Genetic diversity analysis of Chionanthus retusus natural population based on SRAP molecular markers
摘要:目的 揭示我国不同地区流苏树(Chionanthus retusus)天然群体的遗传多样性,更好地为合理保护和开发利用提供科学依据。方法 采用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记技术对不同地区的7个流苏树天然群体的62份样品进行了遗传多样性和群体遗传结构研究。结果 (1)7个流苏树天然群体具有较高的遗传多样性,8对SRAP引物共扩增出1 728条清晰条带,其中1 649条具有多态性,PPB(多态性条带比例)为95.43%;群体间的有效等位基因数为 1.213 7,Nei’s基因多样性指数为 0.153 7,Shannon’s信息多样性指数为0.268 0。(2)流苏树天然群体存在较高水平的种群内遗传变异和较低水平的群体间遗传变异(Gst = 0.133 6),7个流苏树天然群体间存在较高水平的基因交流(Nm = 3.243 7)。(3)流苏树群体间的遗传相似系数介于0.898 0 ~ 0.973 6之间,平均值为0.934 4,经Mantel检验(r = 0.288,P = 0.205)及群体间的聚类证明群体间的遗传距离与地理距离之间无明显相关性;62份流苏树初级种质聚类结果表明大部分种质表现为同一群体的多数个体聚在一起,部分种质存在不同群体间的个体聚在一起的现象,表现出群体间遗传变异相对稳定而种群内的遗传变异水平相对较高的特点,与基因多样性分析结果一致。结论 综合多因素分析推测,太行山地区可能是我国流苏树种质资源的主要产区。Abstract:Objective This paper aims to reveal the genetic diversity of natural populations of Chionanthus retusus in different regions of China, and to provide a scientific basis for rational protection development and utilization.Method The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of 62 samples from 7 Chionanthus retusus natural populations in different regions were studied using sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular marker technique.Result Seven natural populations of Chionanthus retusus had higher genetic diversity, and 8 pairs of SRAP primers amplified a total of 1 728 clear bands, of which 1 649 were polymorphic, and the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 95.43%. The number of effective alleles between populations was 1.213 7, the diversity of Nei’s gene was 0.153 7, and the information diversity index of Shannon’s was 0.268 0. There were higher levels of intra-population genetic variation and lower levels of inter-population genetic variation among natural populations of Chionanthus retusus (Gst = 0.133 6), and higher levels of gene flow among seven natural populations of Chionanthus retusus (Nm = 3.243 7). The genetic similarity coefficient between Chionanthus retusus populations ranged from 0.898 0 to 0.973 6, with an average of 0.934 4. The Mantel test (r = 0.288, P = 0.205) and the clustering among populations proved that there was no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance among populations. The clustering results of 62 primary germplasm showed that most of the germplasms were characterized by the fact that most individuals in the same population came together, and some germplasms had the phenomenon that individuals of different populations gathered together, showing that the genetic variation between populations was relatively stable and the level of genetic variation within the populations was relatively high, which was consistent with the results of genetic diversity analysis.Conclusion Comprehensive multi-factor analysis speculated that Taihang Mountain area may be the main producing area of Chinese Chionanthus retusus germplasm resources.
