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王福利, 王献轲, 周佳硕, 谢浩, 许费扬, 邵卓平

王福利, 王献轲, 周佳硕, 谢浩, 许费扬, 邵卓平. 竹材薄壁组织拉伸性能及其变异规律的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(11): 130-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200203
引用本文: 王福利, 王献轲, 周佳硕, 谢浩, 许费扬, 邵卓平. 竹材薄壁组织拉伸性能及其变异规律的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(11): 130-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200203
Wang Fuli, Wang Xianke, Zhou Jiashuo, Xie Hao, Xu Feiyang, Shao Zhuoping. Tensile properties and its variation pattern of bamboo parenchyma[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(11): 130-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200203
Citation: Wang Fuli, Wang Xianke, Zhou Jiashuo, Xie Hao, Xu Feiyang, Shao Zhuoping. Tensile properties and its variation pattern of bamboo parenchyma[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(11): 130-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200203


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11072001),安徽省自然基金项目(2008085QC131),安徽农业大学人才项目(yj2018-13,2017zd10)

    王福利,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:植物材料断裂力学。Email:wangfuli@ahau.edu.cn 地址:230036安徽省合肥市安徽农业大学林学与园林学院


    邵卓平,博士,教授。主要研究方向:植物材料断裂力学、流变学、古树保护。Email:szp8@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S781.9

Tensile properties and its variation pattern of bamboo parenchyma

  • 摘要:
      目的  从力学角度看,竹材的薄壁组织扮演基体的角色,而因其几何形貌的限制,目前针对薄壁组织开展的力学方面的相关研究较少。探索薄壁组织的力学性能,尤其是基体材料属性的赋值,对竹材精细化仿真模型的建立起到关键作用,进而提高模拟分析结果的准确性。
      方法  以毛竹材为研究对象,7组试样取自同一竹秆不同高度处节间,软化后切厚度为30和80 μm的弦切片,其中厚度为30 μm的切片用于测试薄壁细胞形态参数,厚度为80 μm的切片用于制作有效试验段仅含薄壁组织的拉伸试样,并在力学试验机上结合光学引伸计完成竹材薄壁组织的拉伸试验,计算分析其抗拉强度、弹性模量和失效应变。
      结果  竹材薄壁细胞长、宽、腔径和双壁厚在竹秆高度方向上无明显的变异规律;薄壁组织的平均抗拉强度为13.08 MPa,抗拉弹性模量为830.86 MPa,失效应变为1.98%,三者在竹秆高度上的变异规律均不明显;竹材薄壁组织拉伸性能与薄壁细胞形态之间的线性相关性较低。对薄壁组织拉伸失效断口的分析表明其拉伸失效的实质是胞间层分离与细胞壁断裂,本试验采用的毛竹材薄壁组织的平均抗拉强度在13.08 ~ 34.82 MPa之间。
      结论  试验方法与结果均可靠,试验结果将为全面而深入地了解竹材力学性能及其数学模型的建立提供重要的参考价值,另外本试验方法将为植物材料力学性能的相关研究提供参考。然而,为提高测量结果的准确性还需进一步的深入研究,竹材薄壁细胞组织构造在竹秆高度方向上的变异规律与其力学性能之间的关系仍需探索。
      Objective  Bamboo is a kind of typical unidirectional long fiber reinforced composite material. The reinforcement phase is bamboo fiber, and the matrix is parenchyma. At present, there are few researches on the mechanical properties of bamboo parenchyma limited by its geometrical morphology, while its mechanical parameters do play important role in building fine numerical model of bamboo, especially the assignment of matrix attribute.
      Method  In this paper, 7 groups of bamboo parenchyma from different heights of culm were extracted by slicing, the slices with a thickness of 30 μm were used to geometrical morphology of parenchyma cells and the slice with a thickness of 80 μm was used to perform tensile tests. The variations of its geometrical morphology and tensile properties including tensile strength, tensile elastic modulus and failure strain in the height direction of bamboo culm were tested and studied.
      Result  The results showed that in the height direction of bamboo culm, geometrical morphology of bamboo parenchyma had no obvious variation pattern. The average tensile strength, tensile elastic modulus and failure strain of parenchyma were 13.08 MPa, 830.86 MPa and 1.98%, and all the three tensile parameters had no obvious variation pattern in the height direction of bamboo culm. The linear regression analysis results showed that there were low correlationship among parenchyma tensile properties and parenchyma cell geometrical morphology. Tensile failure mechanism of parenchyma was analyzed, and it was found that the tensile failure of parenchyma was the tensile failure of parenchyma cell interface and cell wall, thus the tensile strength of bamboo parenchyma here ranged from 13.08 to 34.82 MPa actually.
      Conclusion  The test method and results are all reliable, which could provide theoretical basis for the further study of mechanical properties of bamboo, especially for the numerical simulation of bamboo. However, deep study should be performed to improve the accuracy of test results, and the relationship between parenchyma mechanical properties and the variation pattern of parenchyma cell organization structure still need to be explored.
  • 图  1   薄壁细胞形态参数测试示意图

    Figure  1.   Sketch map of morphology parameter test of parenchyma cells

    图  2   薄壁组织拉伸试样和加载示意图

    L为有效试验段长度(标距),F为载荷。L is the length of effective test section (gauge length), and F is load.

