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张致义, 邱尔发, 谢晓阳, 辛琳, 王新宇, 奚露, 孙振凯, 边琦

张致义, 邱尔发, 谢晓阳, 辛琳, 王新宇, 奚露, 孙振凯, 边琦. 华北地区冬季景观树种选择研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(7): 111-119. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200221
引用本文: 张致义, 邱尔发, 谢晓阳, 辛琳, 王新宇, 奚露, 孙振凯, 边琦. 华北地区冬季景观树种选择研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(7): 111-119. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200221
Zhang Zhiyi, Qiu Erfa, Xie Xiaoyang, Xin Lin, Wang Xinyu, Xi Lu, Sun Zhenkai, Bian Qi. Selection of winter landscape tree species in North China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(7): 111-119. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200221
Citation: Zhang Zhiyi, Qiu Erfa, Xie Xiaoyang, Xin Lin, Wang Xinyu, Xi Lu, Sun Zhenkai, Bian Qi. Selection of winter landscape tree species in North China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(7): 111-119. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200221


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”课题(2019YFF0303204)

    张致义。主要研究方向:冬奥廊道沿线平原地带道路冬季景观质量提升。Email:2258202268@qq.com 地址:100091 北京市海淀区青龙桥街道东小府1号中国林业科学研究院林业研究所


    邱尔发,博士,研究员。主要研究方向:人居林培育。Email:efqiu@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S731.2

Selection of winter landscape tree species in North China

  • 摘要:
      目的  建立树种冬季景观质量评价模型,筛选以提升冬季景观质量为主的优良绿化树种,为华北地区冬季景观树种选择提供科学依据。
      方法  依据树木观赏器官(姿态、茎杆、果、叶、芽)的生物学特性,以《华北树木志》为主,结合《园林树木1600种》及相关文献,初选华北地区312种乔木、455种灌木树种,并进行分类整理;收集影响树种冬季景观质量的指标,采用主成分分析法建立树种冬季景观质量综合评价模型,并进行综合评价。
      结果  筛选出的优良乔木树种,位于第Ⅰ等级的常绿乔木3科7属12种,落叶乔木20科26属43种,其中新疆杨的观赏价值最高,相对综合指数为0.450 3%;第Ⅱ等级的常绿乔木4科10属15种,落叶乔木26科36属94种。优良灌木树种,第Ⅰ等级的常绿灌木8科10属23种,落叶灌木15科23属58种,其中红瑞木的观赏价值最高,相对综合指数为0.362 5%;第Ⅱ等级的常绿灌木5科6属8种,落叶灌木24科49属110种。
      结论  筛选出的第Ⅰ等级、第Ⅱ等级的乔木、灌木树种可分别作为冬季景观质量提升的优、良绿化树种,华北各城市可根据立地条件选择适宜树种,提升冬季植物景观。
      Objective  The winter landscape quality evaluation model of tree species was established to select excellent winter landscape tree species, which provides scientific basis for the selection of them in North China.
      Method  According to the biological characteristics of tree ornamental organs (tree shape, stem, fruit, leaf and bud), 312 tree species and 455 shrub species of North China were classified and sorted from Arboriculture of North China, 1600 Species of Garden Trees and related literatures. The indices affectingwinter landscape quality of tree species were collected and the comprehensive evaluation model of winter landscape quality of tree species was established by principal component analysis method.
      Result  Among the excellent tree species selected, there were 12 evergreen tree species belonging to 7 genera and 3 families, and 43 deciduous tree species belonging to 26 genera and 20 families. The results showed that the Salix alba var. pyramidalis was the best with the relative comprehensive index of 0.450 3%. In the second grade, there were 15 evergreen tree species belonging to 4 families and 10 genera, and 94 deciduous tree species belonging to 26 families and 38 genera. Among the excellent shrub species, there were 23 species belonging to 10 genera and 8 families, and 58 species belonging to 23 genera and 15 families. Among them, the ornamental value of Cornus alba was the highest with the relative comprehensive index of 0.362 5%. In the second grade, there were 8 evergreen shrubs belonging to 6 genera and 5 families, and 110 deciduous shrubs belonging to 49 genera and 24 families.
      Conclusion  The selected trees and shrubs of grade I and II can be used as excellent and good greening tree species for winter landscape quality improvement. Various areas in North China can choose suitable tree species according to site conditions, and improve the winter plant landscape.
  • 磨削是木材加工中必不可少的重要工序,所用磨具大多为砂带,主要用于工件定厚和表面抛光。砂带磨削具有“冷态磨削”和“弹性磨削”的特点,是一种高精度、高效率、低成本的加工技术。材料去除率和表面粗糙度作为最常用的砂带磨削性能指标,是衡量砂带磨削效率、砂带寿命,以及评定加工质量的重要指标。材料去除率是指磨削过程中砂带在单位时间内去除被磨削材料的质量百分比,该指标直接影响到工件的定厚效果和表面粗糙度。影响砂带材料去除率的主要因素有砂带制造工艺、砂带目数、磨削压力、磨削速度和磨削延续长度。任青剑等[1]进行了300M超高强度钢的切入式磨削实验,发现在微观形貌方面,磨粒间距较大的砂带多是因磨粒磨损而失效,这是磨削效率降低的一个原因,但针对磨削效率降低的其他原因及其影响因素的探究仍然不够深入。Torrance[2]建立了磨料磨损模型,并将该方法应用于磨削过程中磨削力和金属材料去除率之间关系的预测以及磨料劣化的预测中。由于木材种类繁多,各项性质差异较大,此模型在木材磨削领域的应用存在局限性,仍需进一步研究探索。表面粗糙度的影响因素主要是关于木材特性的,包括纹理、密度、含水率等。刘博等[3]研究发现磨削表面质量会受到木材材性和加工工艺等因素的影响。Tian等[4]使用磨削效率测试系统和表面粗糙度测量仪进行磨削实验,分析比较了3种试材磨削效率和表面粗糙度的变化规律以及相关因素对磨削效率和表面粗糙度的影响,结果表明:磨削效率与表面粗糙度的变化趋势是随磨削次数的增加而逐渐降低,且同一树种、相同的磨削次数下,横向磨削时的磨削效率高于纵向磨削时的磨削效率。该实验在较为宏观的层面下进行探讨,缺乏对于砂带与试件表面微观形貌的进一步研究与分析。



