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张静, 漆楚生, 母军

张静, 漆楚生, 母军. 热处理温度和时间对杉木质量损失和静曲强度的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(10): 137-144. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200257
引用本文: 张静, 漆楚生, 母军. 热处理温度和时间对杉木质量损失和静曲强度的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(10): 137-144. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200257
Zhang Jing, Qi Chusheng, Mu Jun. Effects of thermal treatment temperature and duration on mass loss and rupture modulus of Cunninghamia lanceolata[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(10): 137-144. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200257
Citation: Zhang Jing, Qi Chusheng, Mu Jun. Effects of thermal treatment temperature and duration on mass loss and rupture modulus of Cunninghamia lanceolata[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(10): 137-144. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200257


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(3197140272、31870536)

    张静。主要研究方向:木材热加工。Email:873460923@qq.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院


    漆楚生,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:木质复合材料。Email:qichusheng@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

    母军,博士,教授。主要研究方向:木质生物质材料利用。Email:mujun@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

Effects of thermal treatment temperature and duration on mass loss and rupture modulus of Cunninghamia lanceolata

  • 摘要:
      目的  热处理可以改善木材的尺寸稳定性,同时会降低木材质量并影响木材力学性能,有必要探明热处理对木材质量和力学性能的作用机制。
      方法  本研究选用人工林杉木薄片作为试验材,在160、180、200、220℃及氮气环境下分别处理1、2、3、4、5、6 h,测试处理后木材的质量损失率(mL)和静曲强度(MOR),采用ATR-FTIR、TGA进行表征,并建立热处理杉木质量损失率和静曲强度的预测模型。
      结果  热处理温度低于200 ℃时,温度比时间对杉木质量损失率和力学性能的影响更显著。当热处理温度高于200 ℃时,温度和时间对质量损失率和力学性能均有显著性影响。热处理杉木的质量损失率随热处理温度升高和时间延长呈非线性增加,质量损失率范围在0.2% ~ 17.6%之间,其预测模型为lnmL = 0.8lnt + 9.35lnT – 53.67(t为时间,T为温度),R2为0.99,试验测试值与模型预测值基本一致。杉木的MOR随热处理温度升高和热处理时间延长线性降低,与未处理杉木相比,MOR降低了4.4% ~ 74.8%,其预测模型为MOR = −2.57t – 0.82T + 220.44,R2为0.93,该模型总体预测效果较好。热处理杉木MOR随质量损失率增加呈指数下降,两者关系模型为MOR = 65.4e20mL + 16.4,R2为0.95,此模型能够预测MOR随质量损失率的非线性变化趋势。
      结论  通过试验数据建立了杉木的质量损失率与热处理条件,MOR与热处理条件,质量损失率与MOR之间的经验方程,可预测热处理木材质量损失和MOR的变化趋势,为木材热处理工艺的优化和热处理木材性能预测提供参考和依据。
      Objective  Heat treatment can improve the dimensional stability of wood, but it will simultaneously reduce its mass and affect its mechanical properties. So it is necessary to explore the mechanism of heat treatment on wood mass and mechanical properties.
      Method  In this study, flakes of Chinese fir plantation were used as the test material, and they were treated at 160, 180, 200, 220 °C and nitrogen atmosphere for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours, respectively. The mass loss rate (mL) and static bending strength (MOR) of treated wood were tested, characterized by ATR-FTIR and TGA. And the prediction model of mass loss and MOR during heat treating process was established.
      Result  When the heat treating temperature didn’t exceed 200 ℃, it had a more significant impact on the mass loss and mechanical properties of wood than the heat treating time. When the heat treating temperature exceeded 200 °C, heat treating temperature and time had significant effects on wood mass loss and mechanical properties. The mass loss rate of Chinese fir wood showed a non-linear increase with the increase of heat treating temperature and heat treating time, and when the range of mass loss rate was between 0.2% and 17.6%, a model can be established, lnmL = 0.8 lnt + 9.35 lnT – 53.67 (t is time, T is temperature), R2 was 0.99. And the tested values were basically consistent with the predicted values. The MOR of Chinese fir wood decreased linearly with the increase of heat treating temperature and heat treating time. Compared with untreated wood, MOR decreased by 4.4%−74.8%, and a model which had a better forecast can be established, MOR = −2.57t – 0.82T + 220.44, R2 was 0.93. The MOR of heat-treated wood decreased exponentially with the increase of mass loss, and a model that accurately predict the changing trend of MOR with mass loss can be established, MOR = 65.4e20mL + 16.4, R2 was 0.95.
      Conclusion  This study establishes the empirical equations between mass loss and the heat treating conditions, the MOR and the heat conditions, the mass loss and MOR of Chinese fir wood through the experimental data, which can provide reference and basis for optimization of wood heat treating process and prediction of heat-treated wood performance.
  • 古筝作为中国传统弹拨乐器的一种,不仅民族文化悠久,演奏的音域还很广泛,这与构成它的部件密不可分,尤其共鸣面板对古筝的发声起了至关重要的作用[1-2]。古筝共鸣面板的振动性能与众多因素有关,其中共鸣面板的结构是影响其振动性能的重要因素之一。目前很多古筝制造厂多采用拼板与整板两种结构的共鸣面板,拼板结构的面板制作采用折弯工艺,由多块直板胶黏拼接后压弯制成[3];整板结构的面板制作采用压弯工艺,将整板烘烤压弯制成。我国民族乐器的发展起源较早,但在对民族乐器共鸣面板及用材性能的评价中,多是通过演奏者或技师的主观评判,这已不适应当前乐器工业发展的需要[4-5]。随着社会经济的繁荣发展以及民族乐器发展的复杂化,人们对于民族乐器的要求逐渐提高,越来越多的学者对其振动特性进行了研究。