- Chionanthus retusus /
- SRAP /
- genetic diversity /
- genetic structure
表 1 流苏树天然群体采样地位置和生境
Table 1 Location and habitat of natural population sampling of Chionanthus retusus
Population and No.取样株数
Sampling plant number海拔
Latitude (N)经度
Longitude (E)北京市怀柔区 Huairou District, Beijing City (B-H) 10 40 116°38′ 40°17′ 河北省保定市 Baoding City, Hebei Province (H-B) 5 20 115°28′ 38°55′ 河南省南阳市桐柏县 Tongbai County, Nanyang City, Henan Province (H-T) 10 240 113°17′ 32°27′ 山东省青州市 Qingzhou City, Shandong Province (S-Q) 10 250 118°18′ 36°41′ 山西省临汾市安泽县 Anze County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province (S-A) 10 260 112°14′ 36°08′ 江苏省宿迁市沭阳县 Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province(J-S) 10 10 118°39′ 34°09′ 湖北省安陆市 Anlu City, Hubei Province (H-A) 7 130 113°41′ 31°15′ 表 2 7个流苏树天然群体间的地理距离
Table 2 Geographic distance of seven Chionanthus retusus natural populations
km 群体 Population H-T H-A S-A S-Q J-S B-H H-B H-T — H-A 246 — S-A 609 752 — S-Q 856 966 672 — J-S 698 795 799 373 — B-H 1 039 1 204 736 512 809 — H-B 862 993 547 448 710 221 — 表 3 试验所用SRAP引物信息
Table 3 Information of SRAP primers used in the experiment
Forward primer引物序列
Primer sequence (5′→3′)下游引物
Reverse primer引物序列
Table 4 Polymorphism of SRAP bands obtained by selective amplification based on the primer combinations
Primer combination总带数
Total number of band多态性条带数
Polymorphic band number多态性条带比例
Percentage of polymorphic band/%T-AGC/G-AAT 216 202 93.52 T-AGC/G-GCA 216 203 93.98 T-AGC/G-CAA 216 206 95.37 T-ACC/G-AAT 216 212 98.15 T-TAA/G-AAT 216 206 95.37 T-TAA/G-GCA 216 211 97.69 T-TAA/G-CAA 216 214 99.07 T-ACA/G-TGA 216 195 90.28 合计 Sum 1 728 1 649 — 平均 Mean 216 206.13 95.43 表 5 基于不同引物组合的流苏树遗传多样性水平
Table 5 Genetic diversity level of Chionanthus retusus based on different primer combinations
Primer combination有效等位基因数
Number of effective allele (Ne)Nei’s基因多样性指数
Nei’s gene diversity (H)Shannon多态性信息指数
Shannon polymorphism information index (I)T-AGC/G-AAT 1.216 6 0.151 6 0.261 1 T-AGC/G-GCA 1.235 6 0.163 3 0.278 4 T-AGC/G-CAA 1.237 4 0.163 9 0.277 8 T-ACC/G-AAT 1.227 3 0.164 8 0.286 7 T-TAA/G-AAT 1.162 6 0.122 7 0.224 4 T-TAA/G-GCA 1.221 2 0.168 5 0.298 7 T-TAA/G-CAA 1.215 9 0.159 0 0.280 5 T-ACA/G-TGA 1.193 2 0.135 6 0.236 3 平均 Mean 1.213 7 0.153 7 0.268 0 表 6 7个流苏树天然群体内遗传多样性水平和显著性分析
Table 6 Analysis of genetic diversity and significance of the seven Chionanthus retusus natural populations
群体 Population Ne H I B-H 1.220 4a 0.146 1ab 0.238 9a H-B 1.204 3a 0.131 5b 0.207 7b H-T 1.195 0a 0.134 2ab 0.224 1ab S-Q 1.206 1a 0.138 5ab 0.228 2ab S-A 1.210 3a 0.143 7ab 0.238 9a J-S 1.226 5a 0.150 4a 0.245 2a H-A 1.207 4a 0.137 9ab 0.223 7ab 注:同列不同小写字母表示种群间差异显著(P < 0.05)。 Note: different lowercase letters in same column indicate significant differences among populations (P < 0.05). 表 7 7个流苏树天然群体遗传分化分析
Table 7 Genetic differentiation of the seven Chionanthus retusus natural populations
All population总基因多样性指数
Total gene diversity
index (Ht)群体内基因多样性
Genetic diversity within
the population (Hs)群体间基因多样性
Genetic diversity between populations (Dst)基因分化系数
Coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst)基因流
Gene flow (Nm)平均数 Mean 0.408 6 0.354 0 0.054 6 0.133 6 3.243 7 标准差 Standard deviation 0.027 6 0.012 0 — — — 表 8 基于SRAP检测的7个流苏树天然群体间遗传一致度和遗传距离
Table 8 Genetic identity and genetic distance between seven Chionanthus retusus natural populations based on SRAP
群体 Population H-T H-A S-A S-Q J-S B-H H-B H-T — 0.958 3 0.973 6 0.965 8 0.920 0 0.918 9 0.907 4 H-A 0.042 6 — 0.964 5 0.951 7 0.911 0 0.909 9 0.895 1 S-A 0.026 7 0.036 1 — 0.960 6 0.931 0 0.933 2 0.898 0 S-Q 0.034 8 0.049 5 0.040 2 — 0.954 7 0.947 2 0.935 8 J-S 0.083 4 0.093 3 0.071 5 0.046 4 — 0.957 8 0.904 1 B-H 0.084 5 0.094 4 0.069 2 0.054 2 0.043 1 — 0.922 8 H-B 0.097 2 0.110 8 0.107 5 0.066 3 0.100 9 0.080 4 — 注:右上部为遗传一致度,左下部为遗传距离。Notes: Nei’s genetic identity is showed above diagonal and genetic distance is showed below diagonal. -
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