    水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)材质坚韧致密,富弹性,纹理通直,刨面光滑,胶接、油漆性能较好,具有良好的装饰性能,在建筑、飞机、造船、仪器、运动器材、家具等行业应用广泛,因此本研究选用水曲柳作为实验材料,其气干密度为0.76 g/cm3,含水率为5.41%。制备的试件尺寸为46 mm(长) × 46 mm(宽) × 24 mm(厚);所有试件取自边材,表面平整,无明显缺陷。本研究所选用砂带为60目普通布基疏植砂型砂带(JW342,DEER,韩国)。

    本研究所使用的实验装置如图1所示。该装置主要由使工作平台作直线往复运动的驱动系统和提供恒定磨削压力的气动装置组成。将砂带展平放置在工作平台上,调节两端的张紧轮,确保砂带张紧固定;将木制试件放置于夹具内,调节夹紧螺母完成试件的装夹;通过立式布置的带直线导轨的气缸(ADNGF-50-40-A,FESTO,德国),为试件提供恒定的磨削压力(约为100 N);随着试件材料不断去除,其厚度也逐渐减小,试件夹具可沿立式滑轨在气缸导杆行程内下移,使试件与砂带表面始终相接触;驱动系统带动工作平台沿水平滑轨作往复直线运动(平均速度约为0.3 m/s),同时智能计数装置完成磨削次数记录。

    图  1  砂带磨削实验装置示意图
    1. 气缸Cylinder;2. 机架Framework;3. 砂带Abrasive belt;4. 张紧轮Tensile wheel;5. 水平滑轨Horizontal slideway; 6. 驱动系统Driver system;7. 竖直滑轨Vertical slideway;8. 夹紧装置Fasten device;9. 试件Sample;10. 夹具Fixture.
    Figure  1.  Schematic of abrasive belt sanding apparatus

