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  • F5000顶尖学术来源期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


梁瑞婷, 孙玉军, 周来

梁瑞婷, 孙玉军, 周来. 基于分位数回归法的杉木可变指数削度方程构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(7): 70-78. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200253
引用本文: 梁瑞婷, 孙玉军, 周来. 基于分位数回归法的杉木可变指数削度方程构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(7): 70-78. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200253
Liang Ruiting, Sun Yujun, Zhou Lai. Modeling variable exponential taper function for Cunninghamia lanceolata based on quantile regression[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(7): 70-78. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200253
Citation: Liang Ruiting, Sun Yujun, Zhou Lai. Modeling variable exponential taper function for Cunninghamia lanceolata based on quantile regression[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(7): 70-78. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200253


基金项目: 国家林业和草原局林业科学技术推广项目([2019]06)

    梁瑞婷。主要研究方向:森林资源监测与模型。Email:15600990723@163.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学林学院


    孙玉军,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:森林资源监测与模型。 Email:sunyj@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S758.2

Modeling variable exponential taper function for Cunninghamia lanceolata based on quantile regression

  • 摘要:
      目的  采用非线性分位数回归法构建不同分位点的杉木可变指数削度方程,与非线性模型进行比较,以提高杉木干形的预测精度。
      方法  利用福建省将乐国有林场的73 株(793组)杉木解析木数据,选取4个可变指数削度方程,基于5折交叉验证,分别采用非线性分位数回归与非线性回归构建削度方程。选用调整后决定系数(R2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、平均误差(ME)、相对误差(RE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)5个模型评价指标,结合图形对各模型的拟合结果和预测结果进行评价。
      结果  (1)4个可变指数削度方程在5个分位点(t = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)处均能收敛,说明分位数回归可以建立不同分位点的估测模型,能更全面地描述杉木干形的变化。(2)4个削度方程在分位点为0.5处的精度最高,R2均在0.97左右。对于削度方程M1和M3,基于中位数回归(t = 0.5)的拟合精度与预测精度均高于非线性回归,且M1的预测值更加集中。(3)在不同分位点下,各模型对树干不同位置的预测精度不同,分位值为0.9和0.3的模型分别对梢头部分和树干基部的预测精度最高。
      结论  基于分位数回归的可变指数削度方程不仅能精确预测平均条件下杉木的树干直径,而且能预测任意分位条件下杉木干形的变化趋势。不同分位点模型对树干不同位置的预测精度不同,基于M1削度方程,建立多分位点回归模型能进一步提高研究区杉木干形的预测精度。
      Objective  In order to improve prediction accuracy of Chinese fir stem profile, we used nonlinear quantile regression to establish variable exponential taper equations at different quantile points, and compared their fitting and prediction accuracy with nonlinear regression model.
      Method  This study took 73 Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) stem data from the Jiangle Forest Farm in Fujian Province of eastern China. Then we selected 4 variable exponential taper equations, and based on 5-fold cross-validation, used nonlinear quantile regression and nonlinear regression to establish taper equations, respectively. Five model evaluation indicators were selected, including the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), average error (ME), relative error (RE) and average absolute error (MAE), combined with graphs to evaluate the fitting and prediction results.
      Result  The research results showed: (1) the 4 variable exponential taper equations converged at all quantile points (t = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9), indicating that quantile regression can develop different models at different quantiles. So this method can describe the change of Chinese fir stem shape more comprehensively. (2) The accuracy of four taper equations at the quantile point of 0.5 was all higher than others, with R2 about 0.97. For taper equations M1 and M3, the fitting and prediction accuracy based on the median regression (t = 0.5) were both higher than those of nonlinear regression. And the prediction values of the M1 equation were more concentrated. (3) At different quantile points, models had different prediction accuracies for varied stem positions. Models with quantile values of 0.9 and 0.3 had the highest prediction accuracy for the stem top part and the base part, respectively.
      Conclusion  The variable exponential taper equations developed by quantile regression can not only accurately predict stem diameters under average condition, but also predict the changing trend of stem shape under arbitrary quantile conditions. Quantile models have different prediction accuracies for varied stem positions. The multi-quantile regression model of M1 can further improve the prediction accuracy of the Chinese fir stem profile.
  • 白桦(Betula platyphylla)作为我国重要的阔叶用材树种,广泛分布于东北、华北、西北及西南高山林区等14个省区[1],其木质坚硬,质地细白,在家具、建材、造纸等方面具有广泛用途。由于白桦为异花授粉树种,自交不育,基因型高度杂合,因此群体内个体间遗传差异十分明显,主要表现在个体间的干型、生长、适应性等性状各不相同。开展白桦家系多点造林试验,对不同地点间的参试家系进行选择,可最大限度地利用家系间及家系内个体间变异,加速白桦遗传改良进程。