    本研究选用扬州某企业提供的泡桐制乐器共鸣面板。具体实验对象为泡桐(Paulownia fortunei)制整板结构共鸣面板。其含水率处于12% ~ 14%,密度约等于260 kg/m3,几何参数如表1所示。

    表  1  共鸣面板的尺寸规格
    Table  1.  Geometric parameters of soundboard mm
    Head width
    Tail width
    Arc length radius in width direction
    Arc length radius in length direction
    1 630 7 350 295 330 7 300
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    为了使得到的结果更加接近古筝共鸣面板在实际演奏中的振动,本研究将古筝共鸣面板固定在共鸣箱上,共鸣箱内部框架材料为云杉( Picea asperata),底板材料为泡桐。经多次预实验后,最终决定将古筝共鸣面板划分为横纹理方向(x方向)6等分,顺纹理方向(y方向)32等分,需要采集信号的总点数为185个。在ZSDASP信号采集分析软件中建立几何结构模拟古筝共鸣面板,并使实际激励点与几何结构上的点相对应。采用ZSL系列冲击力锤逐一敲击试件上的点,通过ZSDASP信号采集分析软件对经ZS7016动态信号采集仪及微型压电式PE加速度传感器采集到的数据进行分析,得到试件传递函数的幅频,最终通过信号处理并选取模态因子函数,得到各阶共振频率及其对应的模态振型[20-21],实验设置如图1所示。

    图  1  实验模态分析的材料设置方式
    Figure  1.  Material setup mode of modal analysis experiment


    图  2  整板结构的古筝共鸣面板的各阶共振频率对应振型图及其振动节线图
    Figure  2.  Vibration mode diagrams and vibration nodal diagrams corresponding to each order resonant frequency of whole Guzheng soundboard

    图2可以得出整板结构共鸣面板的模态振型有如下特点:能够识别到13阶的共振频率与振型,依次为(0,1)、(0,2)、(0,3)、(1,3)、(0,4)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)、(1,7)、(1,8)、(2,8)、(1,11)阶。其中只沿横纹理方向的弯曲振动阶次为(0,1)、(0,2)、(0,3)、(0,4),在振型上分别表现为有1 ~ 4条顺纹理方向的振动节点线,且振动位移呈顺纹理方向对称。沿顺纹理方向的弯曲振动阶次为(1,n)、(2,n)阶,在振型上分别表现为有1、2条横向的振动节点线。(1,3)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)、(1,7)、(1,8)、(2,8)、(1,11)阶均为沿顺纹理方向和横纹理方向弯曲振动的叠加,振动形式复杂。另外,从各阶模态振型和振动节线图可以看出,随着阶次的逐渐升高,整板结构共鸣面板的振型也越复杂。同时,得到的振型均匀程度和清晰度也不尽相同,(0,n)阶对应的模态振型相对清晰易识别,(1,n)、(2,n)中的较低阶次,即(1,3)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)对应的振型识别较为困难。进一步综合分析识别到的整板结构古筝共鸣面板各阶频率的变化趋势,其结果如图3所示。