    在本研究中,材料去除率定义为每磨削1 000次后试件的质量变化率。每磨削一次则磨削长度为50 mm,可将磨削次数累计与磨削长度进行换算。实验过程中,采用精密分析天平(BSA4235,Sartorious,德国)对试件和砂带进行称重,且每次称重前使用高压气枪(额定压力为3.0 MPa)去除试件和砂带表面的磨屑,进而计算相应的材料去除率和砂带的质量变化情况,直至材料去除率降至3%以内,认为此时砂带寿命已达极限,砂带上的磨粒已无法完成对试件材料的有效切除。采用3D轮廓仪(VR5000,KEYENCE,日本)对磨削过程中试件磨削表面和砂带表面进行扫描,再通过专业分析软件(VR Series version测定试件磨削表面以及砂带的表面粗糙度,并使用扫描电子显微(日立S-3400N Ⅱ)对试件的磨削表面形貌进行分析。实验中对水曲柳分别进行顺纹磨削(磨削方向平行于木材纹理方向)和横纹磨削(磨削方向垂直于木材纹理方向)。


    图  2  横纹磨削时水曲柳表面形貌与磨粒磨损示意图
    Figure  2.  Surface topography and grit wear diagram during transverse sanding
    图  3  横纹磨削时砂带表面三维形貌图
    Figure  3.  Three-dimensional topography of the belt surface during transverse sanding

    随着磨削次数增加,高度较高的磨粒由于与试件接触深度加大,会首先发生破碎和脱落,这也就是所谓的“初锐阶段”[11]。从图4b中明显看出,初锐阶段大约在磨削次数5 000次以内,砂带上的磨粒在发生脱落和破碎之外,磨粒的磨损也同时发生,此时砂带质量减小的速率较快,只是砂带脱落、破碎和磨损所占比例不同。图5b中对应的砂带表面粗糙度较高,即磨粒高度之间差异较大,所以更易压入试件进行磨削,故此时对应图4a处材料去除率极高。

    图  4  横纹磨削水曲柳时材料去除率与砂带质量变化
    Figure  4.  Material removal rate of workpiece and the mass variation of abrasive belt during transverse sanding
    图  5  横纹磨削时试件、砂带的表面粗糙度
    Figure  5.  Surface roughness of workpiece and abrasive belt during transverse sanding




    图  6  顺纹磨削时的砂带表面三维形貌图
    Figure  6.  Three-dimensional topography of the belt surface during longitudinal sanding
    图  7  顺纹磨削时水曲柳表面形貌和磨削过程示意图
    Figure  7.  Surface topography and the schematic diagram for workpiece during longitudinal sanding process


    图  8  顺纹磨削水曲柳时材料去除率、砂带质量变化
    Figure  8.  Material removal rate of workpiece and the mass variation of abrasive belt during longitudinal sanding


    图  9  顺纹磨削时试件、砂带的表面粗糙度
    Figure  9.  Surface roughness of workpiece and abrasive belts during longitudinal sanding



    图  10  磨削过程中灰色预测系统因果图
    Figure  10.  Grey prediction system causal map during sanding



    表  1  横纹磨削模型数据
    Table  1.  Model data of transverse sanding
    Sanding length/m
    Surface roughness/μm
    Material removal rate/%
    1 200 41.178 15.11
    2 400 39.723 13.48
    3 600 40.546 15.71
    4 800 51.551 7.27
    5 1 000 54.409 12.66
    6 1 200 63.536 11.39
    7 1 400 60.472 8.35
    8 1 600 67.846 9.61
    注:为提高所建灰色模型的预测精度,选取数据均在砂带最佳使用寿命范围内。下同。Notes: to improve the precision of the established gray model, the selected data is located in the range of optimal abrasive belt life. Same as below.
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    表  2  顺纹磨削模型数据
    Table  2.  Model data of longitudinal sanding
    Sanding length/m
    Surface roughness /μm
    Material removal rate/%
    1 100 42.572 14.57
    2 200 78.737 14.96
    3 300 69.976 11.70
    4 400 79.229 12.13
    5 500 71.151 7.43
    6 600 79.812 11.40
    7 700 81.305 8.46
    8 800 81.221 5.77
    9 900 74.79 6.53
    10 1 000 78.662 4.86
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    式中: X(0)1(n)代表材料去除率第n个数据的原始数值;X(0)2(n)代表表面粗糙度第n个数据的原始数值;n表示原始数列的个数,本文横纹磨削时n = 8,顺纹磨削时n = 10。















