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郭琪, 孙宇涵, 张元帅, 陈晓阳, 李云

郭琪, 孙宇涵, 张元帅, 陈晓阳, 李云. 山东大青山刺槐无性系叶性状的表型变异分析与饲用优良无性系选择[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(11): 62-70. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200305
引用本文: 郭琪, 孙宇涵, 张元帅, 陈晓阳, 李云. 山东大青山刺槐无性系叶性状的表型变异分析与饲用优良无性系选择[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(11): 62-70. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200305
Guo Qi, Sun Yuhan, Zhang Yuanshuai, Chen Xiaoyang, Li Yun. Phenotypic variation analysis on leaf traits and selection of optimal forage clones of Robinia pseudoacacia clones in Shandong Province of eastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(11): 62-70. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200305
Citation: Guo Qi, Sun Yuhan, Zhang Yuanshuai, Chen Xiaoyang, Li Yun. Phenotypic variation analysis on leaf traits and selection of optimal forage clones of Robinia pseudoacacia clones in Shandong Province of eastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(11): 62-70. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200305


基金项目: 河南科技大学引进博士人才科研启动基金项目(13480089),北京林业大学青年教师科学研究中长期项目(2015ZCQ-SW-03),国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFD0600503),国家自然科学基金项目(31971675)

    郭琪,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:育种与群体遗传学。Email:guoqi0529@haust.edu.cn 地址:471023河南省洛阳市洛龙区开元大道263号农学院


    李云,博士,教授。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email:yunli@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路 35 号北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院

  • 中图分类号: S722.3

Phenotypic variation analysis on leaf traits and selection of optimal forage clones of Robinia pseudoacacia clones in Shandong Province of eastern China

  • 摘要:
      目的  为系统了解山东大青山林场刺槐的无性系变异规律,并初步筛选饲用型刺槐优良无性系。
      方法  对332个刺槐无性系的13个叶表型性状进行多样性、隶属函数、相关性和聚类分析,并在聚类分析的基础上,针对不同性状进行各组间差异分析。
      结果  13个性状的总变异系数为14.883%,其中,4个复叶和9个小叶性状的变异系数分别为16.062%和14.360%。该刺槐资源的隶属函数值介于0.196 ~ 0.717之间,其中无性系SD328拥有最大值(0.717),其在复叶宽、小叶面积和小叶柄角3个性状上具有明显优势。表型和遗传相关性表明,小叶对数与小叶数量有最大的正相关性系数,小叶长/宽与小叶圆度的负相关性系数最大。主成分分析表明,4个主成分因子可以代表刺槐无性系86.447%的原始数据信息。当平方欧式距离为8时进行聚类分析,332份刺槐无性系被分为5类。
      结论  通过系统分析刺槐无性系种质的表型多样性,初步筛选出饲用性刺槐无性系72份,为山东大青山饲用刺槐的选育和种质保存等研究奠定基础。
      Objective  The objective of this experiment was to systematically understand the phenotypic variation rule of Robinia pseudoacacia clones in Feixian County State Owned Daqingshan Forest Farm of Shandong Province, eastern China and selection of optimal forage varieties.
      Method  Diversity, subordinate function, correlation and cluster analysis were performed on 13 leaf phenotypic traits of 332 R. pseudoacacia clones, and on the basis of cluster analysis, the differences among groups were analyzed for different traits.
      Result  The total coefficient of variation of the 13 traits was 14.883%, of which the coefficients of variation of the 4 compound leaves and 9 leaflets were 16.062% and 14.360%, respectively. The subordinate function value of this R. pseudoacacia was between 0.196 and 0.717, in which SD328 clone had the maximum value (0.717) and obvious advantages in the three characteristics of compound leaf width, leaflet area and petiole angle. The phenotype and genetic correlation showed that the leaflet pairs had the largest positive correlation coefficient with the leaflet numbers, and the leaflet length/width had the largest negative correlation coefficient with the leaflet circularity. Principal component analysis showed that the four principal component factors could represent 86.447% of the original data information of R. pseudoacacia clones. When the squared euclidean distance was 8, cluster analysis was performed, and 332 clones of R. pseudoacacia were divided into 5 categories.
      Conclusion  The phenotypic diversity of the R. pseudoacacia germplasm resources was systematically analyzed, seventy-two accessions were selected based on the breeding of ornamental and forage tree species, in order to lay the foundation for the research of breeding and germplasm preservation of R. pseudoacacia.
  • 图  1   刺槐无性系叶表型性状均值与总均值的比例

    A. 各类群复叶性状均值与总均值的比例;B. 各类群小叶性状均值与总均值的比例。A, ratio of mean compound leaf traits to total mean in different groups; B, ratio of mean leaflet traits to total mean in different groups.