    图  3  整板结构共鸣面板各阶共振频率的变化趋势
    Figure  3.  Changing trend of resonance frequencies of whole Guzheng soundboard



    借助软件Solidworks 2016和ANSYS14.5对试件进行模拟并对所建模型进行模态分析,并与实验模态分析结果进行对比,验证计算模态分析的可行性。

    本研究省略了顺纹理方向(y方向)的面板弧度,只考虑横纹理方向(x方向)的弧度,同时将面板看成左右同宽的规则结构(俯视图为矩形)。借助SolidWorks软件和通过实际测量获得的几何参数建立了整板结构古筝共鸣面板的三维模型,将模型导入到ANSYS Workbench中进行模态分析,将定义的新材料应用到所建的模型上[22]。对整板结构共鸣面板模型进行网格划分,共划分了2 144个单元,节点数为15 761个。

    根据实验模态分析结果,设定古筝模型的频率范围为0 ~ 1 500 Hz,对整板结构共鸣面板模型进行求解,得到各阶共振频率和模态振型。依据实验获得的阶次范围确定模型的振型阶次。


    图  4  整板结构共鸣面板模型的共振频率和振型
    Figure  4.  Resonance frequencies and modes of the whole soundboard model


    表  2  计算模态分析与实验所得各阶频率对比
    Table  2.  Frequency comparison between calculated modal analysis and experimental results
    频率 Frequency/Hz误差
    频率 Frequency/Hz误差
    Experimental result
    Calculated result
    Experimental result
    Calculated result
    (0,0) (1,5) 608.59 608.59 1.17
    (0,1) 238.28 (1,6) 764.21 764.21
    (0,2) 347.66 (1,7) 910.29 910.29 2.21
    (0,3) 425.78 (1,8) 921.97 921.97 1.73
    (0,4) 492.19 (1,9) 1 037.00 1 037.00
    (0,5) (1,10) 1 117.20 1 117.20
    (0,6) (1,11) 1 281.00 1 281.00 −0.63
    (0,7) (2,4) 653.58 653.58 −0.41
    (0,8) (2,5) 712.17 712.17 3.00
    (0,9) (2,6) 758.96 758.96 1.72
    (0,10) (2,7) 941.58 941.58
    (1,3) 460.94 462.45 0.33 (2,8) 1 032.50 1 032.50 0.50
    (1,4) 537.56
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    图  5  整板结构共鸣面板计算模态分析与实验所得各阶次频率变化趋势
    Figure  5.  Frequency changing trend of each order obtained from the mode analysis and experiment of the whole soundboard









  • 图  1   不同热处理温度和时间下的杉木红外光谱图

    Figure  1.   FTIR spectra of heat-treated Chinese fir wood at different temperatures and times

    图  2   热处理杉木的TG与DTG曲线

    Figure  2.   TG and DTG curves of heat-treated Chinese fir wood

    图  3   热处理时间和温度对杉木质量损失率的影响

    Figure  3.   Effects of heat treating time and temperature on the mass loss rate of Chinese fir wood

    图  4   热处理温度和时间对杉木质量损失率和静曲强度的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of heat treating conditions on mass loss rate and MOR of Chinese fir wood

    图  5   预测模型与试验数据的比较

    Figure  5.   Comparison of prediction model and test data

    表  1   不同热处理温度和时间条件下杉木的静曲强度

    Table  1   MOR of Chinese fir wood under different heat treating temperature and time MPa

    时间 Time/h温度 Temperature/℃
    180.1 ± 6.873.9 ± 3.260.1 ± 2.938.1 ± 4.1
    276.2 ± 5.971.3 ± 2.956.7 ± 3.433.2 ± 3.0
    374.2 ± 6.870.3 ± 4.850.4 ± 3.228.3 ± 5.8
    473.3 ± 5.968.4 ± 6.744.5 ± 3.223.5 ± 3.2
    573.3 ± 6.865.9 ± 2.942.5 ± 2.923.5 ± 3.4
    676.2 ± 2.965.9 ± 5.639.6 ± 2.921.1 ± 3.2
    注:对照的静曲强度为(83.8 ± 3.6) MPa。Note: MOR of the control is (83.8 ± 3.6) MPa.
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