    试验材料为东北林业大学白桦初级实生种子园内53株白桦母树自由授粉的半同胞子代家系。2001年采种,2002年育苗,2003年分别在黑龙江省伊春市朗乡林业局小白林场、吉林省吉林市林业科学研究院实验林场、黑龙江省尚志市帽儿山实验林场营建白桦半同胞家系测定林,3个试验点地理与气候条件见表 1。试验林按照完全随机区组设计,在帽儿山试验点为20株双行排列,在吉林与朗乡2试验点为10株单行排列,株行距2m×2m,3次重复。2015年春分别对3个地点的12年生白桦半同胞子代试验林进行全林树高、胸径调查。

    表  1  3个试验点的地理气候条件
    Table  1.  Geographical and climatic conditions of the three test sites
    Test site
    Annual precipitation/mm
    Annual average temperature/℃
    Soil type
    1 朗乡
    46°48′N 128°50′E 676.0 1.0 100 永冻暗棕壤
    Permafrost dark brown
    2 帽儿山
    45°16′N 127°31′E 666.1 2.4 120 暗棕壤
    Dark brown
    3 吉林
    43°40′N 126°40′E 700.0 4.1 135 暗棕壤
    Dark brown
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    遗传增益(G):G=h2SˉX×100%, 式中:h2为性状遗传力,S为入选各优良家系性状平均值与参试家系相应性状平均值的差值, X为参试家系性状平均值。

    方差分析及多重比较(Duncan)利用SPSS16.0和Microsoft Excel等统计分析软件进行计算。





    式中: y为材积观测值向量,XZ分别为βu的相关矩阵,β为固定效应,u为随机遗传效应,e为随机误差效应。

    3个地点联合方差分析(表 2)表明:单株材积、树高性状在地点间和家系间以及地点与家系的交互作用均表现出极显著(P<0.01)的差异,胸径性状在地点间和家系间也表现出极显著(P<0.01)的差异;说明不同家系在同一地点内生长差异明显,同一个家系在不同立地条件下的生长表现也各不一致,各地点与家系间存在较为明显的互作效应。

    表  2  参试家系生长性状多地点联合方差分析
    Table  2.  Joint variance analysis of growth traits for birch families at different sites
    Growth trait
    Source of variation
    df SS MS F P
    地点Site 2 1755.112 877.556 490.323** <0.01
    地点内区组Site (Block) 6 315.480 52.580 29.378** <0.01
    家系Family 52 351.766 6.765 3.780** <0.01
    家系×地点Family×site(G×E) 104 474.421 4.562 2.549** <0.01
    试验误差Experiment error 4065 7275.337 1.790
    总变异Total variance 4230 423725.196
    Diameter at breast height (DBH)/cm
    地点Site 2 3674.704 1837.352 435.896** <0.01
    地点内区组Site (Block) 6 283.320 47.220 11.203** <0.01
    家系Family 52 389.907 7.498 1.779** <0.01
    家系×地点G×E 104 542.376 5.215 1.237 0.053
    试验误差Experiment error 4065 17134.428 4.215
    总变异Total variance 4230 366062.640
    单株材积Volume(V)/m3 地点Site 2 0.189 0.094 509.010** <0.01
    地点内区组Site (Block) 6 0.017 0.003 15.243** <0.01
    家系Family 52 0.025 <0.001 2.621** <0.01
    家系×地点G×E 104 0.029 <0.001 1.499** <0.01
    试验误差Experiment error 4065 0.753 <0.001
    总变异Total variance 4230 6.436
    注: *差异显著,P<0.05; **差异极显著,P<0.01。下同。Notes: * means significant difference at P<0.05 level; ** means extremely significant difference at P<0.01 level. The same below.
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    单个地点的方差分析(表 3)表明:树高、胸径以及单株材积在家系间均达到差异显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)水平,说明不同家系间生长存在明显差别。在3个试验点中,帽儿山试验点的白桦家系树高、胸径和单株材积生长表现最好,均值分别为10.3928m、9.6489cm和0.0408m3,且变异系数较小,分别为11.79%、22.64%和34.80%,说明参试家系在帽儿山试验点不仅生长量最大,而且生长整齐度也较好。吉林试验点的参试家系各性状均值均处于中间,生长变异水平也处于中等。朗乡试验点各性状均值最小,为8.6575m、7.1091cm和0.0226m3,这与当地年均温较低,无霜期较短等气候条件有关。