    Figure  1.   Ratio of mean leaf phenotypic traits to total mean of R. pseudoacacia clones

    表  1   刺槐无性系性状调查信息

    Table  1   Investigation information of Robinia pseudoacacia clones

    复叶长 Compound leaf length CLL
    复叶宽 Compound leaf width CLW
    复叶长/宽 Compound leaf length/width CLL/CLW
    复叶柄长 Compound petiole length CPL
    小叶长 Leaflet length LL
    小叶宽 Leaflet width LW
    小叶长/宽 Leaflet length/width LL/LW
    小叶面积 Leaflet area LA
    小叶周长 Leaflet perimeter LPM
    小叶圆度 Leaflet circularity LC
    小叶对数 Leaflet pairs LP
    小叶数量 Leaflet number LN
    小叶柄角 Petiole angle PA
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    表  2   332份刺槐无性系叶表型性状的平均值与变异系数差异

    Table  2   Mean and variation coefficient difference of leaf phenotypic traits of 332 R. pseudoacacia clones

    Min. value
    Max. value
    Coefficient of
    variation (CV)/%
    CLL/cm 28.071 4.323 15.600 49.775 34.175 15.399
    CLW/cm 10.449 1.852 5.475 17.025 11.550 17.721
    CLL/CLW 2.755 0.375 1.837 4.099 2.262 13.600
    CPL/cm 3.537 0.620 2.100 8.250 6.150 17.526
    LL/cm 7.058 1.112 3.948 10.308 6.360 15.757
    LW/cm 2.956 0.470 1.725 5.178 3.453 15.889
    LL/LW 2.409 0.274 1.642 3.307 1.665 11.376
    LA/cm2 15.481 4.567 5.102 32.984 27.882 29.500
    LPM/cm 15.416 2.355 8.835 23.418 14.583 15.274
    LC/% 76.600 3.964 65.577 91.806 26.229 5.175
    LP 8.555 1.113 5.250 13.000 7.750 13.012
    LN 18.082 2.203 12.250 25.500 13.250 12.182
    PA/(°) 74.314 8.228 49.750 112.300 62.550 11.072
    平均值 Mean 20.437 2.420 13.776 30.535 16.758 14.883
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    表  3   32份刺槐无性系13个叶表型性状的隶属函数均值范围

    Table  3   Mean range of subordinate function of 13 leaf phenotypic traits of 332 R. pseudoacacia clones

    Mean range of subordinate function
    Germplasm number
    1> 0.6007
    20.500 ~ 0.59957
    30.400 ~ 0.499119
    40.300 ~ 0.399116
    50.200 ~ 0.29931
    6< 0.2002
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    表  4   不同刺槐无性系群体内叶表型性状相关性

    Table  4   Correlation of leaf phenotypic traits between populations of varied R. pseudoacacia clones

    CLW 0.700**
    CLL/CLW 0.261** −0.493**
    CPL 0.637** 0.448** 0.162**
    LL 0.703** 0.800** −0.201** 0.481**
    LW 0.580** 0.655** −0.169** 0.375** 0.713**
    LL/LW 0.188** 0.214** −0.046 0.162** 0.399** −0.349**
    LA 0.687** 0.789** −0.211** 0.449** 0.913** 0.926** 0.012
    LPM 0.712** 0.813** −0.210** 0.475** 0.988** 0.797** 0.279** 0.958**
    LC −0.097 −0.104 0.005 −0.147** −0.288** 0.404** −0.911** 0.101 −0.151**
    LP 0.423** 0.174** 0.266** −0.049 0.110* 0.011 0.131* 0.068 0.111* −0.063
    LN 0.422** 0.175** 0.264** −0.052 0.112* 0.013 0.129* 0.070* 0.112* −0.061 0.998**
    PA 0.246** 0.234** −0.036 0.260** 0.083 0.173** −0.114* 0.139* 0.101 0.120* 0.063 0.061
    注:**表示在0.01 水平上极显著相关;*表示在0.05水平上显著相关。Notes: ** indicates highly significant correlation at 0.01 level; * indicates significant correlation at 0.05 level.
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    表  5   刺槐无性系群体叶表型性状的主成分分析

    Table  5   Principal component analysis on leaf phenotypic traits in R. pseudoacacia clone population

    主成分特征向量 Eigenvector of principal component
    CCL 0.838 0.263 0.255 0.273
    CLW 0.888 −0.055 −0.108 −0.237
    CLL/CLW −0.169 0.394 0.436 0.652
    CPL 0.593 0.020 −0.080 0.651
    LL 0.945 0.048 −0.233 −0.057
    LW 0.803 −0.483 0.262 −0.050
    LL/LW 0.216 0.697 −0.655 −0.003
    LA 0.940 −0.252 0.033 −0.076
    LPM 0.962 −0.047 −0.138 −0.074
    LC −0.103 −0.680 0.680 −0.067
    LP 0.224 0.692 0.607 −0.295
    LN 0.225 0.691 0.607 −0.299
    PA 0.228 −0.105 0.227 0.303
    特征值 Eigenvalue 5.428 2.444 2.096 1.270
    方差贡献率 Variance contribution rate/% 41.751 18.800 16.125 9.771
    累计贡献率 Accumulative contribution rate/% 41.751 60.551 76.675 86.447
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    表  6   刺槐无性系叶表型性状差异性分析