    图  11  实际数值与模拟数值
    Figure  11.  Experimental value and analog value






  • 表  1   冬季观赏树种选择评价标准

    Table  1   Evaluation criteria for selection of ornamental species in winter

    Criterion layer
    Indirator layer
    Evaluation object
    Definition of descriptor
    姿态 Posture 自然树高
    Natural tree
    5分:H > 30;4分:30 ≥ H > 20;3分:20 ≥ H > 10;2分:10 ≥ H > 6;1分:6 ≥ H > 4
    5 points, H > 30; 4 points, 30 ≥ H > 20; 3 points, 20 ≥ H > 10; 2 points, 10 ≥ H > 6; 1 point,
    6 ≥ H > 4
    Tree posture
    Tree and shrub
    5 points, the branches are neat, the main and lateral branches are evenly distributed, and the tree shape is beautiful; 4 points, the branches are properly sparse and dense,the tree shape is less beautiful; 3 points, the branches are sparse, and the tree shape is general; 2 points, the branches are sparse but neat, the ornamental value of tree shape is poor; 1 point, it is almost no specific tree shape, the branches are scattered and scattered, and the ornamental value is low
    Bark texture
    5 points, beautiful and peculiar, or the surface is smooth, without peeling; 4 points, beautiful and peculiar, or the surface is smooth, showing shallow longitudinal cracks and peeling; 3 points, beautiful, with a little crack or spot on the surface, showing longitudinal cracks and peeling; 2 points, more beautiful, with more cracks or spots on the surface, showing deep longitudinal cracks and peeling; 1 points, rough bark, thorns, low ornamental value
    茎杆 Stem 茎杆颜色
    Stem color
    Tree and shrub
    5 points, the color of 1-year-old branch and perennial branch or bark is eye-catching, such as red and yellow, with high ornamental value; 4 points, the color of 1-year-old branch is less eye-catching, but the color of multi-year-old branch is dark; or the color of bark is eye-catching, with less ornamental value; 3 points, the color of 1-year-old branch and perennial branch or bark is purplish brown or reddish brown, etc; 2 points, the color of 1-year-old branch and perennial branch or bark is grayish brown and dark, which has certain ornamental value; 1 point, the color of 1-year-old branch and perennial branch or bark is dim, and the ornamental value is general
    叶 Leaf 叶色
    Leaf color
    Tree and shrub
    5 points, evergreen, the leaf color is emerald green, and the winter leaf color is eye-catching; 4 points, evergreen, but the leaf color is relatively dark in winter; 3 points, deciduous, perennial color or seasonal change of leaf color is obvious, and the color is bright and glossy; 2 points, fallen leaves, the leaf color has seasonal changes, but the color is relatively dark; 1 point, fallen leaves, the leaf color is dark, the surface is rough, almost no ornamental value
    果 Fruit 果色及观
    Fruit color and
    observation time
    Tree and shrub
    5 points, long time of fruit setting in winter, bright and eye-catching fruit color, high significance and high ornamental value; 4 points, fruit hanging in winter, but the fruit hanging time is longer or the fruit color is more eye-catching, and the ornamental value is higher in winter; 3 points, the fruit has fallen in winter, the fruit time is short, the fruit color is bright and eye-catching, and the significance is high; 2 points, the fruit has fallen in winter, the fruit hanging time is short, or the fruit color is bright and eye-catching, showing 1 point, the fruit color is average, almost no ornamental
    芽 Bud 显著度
    Tree and shrub
    5 points, the winter buds are large, full and eye-catching in color; 3 points, the winter buds have a certain degree of fullness and the color is more eye-catching; 1 point, the winter buds are small, the color is dim, not significant or almost no
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    表  2   乔木、灌木树种特征值及方差贡献率

    Table  2   Characteristic values and variance contribution rate of tree and shurb species

    Principal component
    乔木 Tree灌木 Shrub
    contribution rate/%
    Accumulative variance
    contribution rate/%
    contribution rate/%
    Accumulative variance
    contribution rate/%
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    表  3   乔木、灌木树种主成分载荷矩阵