    表  3  不同试验点间参试家系生长性状的遗传参数
    Table  3.  Genetic parameters for growth traits of birch families at different sites
    Test site
    Growth trait
    Amplitude ofvariation
    Coefficient of variation/%
    F P
    树高H/m 8.6575 1.6515 9.19~9.89 19.08 2.349 ** <0.01
    胸径DBH/cm 7.1091 2.0069 5.90~8.34 28.23 1.446* 0.02
    单株材积V/m3 0.0226 0.0119 0.0156~0.0311 52.65 1.650** <0.01
    树高H/m 10.3928 1.2252 9.39~11.30 11.79 7.984** <0.01
    胸径DBH/cm 9.6489 2.1848 8.67~10.77 22.64 1.868** <0.01
    单株材积V/m3 0.0408 0.0142 0.0331~0.0499 34.80 3.653** <0.01
    树高H/m 9.7268 1.5534 8.15~11.00 15.97 3.408** <0.01
    胸径DBH/cm 9.1610 1.9483 7.73~10.21 21.27 2.293** <0.01
    单株材积V/m3 0.0351 0.0152 0.0231~0.0453 43.30 2.892** <0.01
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    由于家系间各性状均达到显著差异水平(P<0.05),进而进行多重比较(表 4),初步筛选优良家系。将树高、胸径和单株材积分别在各试验点按均值高低排序后发现,由于3个试验点地理环境各有不同,基因型与环境的交互作用明显,所以53个家系在不同试验点生长表现各有差异,因此首先考虑在各试验点内进行单点优良家系初选,然后再进行3试验点间的联合选择。