    Table  6   Difference analysis on leaf phenotypic traits of R. pseudoacia clones

    CLL/cm 285 27.675±0.201b CLW/cm 285 10.272±0.087b CLL/CLW 285 2.762±0.019b
    3 23.805±0.607a 3 10.778±0.411b 3 2.262±0.135a
    32 32.906±0.603a 32 12.528±0.219c 32 2.684±0.061b
    9 21.368±0.653c 9 7.701±0.290a 9 2.857±0.098b
    3 38.514±3.683d 3 12.942±1.359c 3 3.049±0.198b
    CPL/cm 285 3.489±0.029ab LL/cm 285 6.973±0.057bc LW/cm 285 2.888±0.021b
    3 3.194±0.411a 3 6.291±0.555ab 3 3.381±0.297c
    32 4.020±0.110b 32 8.234±0.132d 32 3.629±0.061c
    9 2.913±0.097a 9 5.653±0.212a 9 2.400±0.077a
    3 5.170±0.338c 3 7.600±0.511cd 3 3.551±0.472c
    LL/LW 285 2.431±0.015b LA/cm2 285 14.874±0.209b LPM/cm 285 15.187±0.118b
    3 1.863±0.028a 3 16.509±2.492b 3 14.880±1.077b
    32 2.292±0.042b 32 22.028±0.598b 32 18.245±0.268c
    9 2.370±0.066b 9 9.649±0.584a 9 12.285±0.412a
    3 2.197±0.218b 3 19.860±3.967b 3 16.848±1.265bc
    LC/% 285 76.278±0.210a LP 285 8.573±0.058 LN 285 18.121±0.114
    3 88.011±1.56b 3 7.889±0.455 3 16.722±0.882
    32 78.727±0.695a 32 8.607±0.191 32 18.169±0.373
    9 74.795±0.713a 9 7.908±0.386 9 16.796±0.774
    3 78.442±2.673a 3 8.833±0.795 3 18.667±1.590
    PA/(°) 285 73.826±0.331b
    3 67.074±1.488a
    32 80.373±1.156c
    9 62.026±1.300a
    注:不同小写字母表示各同质组每个性状差异显著。Note: different lowercase letters indicate significantly different among varied traits in various homogeneous group.
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    表  7   刺槐无性系的饲用优良无性系选择

    Table  7   Selection of optimal forage clones from R. pseudoacacia clones

    Mean value of
    332 clones
    Mean value of optimal forage clones
    CCL/cm 28.071±0.220 32.417±0.343
    CLW/cm 10.449±0.091 11.937±0.167
    CLL/CLW 2.755±0.018 2.790±0.042
    CPL/cm 3.537±0.031 3.810±0.074
    LL/cm 7.058±0.057 8.057±0.074
    LW/cm 2.956±0.024 3.266±0.039
    LL/LW 2.409±0.014 2.495±0.034
    LA/cm2 15.481±0.231 19.346±0.323
    LPM/cm 15.416±0.120 17.523±0.147
    LC/% 76.600±0.208 76.023±0.476
    LP 8.555±0.055 9.426±0.077
    LN 18.082±0.108 19.816±0.151
    PA/(°) 74.314±0.372 75.261±0.791
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    表  8   基于叶表型性状选择的刺槐饲用优良无性系名称

    Table  8   Name of optimal forage clones of R. pseudoacacia selected based on leaf phenotypic traits

    Germplasm name
    Germplasm name
    Germplasm name
    1 SD017 31 SD0170 61 SD0318
    2 SD024 32 SD0174 62 SD0319
    3 SD036 33 SD0176 63 SD0321
    4 SD041 34 SD0178 64 SD0322
    5 SD047 35 SD0180 65 SD0323
    6 SD053 36 SD0183 66 SD0326
    7 SD059 37 SD0188 67 SD0327
    8 SD064 38 SD0195 68 SD0328
    9 SD068 39 SD0196 69 SD0329
    10 SD074 40 SD0208 70 SD0330
    11 SD093 41 SD0214 71 SD0331
    12 SD097 42 SD0217 72 SD0332
    13 SD098 43 SD0244
    14 SD0119 44 SD0245
    15 SD0124 45 SD0249
    16 SD0125 46 SD0251
    17 SD0127 47 SD0265
    18 SD0128 48 SD0267
    19 SD0140 49 SD0269
    20 SD0145 50 SD0271
    21 SD0147 51 SD0273
    22 SD0148 52 SD0284
    23 SD0151 53 SD0285
    24 SD0152 54 SD0287
    25 SD0153 55 SD0293
    26 SD0154 56 SD0296
    27 SD0164 57 SD0302
    28 SD0167 58 SD0306
    29 SD0168 59 SD0308
    30 SD0169 60 SD0314
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