    Table  3   Load matrix of principal components of tree and shrub species

    指标 Index乔木主成分 Tree principal component灌木主成分 Shurb principal component
    H 0.61 −0.53 0.31 0.16 −0.05
    树形 Tree posture 0.75 −0.06 −0.07 0.29 0.25 0.80 −0.10 −0.06 −0.33
    树皮质感 Bark texture 0.12 0.57 0.46 0.59 0.11
    茎杆颜色 Stem color 0.37 0.30 0.45 −0.66 0.37 0.41 0.66 0.62 0.09
    叶色 Leaf color 0.65 0.28 0.10 −0.18 −0.67 0.68 0.33 −0.47 −0.26
    果色及观果时间 Fruit color and observation time 0.26 0.66 −0.58 0.00 0.07 0.64 −0.11 −0.20 0.74
    芽 Bud 0.62 −0.27 −0.44 −0.04 0.18 0.55 −0.64 0.44 −0.12
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    表  4   冬季乔木、灌木景观树种选择模型

    Table  4   Selection model of landscape tree and shrub species in winter

    准则层 Criterion layer指标层 Index layer乔木权重 Tree weight灌木权重 Shrub weight
    姿态 Posture H 0.101 9
    树形 Tree posture 0.235 2 0.083 2
    茎杆 Stem 树皮质感 Bark texture 0.373 6
    茎杆颜色 Stem color 0.165 3 0.488 5
    叶 Leaf 叶色 Leaf color 0.035 8 0.075 1
    果 Fruit 果色及观果时间 Fruit color and observation time 0.081 3 0.289 5
    芽 Bud 显著度 Prominence 0.006 9 0.063 7
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    表  5   乔、灌木综合排序分级表

    Table  5   Comprehensive ranking table of tree and shrub

    Vegetation type
    等级 Level
    Ⅰ级 Level ⅠⅡ级 Level ⅡⅢ级 Level ⅢⅣ级 Level Ⅳ
    乔木 Tree X ≥ 0.374 9% 0.374 9% > X ≥ 0.320 5% 0.320 5% > X ≥ 0.266 1% X < 0.266 1%
    灌木 Shrub X ≥ 0.279 8% 0.279 8% > X ≥ 0.219 8% 0.219 8% > X ≥ 0.159 8% X < 0.159 8%
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    表  6   乔木树种科属种分析

    Table  6   Analysis of tree species, genera and species

    Tree type
    等级 Level
    Ⅰ级 LevelⅠⅡ级 Level ⅡⅢ级 Level ⅢⅣ级 Level Ⅳ
    常绿 Evergreen 3 科 7 属 12 种
    3 family 7 genus 12 species
    4 科 10 属 15 种
    4 family 10 genus 15 species
    1 科 2 属 3 种
    1 family 2 genus 3 species
    落叶 Deciduous 20 科 26 属 43 种
    20 family 26 genus 43 species
    26 科 36 属 94 种
    26 family 36 genus 94 species
    26 科 41 属 87 种
    26 family 41 genus 87 species
    19 科 30 属 58 种
    19 family 30 genus 58 species
    合计 All 22 科 33 属 55 种
    22 family 33 genus 55 species
    28 科 45 属 109 种
    28 family 45 genus 109 species
    26 科 43 属 90 种
    26 family 43 genus 90 species
    19 科 30 属 58 种
    19 family 30 genus 58 species
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    表  7   华北地区部分冬季乔木景观树种