    表  4  各试验地点参试家系生长性状多重比较
    Table  4.  Multiple comparisons of birch H, DBH and V for the tested lines at different sites
    朗乡Langxiang 帽儿山Maoershan 吉林Jilin
    树高H/m 胸径DBH/cm 单株材积V/m3 树高H/m 胸径DBH/cm 单株材积V/m3 树高H/m 胸径DBH/cm 单株材积V/m3
    B1 9.65 abcd 7.43 abcde 0.0291 ab 10.23 fghijklm 9.40 bcdef 0.0384 defghijkl 9.58 bcdefghijkl 9.28 abcdef 0.0335 bcdefghij
    B2 7.90 hijk 6.93 abcde 0.0193 bcdefgh 10.28 efghijkl 9.64 abcdef 0.0394 cdefghijkl 8.72 lm 7.73 g 0.0265 jk
    B3 8.30 defghijk 6.77 abcde 0.0209 abcdefgh 10.41 bcdefghijkl 9.47 bcdef 0.0406 cdefghijk 10.07 abcdefghij 9.50 abcdef 0.0395 abcdef
    B4 8.86 abcdefghij 7.05 abcde 0.0251 abcdefgh 9.67 nop 8.67 f 0.0331 l 9.56 bcdefghijkl 8.39 cdefg 0.0311 cdefghijk
    B5 9.53 abcde 7.79 abcd 0.0280 abcd 10.13 hijklmno 9.70 abcdef 0.0382 defghijkl 10.30 abcdef 9.44 abcdef 0.0394 abcdef
    B6 8.27 efghijk 6.81 abcde 0.0205 bcdefgh 10.34 cdefghijkl 9.27 cdef 0.0383 defghijkl 8.69 lm 9.15 abcdef 0.0278 ijk
    B7 9.11 abcdefghij 6.68 abcde 0.0230 abcdefgh 9.92 lmno 8.95 ef 0.0354 ijkl 9.24 hijkl 8.25 defg 0.0295 efghijk
    B8 8.14 fghijk 6.27 cde 0.0172 efgh 10.44 bcdefghijkl 9.15 cdef 0.0390 cdefghijkl 8.15 m 8.43 cdefg 0.0231 k
    B9 8.28 defghijk 6.05 de 0.0177 defgh 9.91 lmno 9.70 abcdef 0.0366 hijkl 9.83 bcdefghijk 8.58 cdefg 0.0326 cdefghijk
    B10 8.81 abcdefghij 8.34 a 0.0251 abcdefgh 10.56 bcdefghij 9.60 abcdef 0.0411 cdefghijk 9.77 bcdefghijk 8.82 abcdefg 0.0343 bcdefghij
    B11 8.29 defghijk 6.75 abcde 0.0221 abcdefgh 10.89 abc 9.50 bcdef 0.0425 bcdefghi 9.57 bcdefghijkl 9.57 abcdef 0.0348 bcdefghij
    B12 9.09 abcdefghij 6.91 abcde 0.0230 abcdefgh 10.47 bcdefghijkl 9.45 bcdef 0.0404 cdefghijk 9.71 bcdefghijk 8.35 cdefg 0.0321 cdefghijk
    B13 8.84 abcdefghij 7.09 abcde 0.0221 abcdefgh 10.35 cdefghijkl 9.89 abcde 0.0408 cdefghijk 9.92 bcdefghijk 9.14 abcdef 0.0356 abcdefghij
    B14 9.15 abcdefghi 7.65 abcde 0.0275 abcdef 10.45 bcdefghijkl 9.88 abcde 0.0415 bcdefghij 9.97 bcdefghijk 9.25 abcdef 0.0366 abcdefghij
    B15 9.52 abcde 7.50 abcde 0.0277 abcde 10.45 bcdefghijkl 10.47 ab 0.0437 abcdefgh 11.00 a 9.78 abc 0.0453 a
    B16 8.96 abcdefghij 7.29 abcde 0.0237 abcdefgh 10.94 ab 9.98 abcde 0.0460 abc 10.38 abcde 9.45 abcdef 0.0410 abcd
    B17 8.77 abcdefghij 8.18 ab 0.0247 abcdefgh 10.21 fghijklm 9.55 bcdef 0.0387 cdefghijkl 9.74 bcdefghijk 10.13 ab 0.0376 abcdefghi
    B18 9.72 ab 7.55 abcde 0.0284 abc 10.32 defghijkl 9.17 cdef 0.0382 defghijkl 9.74 bcdefghijk 9.36 abcdef 0.0351 abcdefghij
    B19 9.27 abcdefgh 7.54 abcde 0.0254 abcdefgh 10.42 bcdefghijkl 9.57 bcdef 0.0405 cdefghijk 10.26 abcdefg 9.72 abc 0.0400 abcde
    B20 8.53 abcdefghij 7.02 abcde 0.0215 abcdefgh 10.10 ijklmno 9.23 cdef 0.0371 fghijkl 9.04 kl 8.47 cdefg 0.0283 hijk
    B21 8.06 fghijk 7.06 abcde 0.0200 bcdefgh 10.58 bcdefghij 9.51 bcdef 0.0414 bcdefghij 9.05 kl 8.69 bcdefg 0.0292 fghijk
    B22 9.02 abcdefghij 7.91 abc 0.0262 abcdefg 10.01 jklmno 9.32 bcdef 0.0381 efghijkl 9.32 fghijkl 8.77 abcdefg 0.0302 efghijk
    B23 8.71 abcdefghij 6.44 bcde 0.0200 bcdefgh 10.23 fghijklm 9.33 bcdef 0.0398 cdefghijkl 9.37 fghijkl 8.63 cdefg 0.0336 bcdefghij
    B24 8.75 abcdefghij 6.97 abcde 0.0229 abcdefgh 10.09 ijklmno 9.49 bcdef 0.0385 cdefghijkl 9.15 jkl 9.01 abcdefg 0.0300 efghijk
    B25 7.98 ghijk 6.24 cde 0.0172 fgh 10.25 fghijklm 10.01 abcde 0.0418 bcdefghi 10.09 abcdefghij 9.57 abcdef 0.0385 abcdefgh
    B26 9.08 abcdefghij 7.77 abcd 0.0251 abcdefgh 9.72 mnop 9.05 def 0.0369 ghijkl 9.13 jkl 9.28 abcdef 0.0350 abcdefghij
    B27 8.41 bcdefghijk 7.23 abcde 0.0226 abcdefgh 10.32 defghijkl 9.81 abcdef 0.0410 cdefghijk 9.52 cdefghijkl 9.17 abcdef 0.0329 cdefghijk
    B28 8.77 abcdefghij 6.22 cde 0.0251 abcdefgh 10.07 jklmno 10.10 abcde 0.0407 cdefghijk 10.52 ab 10.10 ab 0.0453 a
    B29 7.19 k 6.12 cde 0.0161 gh 10.91 abc 9.87 abcde 0.0444 abcdef 9.95 bcdefghijk 9.50 abcdef 0.0374 abcdefghi
