

    Water use efficiency and its influencing factors of typical greening tree species in Beijing region

    • 摘要:
        目的  在北京地区绿化率需求提升和水资源短缺背景下,城市绿化与城市生产、生活用水矛盾日益尖锐。因此,探寻城市绿化树种对干旱生境的响应机制,筛选低耗水、高水分利用的园林绿化树种,成为北京高质量城市森林景观建设的重要需求。
        方法  该研究以北京地区落叶树种银杏、栾树、国槐和常绿树种侧柏、油松和白皮松盆栽幼树为研究对象,基于碳稳定同位素技术与树种生理参数观测分析3种干旱胁迫处理下(50% ~ 70%土壤田间持水量(FC)(轻度干旱SLD);30% ~ 50% FC(中度干旱MD);低于30% FC(重度干旱ED))树种瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi)和平均水分利用效率(WUEL)差异。
        结果  (1) 与对照处理(90% ~ 100% FC,CK)相比,银杏、栾树、国槐和侧柏的光合能力、WUEi在土壤体积含水量(SWC)小于70%条件下显著减小(P < 0.05),而油松、白皮松WUEi在水分胁迫作用下无显著变化。(2) MD与ED下,常绿树种WUEL均显著高于落叶树种(P < 0.05)。在ED处理下3种落叶树种间WUEL存在显著差异,排序为国槐 > 栾树 > 银杏(P < 0.05)。银杏、栾树在SLD、侧柏、油松在MD时分别达到各自WUEL峰值后下降;而在土壤逐渐干旱处理下,国槐、白皮松WUEL逐渐增大,且在ED处理下分别比CK增加了44.19%和30.35%(P < 0.05)。(3) 比较不同树种光合荧光参数分别与WUEi、WUEL之间的相关关系发现,落叶树种银杏、栾树和国槐的气孔导度(gs)影响其光合、蒸腾过程(P < 0.01),对WUEi影响较大;而常绿树种侧柏、油松和白皮松gs对土壤水分变异不敏感(P > 0.05),对WUEi影响较小。在MD和ED水分胁迫条件下常绿树种WUEL均高于落叶树种。
        结论  北京典型常绿树种比落叶树种更能优化光合性能,提高自身水分利用效率以适应干旱生境。


        Objective  Due to the water scarcity and the improvement in urban greening, the tension has grown from the struggles for water between industries, urban life, and urban afforestation in Beijing. Thus, it is the top priority to explore the response mechanism of urban greening tree species to arid habitats and to screen the low-water consumption and high-water utilization landscaping tree species for high-quality urban forest landscape.
        Method  Typical greening tree species including Ginkgo biloba, Koelreuteria paniculata, Sophora japonica, Platycladus orientalis, Pinus tabuliformis, and Pinus bungeana in Beijing were selected and subjected to three groups of soil water stresses such as slight drought (SLD, 50%−70% field capacity (FC)), moderate drought (MD, 30%−50% FC) and extreme drought (ED, lower than 30% FC). The interspecific differences in the instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) and mean water use efficiency (WUEL) of these tree species under water stresses and their relationship to eco-physiological factors were investigated based on the stable isotope technology and the observations on tree physiological traits.
        Result  The photosynthetic capacities and WUEi in G. biloba, K. paniculata, S. japonica and P. orientalis decreased significantly compared with control (CK, 90%−100% FC) when potted soil volumetric water content (SWC) was less than 70% (P < 0.05), whereas there was no significant difference in WUEi of P. tabuliformis and P. bungeana subjected to continuous drought (P > 0.05). The WUELs of evergreen tree species were significantly higher than those of deciduous tree species under MD and ED (P < 0.05). The WUELs of three deciduous tree species differed in response to extreme drought (P < 0.05), and the sequence of WUELs in three deciduous tree species was S. japonica > K. paniculata > G. biloba. The WUELs of G. biloba and K. paniculata in SLD, and P. orientalis and P. tabuliformis in MD reached their respective peaks and then decreased along with the increases in soil water stress; while those of S. japonica and P. bungeana increased with potted soil drying, and were 44.19% and 30.35% higher than control, respectively at severe drought condition (P < 0.05). Comparing the correlations between photosynthetic parameters, WUEi and WUEL of different tree species, it was found that the stomatal conductance (gs) of G. biloba, K. paniculata and S. japonica significantly affected its photosynthesis and transpiration processes (P < 0.01) and hence exerted a strong influence on WUEi, while those in evergreen tree species such as P. orientalis, P. tabuliformis, and P. bungeana were insensitive to the variation in soil moisture and had little impact on WUEi (P > 0.05). The WUEL of evergreen tree species was higher than that of deciduous ones under moderate and extreme water stress.
        Conclusion  Therefore, considering the limited water resources of Beijing, evergreen tree species have stronger abilities to conserve water content and optimize photosynthetic performance to improve their water use efficiency, to adapt to arid habitats than those of deciduous trees in Beijing.