    Figure  2.   Sketch map of parenchyma tensile specimen and tensile test method

    图  3   竹材薄壁组织拉伸试验位移(δ)-载荷(F)曲线

    (x1, y1),(x2, y2)为直线段任意两点;(δmax, Fmax)为试样拉伸破坏点。(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are random two points in linear section; (δmax, Fmax) is the failure point of specimen.

    Figure  3.   Tensile displacement (δ)-load (F) curve of bamboo parenchyma

    图  4   薄壁组织拉伸试样断口面积测量

    Figure  4.   Measurement of fracture surface area of parenchyma tensile specimen

    图  5   毛竹材节间薄壁组织拉伸性能参数与薄壁细胞长之间的线性回归分析

    Figure  5.   Linear regression analysis between parenchyma tensile properties and length of parenchyma cell

    图  7   毛竹材节间薄壁组织拉伸性能参数与薄壁细胞长宽比之间的线性回归分析

    Figure  7.   Linear regression analysis between parenchyma tensile properties and ratio of length to width of parenchyma cell

    图  6   毛竹材节间薄壁组织拉伸性能参数与薄壁细胞双壁厚之间的线性回归分析

    Figure  6.   Linear regression analysis between parenchyma tensile properties and thickness of parenchyma cell wall

    图  8   第5节间某一薄壁组织试样拉伸失效断口形貌

    Figure  8.   Fracture surface of one parenchyma specimen from the fifth internode of bamboo culm

    图  9   薄壁组织拉伸断口面积误差分析

    Figure  9.   Error analysis of fracture surface area of parenchyma

    表  1   毛竹材节间薄壁细胞形态参数

    Table  1   Parameters of geometrical morphology of bamboo parenchyma cells

    Internode No.


    Cell wall thickness/µm
    Lumen diameter/µm
    Ratio of length to width
    3167.23 (16.33%)43.18 (11.06%)9.73 (13.69%)32.77 (13.61%)3.90
    5156.97 (14.85%)50.18 (8.21%)10.94 (13.94%)38.33 (9.67%)3.15
    7168.88 (17.63%)44.27 (12.14%)7.41 (15.93%)37.02 (14.03%)3.85
    9125.16 (16.42%)50.88 (10.32%)11.83 (16.71%)39.30 (11.67%)2.49
    11 152.37 (15.16%)47.31 (7.89%)11.93 (14.73%)34.93 (8.03%)3.24
    13 151.89 (13.32%)46.22 (16.60%)9.69 (18.79%)36.91 (19.51%)3.35
    15 157.23 (13.60%)47.41 (11.61%)8.98 (15.51%)38.53 (13.13%)3.36
    注:表中括号内数据为各组数据相应的变异系数。下同。Notes: data in brackets are the corresponding variable coefficients. Same as below.
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    表  2   毛竹材节间薄壁组织拉伸试验结果

    Table  2   Tensile test results of bamboo parenchyma

    Internode No.
    Tensile strength/MPa
    Tensile elastic modulus /MPa
    Failure strain/%
    314.46 (16.87%)759.21 (21.59%)2.08 (18.84%)
    515.59 (21.45%)979.40 (20.11%)1.97 (23.33%)
    713.66 (19.91%)853.51 (22.92%)1.84 (23.71%)
    915.10 (21.06%)1 118.86 (20.15%)1.88 (18.82%)
    11 9.35 (18.14%)552.17 (22.80%)2.03 (22.42%)
    13 9.92 (19.25%)726.36 (21.38%)1.73 (20.61%)
    15 13.47 (20.91%)807.88 (23.65%)2.25 (21.82%)
    平均值 Average value13.08 (18.90%)828.20 (22.03%)1.97 (8.72%)
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    表  3   毛竹材节间薄壁组织抗拉强度、弹性模量和失效应变差异显著性分析结果

    Table  3   Significance difference analysis results of tensile strength, tensile elastic modulus and failure strain of parenchyma

    Source of variance
    Sum of squares
    Mean square
    F test
    Significance level
    Tensile strength
    组间 Between groups 2570.071 166 15.482 0.000 显著 Significant
    组内 Within group 0.000 1 0.000
    总计 Total 2570.071 167
    Tensile elastic modulus
    组间 Between groups 1499.660 105 14.282 0.000 显著 Significant
    组内 Within group 0.000 0 0.000
    总计 Total 1499.660 105
    Failure strain
    组间 Between groups 1656.000 105 15.771 0.000 显著 Significant
    组内 Within group 0.000 0 0.000
    总计 Total 1656.000 105
    注:F值小于0.05为差异显著。Note: difference is significant when F value is below 0.05.
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