    B30 9.68 abc 6.47 bcde 0.0254 abcdefgh 10.65 bcdefghi 9.58 bcdef 0.0418 bcdefghi 9.73 bcdefghijk 9.28 abcdef 0.0346 bcdefghij
    B31 8.91 abcdefghij 6.80 abcde 0.0228 abcdefgh 10.40 bcdefghijkl 9.66 abcdef 0.0414 cdefghij 10.39 abcde 9.71 abc 0.0416 abc
    B32 8.48 bcdefghijk 7.62 abcde 0.0221 abcdefgh 10.38 bcdefghijkl 9.53 bcdef 0.0399 cdefghijkl 9.29 ghijkl 8.70 bcdefg 0.0303 efghijk
    B33 8.94 abcdefghij 7.66 abcde 0.0258 abcdefgh 10.29 efghijkl 9.19 cdef 0.0387 cdefghijkl 10.00 bcdefghijk 9.70 abcd 0.0390 abcdefg
    B34 9.89 a 7.88 abcd 0.0311 a 10.87 abcd 10.16 abcd 0.0458 abc 10.50 abc 9.78 abc 0.0414 abc
    B35 8.30 defghijk 6.93 abcde 0.0206 bcdefgh 10.83 abcde 10.77 a 0.0486 ab 9.70 bcdefghijk 8.75 bcdefg 0.0342 bcdefghij
    B36 8.08 fghijk 7.04 abcde 0.0189 bcdefgh 10.70 bcdefgh 10.09 abcde 0.0444 abcdef 10.00 bcdefghijk 9.44 abcdef 0.0368 abcdefghij
    B37 8.25 efghijk 7.49 abcde 0.0214 abcdefgh 10.58 bcdefghij 10.00 abcde 0.0435 abcdefgh 9.87 bcdefghijk 9.28 abcdef 0.0355 abcdefghij
    B38 8.31 cdefghijk 7.44 abcde 0.0239 abcdefgh 9.61 op 8.96 ef 0.0339 kl 9.27 ghijkl 8.87 abcdefg 0.0313 cdefghijk
    B39 8.56 abcdefghij 7.58 abcde 0.0226 abcdefgh 10.17 ghijklmn 9.82 abcdef 0.0404 cdefghijk 9.61 bcdefghijkl 8.84 abcdefg 0.0334 bcdefghij
    B40 7.81 ijk 6.57 abcde 0.0169 gh 11.30 a 10.31 abc 0.0499 a 9.96 bcdefghijk 9.37 abcdef 0.0382 abcdefghi
    B41 8.12 fghijk 6.91 abcde 0.0199 bcdefgh 10.66 bcdefghi 9.37 bcdef 0.0404 cdefghijk 10.17 abcdefghi 9.34 abcdef 0.0382 abcdefghi
    B42 8.79 abcdefghij 7.33 abcde 0.0229 abcdefgh 10.91 abc 10.11 abcde 0.0456 abcd 9.96 bcdefghijk 9.75 abc 0.0382 abcdefghi
    B43 8.73 abcdefghij 7.76 abcd 0.0250 abcdefgh 10.69 bcdefgh 9.50 bcdef 0.0427 bcdefghi 9.83 bcdefghijk 9.36 abcdef 0.0356 abcdefghij
    B44 7.74 jk 7.11 abcde 0.0185 cdefgh 10.69 bcdefgh 10.04 abcde 0.0442 abcdefg 10.21 abcdefgh 9.61 abcdef 0.0389 abcdefgh
    B45 9.45 abcdef 7.41 abcde 0.0285 abc 10.69 bcdefgh 10.27 abc 0.0452 abcde 9.50 defghijkl 9.51 abcdef 0.0344 bcdefghij
    B46 8.93 abcdefghij 7.85 abcd 0.0245 abcdefgh 10.50 bcdefghijk 9.86 abcde 0.0418 bcdefghi 9.48 efghijkl 8.20 efg 0.0300 efghijk
    B47 8.66 abcdefghij 6.29 cde 0.0196 bcdefgh 9.39 p 9.37 bcdef 0.0342 jkl 9.19 ijkl 8.19 fg 0.0308 defghijk
    B48 9.33 abcdefg 6.54 abcde 0.0222 abcdefgh 10.73 bcdefg 10.33 abc 0.0452 abcde 9.96 bcdefghijk 9.46 abcdef 0.0364 abcdefghij
    B49 7.84 ijk 5.90 e 0.0156 h 10.41 bcdefghijkl 9.04 def 0.0384 defghijkl 10.11 abcdefghij 9.39 abcdef 0.0380 abcdefghi
    B50 8.15 efghijk 6.42 bcde 0.0183 cdefgh 10.55 bcdefghij 10.23 abcd 0.0436 abcdefgh 10.06 bcdefghij 9.66 abcde 0.0389 abcdefgh
    B51 8.96 abcdefghij 7.94 abc 0.0248 abcdefgh 10.45 bcdefghijkl 9.61 abcdef 0.0413 cdefghij 10.48 abcd 10.21 a 0.0439 ab
    B52 8.18 efghijk 7.14 abcde 0.0195 bcdefgh 9.97 klmno 9.20 cdef 0.0354 ijkl 9.06 kl 8.52 cdefg 0.0284 ghijk
    B53 7.83 ijk 7.13 abcde 0.0184 cdefgh 10.75 bcdef 9.67 abcdef 0.0427 bcdefghi 9.86 bcdefghijk 9.13 abcdefg 0.0352 abcdefghij
    注:表中不同字母表示在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。Note: different letters mean significant difference at P < 0.05 level.
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    在朗乡试验点,若以各性状均值加上0.2倍标准差为选择条件,则3个性状均高于选择标准的有:B5、B14、B15、B18、B19、B22、B26和B34家系,这8个家系为生长性状最优家系,其树高、胸径和单株材积均值分别为:9.40m、7.70cm和0.0274m3, 分别高于参试家系均值的8.54%、8.30%和21.49%,仅有2个生长性状高于选择标准的有:B1、B10、B33、B43和B45家系,为生长良好家系,其树高、胸径和单株材积均值分别为:9.12m、7.72cm和0.0267m3。根据多重比较结果,朗乡试验点初步选择这13个家系为优良家系,入选率为24.53%。依据上述选择标准,在帽儿山试验点生长最优家系为B34、B35、B36、B40、B42、B45和B48,这7个家系的树高、胸径和单株材积均值为:10.86m、10.29cm、0.0464m3,分别高于参试家系均值的4.51%、6.66%和13.76%,较好家系为B15、B16、B29和B44,其树高、胸径和单株材积均值为:10.75m、10.09cm和0.0446m3,因此,这11个家系入选为帽儿山试验点的优良家系,入选率为20.75%。同样选择标准,在吉林试验点选择B15、B19、B25、B28、B31、B34、B44、B50、B51、B3、B5、B16、B33、B41和B42等15个家系为优良家系,入选率为28.30%。