    Table  7   Some winter landscape tree species in North China

    新疆杨 Salix alba var. pyramidalis 0.484 1 0.448 0 0.361 4 0.304 9 0.448 0 0.450 3
    雪松 Cedrus deodara 0.484 1 0.381 8 0.481 9 0.609 8 0.448 0 0.432 9
    二球悬铃木 Platanus acerifolia 0.484 1 0.418 7 0.241 0 0.304 9 0.448 0 0.430 3
    杂种鹅掌楸 Liriodendron chinense × tulipifera 0.484 1 0.381 8 0.361 4 0.609 8 0.448 0 0.429 3
    白皮松 Pinus bungeana 0.387 3 0.477 2 0.481 9 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.428 7
    金枝槐 Sophora japonica ‘chrysoclada’ 0.387 3 0.448 0 0.361 4 0.457 3 0.448 0 0.424 9
    白桦 Betula platyphylla 0.387 3 0.477 2 0.361 4 0.152 4 0.268 8 0.423 7
    西府海棠 Malus × micromalus 0.396 3 0.418 7 0.361 4 0.609 8 0.268 8 0.418 2
    山桃 Amygdalus davidiana 0.261 2 0.477 2 0.361 4 0.457 3 0.089 6 0.394 8
    青扦 Picea wilsonii 0.484 1 0.352 5 0.481 9 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.392 1
    北美乔松 Pinus strobus 0.416 6 0.381 8 0.602 4 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.388 7
    白杜 Euonymus maackii 0.261 2 0.448 0 0.361 4 0.609 8 0.089 6 0.386 5
    白扦 Picea meyeri 0.454 8 0.352 5 0.602 4 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.385 5
    馒头柳 Salix matsudana f. umbraculifera 0.425 6 0.381 8 0.361 4 0.152 4 0.268 8 0.383 3
    紫叶李 Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea 0.358 0 0.381 8 0.361 4 0.457 3 0.448 0 0.377 5
    广玉兰 Magnolia grandiflora 0.416 6 0.323 2 0.602 4 0.457 3 0.448 0 0.372 0
    国槐 Styphnolobium japonicum 0.387 3 0.352 5 0.361 4 0.457 3 0.448 0 0.371 2
    侧柏 Platycladus orientalis 0.290 5 0.381 8 0.481 9 0.609 8 0.448 0 0.365 7
    七叶树 Aesculus chinensis 0.358 0 0.352 5 0.361 4 0.304 9 0.448 0 0.352 9
    Diospyros kaki 0.358 0 0.323 2 0.361 4 0.609 8 0.448 0 0.352 6
    龙爪槐 Styphnolobium japonicum f. pendula 0.454 8 0.286 3 0.241 0 0.457 3 0.268 8 0.352 4
    毛白杨 Populus tomentosa 0.319 7 0.381 8 0.361 4 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.348 0
    樟子松 Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 0.319 7 0.352 5 0.481 9 0.304 9 0.448 0 0.343 2
    圆柏 Juniperus chinensis 0.358 0 0.315 6 0.481 9 0.457 3 0.268 8 0.342 4
    华山松 Pinus armandii 0.484 1 0.249 5 0.602 4 0.152 4 0.448 0 0.337 7
    注:新疆杨:产我国新疆、内蒙古等地,西安、北京等地有引种栽培,生长良好;西府海棠:产华北、陕西、甘肃、云南、辽宁等地,海拔100 ~ 2 400 m,喜光,耐寒,抗干旱,较耐盐碱和水湿;樟子松:产黑龙江大兴安岭,海拔400 ~ 900 m山地及海拉尔以西、以南一带砂丘地区,喜光性强、深根性,能适应土壤水分较少的山脊及向阳山坡,较干旱的砂地及石砾、砂土地区;北美乔松:原产北美,耐寒,我国熊岳、旅顺、北京、南京等地有引种栽培。Notes: Salix alba var. pyramidalis, produced in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places of China, introduced and cultivated in Xi’an, Beijing and other places, and grown well; Malus × micromalus, produced in North China, Shaanxi, Gansu, Yunnan, Liaoning and other places. 100−2400 m above sea level, it is light-loving, resistant to cold and drought, and is more resistant to salt and alkali and moisture; Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, produced in Daxing’anling, Heilongjiang, 400−900 m above sea level in mountains and sand dunes in the west and south of Hailar. It has strong light-loving and deep roots, and can adapt to ridges and sunny hillsides with less soil moisture, and drier sandy land and gravel and sandy land areas; Pinus strobus: native to North America. It is hardy, and introduced and cultivated in Xiongyue, Lüshun, Beijing, Nanjing and other places in China.
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    表  8   灌木树种科属种分析

    Table  8   Analysis of shrub species, genera and species

    Shrub type
    等级 Level
    Ⅰ级 LevelⅠⅡ级 Level ⅡⅢ级 Level ⅢⅣ级 Level Ⅳ
    常绿 Evergreen 8科10属23种
    8 family 10 genus 23 species
    5 family 6 genus 8 species
    4 family 4 genus 5 species
    1 family 1 genus 1 species
    落叶 Deciduous 15科23属58种
    15 family 23 genus 58 species
    24 family 49 genus 110 species
    32 family 70 genus 172 species
    20 family 36 genus 70 species
    合计 All 20科30属81种
    20 family 30 genus 81 species
    28 family 55 genus 118 species
    36 family 76 genus 177 species
    21 family 42 genus 70 species
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    表  9   华北地区部分冬季灌木景观树种

