 叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content Cwc 冠层水分含量 Canopy water content SRTM DEM 地形指数
Topographic indexH 高程 Elevation 表 3 变量与地上生物量之间的相关性分析
Table 3 Correlation analysis of aboveground biomass and variables
Correlation coefficient变量
Correlation coefficient变量
Correlation coefficient变量
Correlation coefficientB2 −0.590** RVI 0.748** TSAVI −0.092 LAI 0.527** B3 −0.588** DVI −0.352* MSAVI −0.418** FVC −0.123 B4 −0.526** WDVI −0.405** MSAVI2 −0.267 FAPAR 0.528** B5 −0.572** IPVI 0.582** ARVI −0.534** Cab 0.459** B6 −0.489** PVI 0.462** PSSRa 0.757** Cwc 0.643** B7 −0.417** NDVI 0.582** MTCI 0.700** H 0.425** B8 −0.442** NDVI45 0.569** MCARI −0.502** B8a −0.444** GNDVI 0.685** S2REP 0.105 B11 −0.582** IRECI 0.589** REIP 0.620** B12 −0.585** SAVI −0.393** GEMI −0.311* 注:*代表显著性水平为0.05,**代表显著性水平为0.01。下同。Notes: * means the significance level is 0.05 and ** is 0.01. Same as below. 表 4 模型评价结果
Table 4 Evaluation results of models
Data source类别
Predictive variable决定系数
RMSE/(t·ha−1)Sentinel-2A 波段信息 Band information B4 + B12 0.465 < 0.01 49.27 B4 + B12 + H 0.523 < 0.01 47.33 植被指数 Vegetation index PSSRa + AVRI 0.601 < 0.01 44.08 PSSRa + AVRI + H 0.682 < 0.01 41.14 生物物理参数 Biophysical parameter LAI + FAPAR + Cwc 0.506 < 0.01 46.31 LAI + FAPAR + Cwc + H 0.604 < 0.01 44.62 不分组 No grouping PSSRa + AVRI + Cwc 0.673 < 0.01 41.84 PSSRa + AVRI + Cwc + H 0.765 < 0.01 39.49 表 5 模型精度评价表
Table 5 Evaluation of model accuracy
Model equation均方根误差/(t·hm−2)
Relative root mean
square error (rRMSE)/%平均绝对百分误差
Mean absolute
percentage error/%波段信息
Band informationY = −104.388 − 47 558.708 × B12 +
20 487 × B4 + 0.255 × H47.33 33.97 33.03 植被指数
Vegetation indexY = 214.919 + 22.950 × PSSRa −
735.420 × AVRI + 0.176 × H41.14 29.53 25.98 生物物理参数
Biophysical parameterY = −1 059.178 + 8 097.090 × Cwc −
1 219.432 × LAI + 4 037.249 × FAPAR + 0.441 × H44.62 32.03 29.73 不分组
No groupingY = 147.724 + 19.581 × PSSRa − 770.512 ×
AVRI + 1 593.239 × Cwc + 0.230 × H39.49 28.35 27.96 -
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