    参试的53个白桦家系在各试验点平均保存率不尽相同(表 5)。3个地点中吉林试验点的各家系保存率最好,53个家系保存率均值为69.75%,有12个家系的保存率大于80.00%,其中B9家系保存率高达96.67%,B8家系保存率最低,仅为43.33%;帽儿山试验点53个家系保存率均值为60.40%,其中保存率最高的是B14家系,为94.29%, 保存率最低的是B3家系,仅为38.57%;朗乡试验点参试家系保存率均值为54.34%,B35和B25家系的保存率最高,为90.00%,B4、B50等2个家系次之,其他49个家系的保存率均在80.00%以下,B53、B51家系保存率最低,仅为23.33%。

    表  5  各试验地点参试家系保存率
    Table  5.  Preservation rate for the tested families at different sites
    Tested family
    保存率Preservation rate/% 3个地点保存率均值
    Average preservation rate at three sites/%
    B1 40.00 55.71 63.33 53.01
    B2 30.00 61.43 60.00 50.48
    B3 66.67 38.57 46.67 50.64
    B4 83.33 51.43 83.33 72.70
    B5 73.33 45.71 76.67 65.24
    B6 56.67 58.57 53.33 56.19
    B7 33.33 62.86 70.00 55.40
    B8 63.33 62.86 43.33 56.51
    B9 40.00 50.00 96.67 62.22
    B10 60.00 65.71 73.33 66.35
    B11 26.67 62.86 76.67 55.40
    B12 70.00 68.57 80.00 72.86
    B13 66.67 68.57 83.33 72.86
    B14 43.33 94.29 53.33 63.65
    B15 30.00 50.00 53.33 44.44
    B16 50.00 65.71 70.00 61.90
    B17 40.00 65.71 76.67 60.79
    B18 70.00 60.00 76.67 68.89
    B19 76.67 51.43 63.33 63.81
    B20 76.67 65.71 76.67 73.02
    B21 73.33 61.43 66.67 67.14
    B22 56.67 64.29 73.33 64.76
    B23 33.33 54.29 90.00 59.21
    B24 50.00 57.14 66.67 57.94
    B25 90.00 55.71 76.67 74.13
    B26 50.00 57.14 50.00 52.38
    B27 50.00 60.00 70.00 60.00
    B28 30.00 57.14 70.00 52.38
    B29 36.67 70.00 70.00 58.89
    B30 53.33 71.43 86.67 70.48
    B31 36.67 65.71 60.00 54.13
    B32 56.67 67.14 80.00 67.94
    B33 63.33 54.29 76.67 64.76
    B34 56.67 60.00 73.33 63.33
    B35 90.00 67.14 66.67 74.60
    B36 53.33 61.43 83.33 66.03
    B37 53.33 68.57 76.67 66.19
    B38 46.67 44.29 50.00 46.99
    B39 63.33 50.00 60.00 57.78
    B40 66.67 75.71 83.33 75.24
    B41 70.00 70.00 80.00 73.33
    B42 40.00 71.43 86.67 66.03
    B43 70.00 70.00 76.67 72.22
    B44 36.67 61.43 80.00 59.37
    B45 60.00 58.57 46.67 55.08
    B46 66.67 64.29 76.67 69.21
    B47 53.33 44.29 70.00 55.87
    B48 63.33 62.86 73.33 66.51
    B49 46.67 40.00 60.00 48.89
    B50 86.67 55.71 60.00 67.46
    B51 23.33 60.00 76.67 53.33
    B52 33.33 57.14 56.67 49.05
    B53 23.33 57.14 46.67 42.38
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    上述针对各试验点各家系间的树高、胸径和单株材积等3个性状单独进行了方差分析、多重比较及各试验点的优良家系初步筛选。但优良家系的评定往往应考虑多个地点的综合表现,考虑到材积是公认的反映立地质量的林木生长主要性状,并且是能够综合体现树高性状与胸径性状的高低最直接的指标。因此,在本研究中选择BLUP模型利用各家系在3个试验点的单株材积数据进行育种值估算,进而进行家系的评价和选择(表 6)。