    Table  9   Some winter shrub landscape tree species in North China

    红瑞木 Cornus alba 0.233 1 0.386 1 0.287 4 0.338 6 0.553 7 0.362 5
    沙棘 Hippophae rhamnoides 0.233 1 0.308 9 0.287 4 0.564 3 0.332 2 0.359 3
    华北忍冬 Lonicera tatarinowii 0.310 8 0.308 9 0.095 8 0.564 3 0.332 2 0.353 4
    Euonymus japonicus var. aurea-marginatus
    0.310 8 0.308 9 0.478 9 0.451 5 0.110 7 0.343 1
    粉柏 Sabina squamata ‘Meyeri’ 0.310 8 0.308 9 0.478 9 0.451 5 0.110 7 0.343 1
    冬青卫矛 Euonymus japonicus 0.310 8 0.308 9 0.383 1 0.451 5 0.110 7 0.336 4
    Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea
    0.233 1 0.308 9 0.287 4 0.451 5 0.332 2 0.333 7
    迎春花 Jasminum nudiflorum 0.310 8 0.386 1 0.191 6 0.225 7 0.332 2 0.326 4
    水栒子 Cotoneaster multiflorus 0.310 8 0.231 7 0.191 6 0.564 3 0.110 7 0.305 6
    棣棠 Kerria japonica 0.310 8 0.386 1 0.191 6 0.112 9 0.332 2 0.300 9
    铺地柏 Juniperus procumbens 0.310 8 0.308 9 0.383 1 0.225 7 0.110 7 0.285 3
    茶条枫 Acer ginnala 0.233 1 0.308 9 0.287 4 0.225 7 0.332 2 0.282 6
    金银忍冬 Lonicera maackii 0.233 1 0.154 4 0.191 6 0.564 3 0.332 2 0.266 4
    榆叶梅 Amygdalus triloba 0.310 8 0.231 7 0.191 6 0.338 6 0.332 2 0.265 7
    紫薇 Lagerstroemia indica 0.310 8 0.308 9 0.287 4 0.112 9 0.332 2 0.264 3
    红皮柳 Salix sinopurpurea 0.233 1 0.308 9 0.287 4 0.112 9 0.332 2 0.257 0
    毛叶水栒子 Cotoneaster submultiflorus 0.233 1 0.154 4 0.191 6 0.564 3 0.110 7 0.255 1
    小叶黄杨 Buxus microphylla 0.310 8 0.154 4 0.383 1 0.451 5 0.110 7 0.250 1
    石榴 Punica granatum 0.310 8 0.154 4 0.287 4 0.338 6 0.553 7 0.240 4
    毛黄栌 Cotinus coggygria var. pubescens 0.388 5 0.231 7 0.287 4 0.112 9 0.332 2 0.228 5
    山杏 Armeniaca sibirica 0.310 8 0.231 7 0.287 4 0.225 7 0.553 7 0.258 0
    接骨木 Sambucus williamsii 0.233 1 0.154 4 0.287 4 0.338 6 0.332 2 0.221 8
    注:粉柏:系栽培植物,天津、北京、山东、河南等省市栽培作庭园树或盆栽;茶条枫:产内蒙古、河北、山西、河南等地。弱阳性,耐寒,生于海拔800 m以下的丛林中;红皮柳:产甘肃、陕西、山西、河北、河南等省。生于海拔1000 ~ 1600 m的山地灌木丛,或沿河生长;毛叶水栒子:产内蒙古、山西、甘肃等地。生于岩石缝间或灌木丛,海拔900 ~ 2 000 m。Notes: Sabina squamata ‘Meyeri’, a cultivated plant, cultivated as garden trees or potted plants in Tianjin, Beijing, Shandong, Henan and other provinces and cities; Acer ginnala, produced in Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan and other places. Weakly positive, cold-tolerant, born in the jungle below 800 m above sea level; Salix sinopurpurea, produced in Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Henan and other provinces. Born in mountain shrubs at an altitude of 1000−1600 m, or grows along rivers; Cotoneaster submultiflorus, produced in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu and other places. Born in between rocks or bushes, 900−2 000 m above sea level.
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