Difference analysis on pine wilt disease between Liaoning Province of northeastern China and other epidemic areas in China
摘要: 松材线虫病是由松材线虫引起的一种毁灭性松树病害,是我国近40年以来发生最严重的林业灾害。目前,该病害已经在我国18个省(市、区)造成了大面积的松树死亡。由于全国范围内的松材线虫病疫区自然环境差异较大,不同疫区松材线虫病的发生情况有所不同,特别是年均温度10 ℃以下的辽宁疫区与其他疫区存在较大差异。通过分析发现与其他疫区相比,辽宁疫区的松材线虫虫株耐寒性更强,且发现了新的寄主树种红松、樟子松和落叶松以及新的媒介昆虫云杉花墨天牛。这些差异不但给辽宁疫区松材线虫病的防治带来了更多的挑战,而且增加了疫情继续向北扩散的风险。因此,因地制宜地制定一套符合辽宁疫区松材线虫病发生特点的有效防控措施是十分必要的。Abstract: Pine wilt disease is caused by Bursaphelenchus xyluphilus, which is the most serious and dangerous forestry disaster in China in the past 40 years. At present, the disease has caused a large area of pine tree death in 18 provinces and regions of China. Because of the difference of natural environment, the occurrence of pine wilt disease in different epidemic areas is different, especially in Liaoning epidemic area, where the average annual temperature is below 10 ℃. Compared with other epidemic areas, the cold tolerance of pine wood nematode is stronger in Liaoning epidemic area. In addition, there are new host tree species in Liaoning Province of northeastern China, such as Pinus koraiensis, P. sylvestris var. mongolica, Larix olgensis, L. kaempferi, L. principis-rupprechtii, as well as new vector insect Monochamus saltuarius. These differences not only bring more challenges to the control of pine wilt disease in Liaoning Province, but also increase the risk of epidemic situation continuing to spread further to the northern region. It will contribute to the research of pine wilt disease in Liaoning Province, and provide a theoretical basis for determining a set of effective control methods in accordance with the occurrence characteristics of pine wilt disease in Liaoning Province of northeastern China.
- pine wilt disease /
- difference /
- host tree /
- vector insect /
- control
表 1 中国松材线虫病的寄主树种及分布的疫区
Table 1 Host tree species of pine wilt disease and their distribution in epidemic area in China
Tree species在中国首次发现的地点和时间
Location and time of first discovery
in China树种分布的疫区
Epidemic areas of
tree species distribution参考文献
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