    表  6  参试家系材积性状育种值
    Table  6.  Breeding value for volume of birch families
    Comprehensive ranking
    Breeding value
    Standard error
    1 B34 0.009487 0.408866
    2 B15 0.008838 0.400508
    3 B28 0.007473 0.404450
    4 B16 0.006786 0.408455
    5 B51 0.005843 0.403728
    6 B40 0.005191 0.411808
    7 B42 0.005067 0.408921
    8 B45 0.004931 0.406538
    9 B48 0.003846 0.409883
    10 B35 0.003845 0.411074
    11 B19 0.002876 0.408067
    12 B31 0.002838 0.405394
    13 B5 0.002812 0.409427
    14 B43 0.002792 0.411366
    15 B14 0.002778 0.410816
    16 B44 0.002584 0.407243
    17 B36 0.002060 0.409832
    18 B29 0.001729 0.407011
    19 B33 0.001726 0.409499
    20 B11 0.001424 0.404868
    21 B37 0.001349 0.409699
    22 B17 0.001340 0.407742
    23 B30 0.001311 0.410246
    24 B18 0.001297 0.410728
    25 B10 0.001276 0.409895
    26 B50 0.001214 0.409561
    27 B41 0.000381 0.411618
    28 B3 0.000183 0.403408
    29 B26 0.000130 0.405231
    30 B13 -0.000096 0.410798
    31 B53 -0.000154 0.399256
    32 B1 -0.000505 0.405265
    33 B46 -0.001507 0.410566
    34 B25 -0.001666 0.411684
    35 B39 -0.001780 0.407691
    36 B12 -0.002024 0.411479
    37 B22 -0.002113 0.409472
    38 B23 -0.002169 0.405577
    39 B27 -0.002352 0.407904
    40 B32 -0.003134 0.410325
    41 B24 -0.003471 0.407761
    42 B49 -0.003577 0.402874
    43 B21 -0.004966 0.409794
    44 B20 -0.005170 0.411443
    45 B7 -0.005506 0.405812
    46 B38 -0.005755 0.403724
    47 B6 -0.005835 0.406911
    48 B9 -0.005966 0.407067
    49 B4 -0.005967 0.410607
    50 B2 -0.006776 0.403709
    51 B47 -0.007239 0.407103
    52 B52 -0.007793 0.403611
    53 B8 -0.007885 0.406856
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    早期选择可靠性及选择年龄的确定等问题一直以来都备受国内外同行关注。但是,越来越多的试验分析表明林木早期选择具有较高的可信度。如油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、马尾松(P. massoniana)等树种的育种实践证明对生长期达1/4~1/2轮伐期的林分即可进行早期选择,并且早期选择的效率更高[14]。白桦人工林的主伐年龄为31~41年生[15],本项研究所选取的对象为12年生白桦半同胞家系子代测定林,其林龄已达1/3轮伐期,因此,对其进行早期选择应该具有较高准确性。

    对于多点造林试验,由于待测群体数量庞大,加之各造林点间的地理气候环境不尽相同,试验林的保存率也各不相同,导致观测数据复杂多样,给遗传评价和选择带来相当难度[16-17]。而育种值的估算恰恰能克服这一问题,它能体现表型值中遗传效应的加性效应部分,对群体规模大、结构复杂的不平衡数据进行统计分析时,能有效地剔除各种非遗传因素的影响,因而具有较高的选择准确性,已被广泛应用于马尾松、火炬松(Pinus taeda)、尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)等多个树种的选择中,是一种较理想的综合评价方法[18-20]。本研究采用BLUP最佳线性无偏预测模型参试家系进行多地点材积育种值估算,依据育种值高低对参试家系进行综合评价,以20.00%入选率为标准选择育种值排名前11位的家系为优良家系。同时,基于各地点白桦半同胞子代测定林生长表现分析结果,建议种子园改建时B34和B15这2个家系的采种母树为首选保留母树,B28、B16、B51、B40、B42、B45、B48、B35、B19这9个家系的采种母树为备选母树。

  • 图  1   不同分位点模型对杉木干形拟合图

    Figure  1.   Cunninghamia lanceolata stem curve simulation of quantile regression

    图  2   基于非线性回归与中位数回归的各削度方程对不同树高处截面直径的预测结果

    Figure  2.   Prediction results of taper function at different heights of stem based on nonlinear regression and median regression

    图  3   中位数回归的杉木干形预测图

    散点为观测值,线条为中位数回归模型的预测曲线。Points are the observed values and the lines are predicting curves of the median regression models.

    Figure  3.   Stem profile prediction for Chinese fir based on median regression

    图  4   基于不同分位点对树干不同位置的预测结果

    Figure  4.   Prediction results of different stem positions based on varied quantiles

    表  1   杉木调查因子统计表

    Table  1   Basic statistic information of sample trees

    项目 Item最小值 Min.最大值 Max.平均值 Mean中位数 Median标准差 SD变异系数 CV
    树干直径 Stem diameter (di)/cm 0.96 54.00 11.81 11.43 5.987 4.490
    树干高 Height along stem (hi)/m 0.0 25.0 8.0 7.0 5.980 3.141
    胸径 DBH (D)/cm 4.90 28.40 17.23 17.12 5.003 1.365
    树高 Tree height (H)/m 4.1 25.5 17.3 18.2 5.980 1.236
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    表  3   基于非线性回归与分位数回归的各削度方程的拟合结果

    Table  3   Fit-goodness statistics of taper functions based on nonlinear regression and quantile regression

    模型 Model建模方法 Modeling method分位点 Quantile模型的评价指标 Evaluation index of the model
    M1 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 0.972 0.635 0.990 3 379.627 0.018
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 0.940 0.953 1.427 5 076.793 0.843
    0.3 0.960 0.699 1.122 4 391.152 0.192
    0.5 0.975 0.627 0.801 3 337.980 −0.017
    0.7 0.970 0.702 1.067 3 738.042 −0.310
    0.9 0.930 1.089 1.542 5 799.579 −0.922
    0.960 0.830 1.172 4 421.905 0.016
    M2 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 0.971 0.704 1.022 3 749.541 0.017
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 0.920 1.329 1.742 7 076.160 1.263
    0.3 0.950 0.932 1.303 4 961.605 0.629
    0.5 0.968 0.825 1.180 4 395.446 −0.012
    0.7 0.950 0.940 1.320 5 003.610 −0.423
    0.9 0.900 1.473 1.877 7 844.500 −1.292
    M3 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 0.972 0.731 1.090 3 892.878 0.032
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 0.940 1.062 1.484 5 656.519 0.999
    0.3 0.960 0.764 1.179 4 070.373 0.525
    0.5 0.974 0.626 1.008 3 397.303 −0.013
    0.7 0.970 0.785 1.102 4 182.318 −0.350
    0.9 0.920 0.309 1.685 6 969.442 −1.180
    M4 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 0.975 0.734 1.022 3 949.541 0.170
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 0.940 0.953 1.472 5 076.793 0.843
    0.3 0.960 0.726 1.137 3 867.362 0.345
    0.5 0.979 0.710 1.003 3 781.487 −0.017
    0.7 0.960 0.800 1.165 4 259.591 −0.267
    0.9 0.920 1.141 1.664 7 513.007 −1.184
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    表  2   非线性回归与分位数回归对各削度方程的参数估计结果

    Table  2   Parameter estimates of taper function based on nonlinear regression and quantile regression

    模型 Model建模方法 Modeling method分位点 Quantile模型参数 Parameters of model
    M1 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 0.783 3 −3.151 0 1.841 7 1.158 8
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 −0.181 2 −0.500 4 0.231 5 1.194 4
    0.3 0.623 3 −2.716 6 1.659 8 1.155 7
    0.5 0.788 4 −3.388 2 2.068 0 1.191 0
    0.7 1.533 0 −5.229 0 3.185 1 1.143 0
    0.9 1.947 9 −6.171 4 3.604 2 1.149 8
    M2 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 2.899 0 6.165 0
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 3.024 9 7.133 1
    0.3 2.868 6 6.263 2
    0.5 2.817 7 5.880 6
    0.7 2.769 8 5.519 8
    0.9 2.901 9 5.677 5
    M3 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 1.446 6 0.914 6 1.182 4 −1.770 1 1.306 2
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 1.353 6 0.918 7 1.109 7 −1.422 7 1.188 5
    0.3 1.312 0 0.929 5 0.766 2 −0.963 6 0.974 8
    0.5 1.366 9 0.920 3 0.918 1 −1.223 2 1.029 3
    0.7 1.440 5 0.921 0 1.359 8 −1.960 8 1.317 8
    0.9 1.516 5 0.925 0 1.179 5 −2.099 3 1.482 4
    M4 非线性回归 Nonlinear regression 1.390 6 0.636 9 −0.727 4
    分位数回归 Quantile regression 0.1 1.331 0 0.754 1 −0.836 5
    0.3 1.294 7 0.677 3 −0.749 8
    0.5 1.293 5 0.629 2 −0.700 0
    0.7 1.323 9 0.574 5 −0.651 2
    0.9 1.598 4 0.565 1 −0.684 9
    注:M1、M2、M3和M4分别代表文中的公式(1)、公式(2)、公式(3)和公式(4)。下同。Notes: M1, M2, M3 and M4 represent formula (1), formula (2), formula (3) and formula (4), respectively. The same below.
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    表  4   非线性回归模型与中位数回归模型的预测精度检验

    Table  4   Prediction statistics of nonlinear regression models and median regression models

    Prediction statistics of non-linear regression
    Prediction statistics of median regression
    M1 0.972 0.638 0.994 850.911 0.017 0.975 0.158 0.801 797.121 0.007
    M2 0.961 0.832 1.180 1109.960 0.088 0.966 0.207 1.155 960.196 0.612
    M3 0.970 0.177 1.028 945.102 0.015 0.979 0.174 1.031 926.861 0.011
    M4 0.966 0.201 1.095 978.018 0.031 0.966 0.178 1.100 950.730 0.017
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-08-15
  • 修回日期:  2020-10-04
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-06-06
  • 发布日期:  2021-07-24


