

    Effects of prescribed burning on fire behavior of surface fuel in Pinus yunnanensis forest land

    • 摘要:
        目的  明确周期性(烧除周期为1年)计划烧除条件下云南松纯林地表可燃物状态,以及这类可燃物相应的火行为特征,探究计划烧除对云南松地表可燃物火行为的影响,为合理评估计划烧除的生态意义以及林火管理与扑救提供科学依据。
        方法  运用野外调查采样与实验室模拟燃烧法,并结合SPSS 23.0软件,对数据进行处理与分析,探究云南省新平县照壁山云南松纯林样地内,计划烧除林分下的可燃物种类、载量、含水率等特征对室内模拟火场温度、火焰高度、热辐射、蔓延速率、烧除率、火强度等火行为的影响。
        结果  (1)云南松纯林地表可燃物主要是凋落的松针,外加少量枯落的松枝和球果以及枯死的蕨类,种类较单一且林下可燃物大多为细小可燃物。(2)2018—2020年间,云南松纯林林下地表枯死可燃物含水率的平均值分别为9.39%、8.04%、9.89%,平均载量分别为(0.937 ± 0.303) kg/m2、(0.926 ± 0.253) kg/m2、(0.669 ± 0.248) kg/m2。(3)实验室内模拟火行为包括:火强度为(245.95 ± 130.51) kW/m,火焰高度(0.92 ± 0.22) m,火场温度达(437.5 ± 171.6) ℃,热辐射(6.3 ± 0.9) kW/m2,蔓延速率为(1.1 ± 0.3) m/min,可燃物点着时间为1 s,烧除率为62%左右。(4)自然状态下的云南松的死亡率约为1.33%,在2018、2020年外业调查时,计划烧除下的云南松死亡率分别为0.93%、1.27%,云南松具有一定的抗火性和耐火性。
        结论  (1)周期性计划烧除下的云南松纯林:林分郁闭度较大,林下易燃植被较少,以松针凋落物和草类为主。(2)计划烧除可有效减少地表可燃物负荷量,地表可燃物的平均载量不到1 kg/m2。防火期内,云南松林地表枯死可燃物的含水率低于10%,极易被引燃,但火焰高度在0.5 ~ 1.5 m范围内,火强度不高于750 kW/m,属于低强度地表火;火场温度高,热辐射强,火蔓延速度一般,火场可人工控制;实验室模拟烧除率高,燃烧效果好。(3)在易火生境以及对火有一定适应性的林分中,开展周期性计划烧除必要且可行。


        Objective  This paper aims to clarify the status of surface fuel and corresponding fire behavior characteristics of pure Pinus yunnanensis stand under the conditions of periodic (burning cycle was 1 year) prescribed burning, and then explore the impact of prescribed burning on the fire behavior of surface fuel of P. yunnanensis, and reasonably evaluate the ecological significance of prescribed burning, so as to provide scientific basis for forest fire management and fighting.
        Method  Sampling in field investigation and simulating combustion in laboratory, using the SPSS23.0 to process and analyze the data, we explored the influence of fuel types, fuel loads, moisture content and other characteristics of prescribed burning on fire behavior such as the temperature of fire, flame height, thermal radiation, spread rate, burning rate, fire intensity, etc. in Zhaobi Mountain, Xinping County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province of southwestern China.
        Result  (1) The main fuel on the surface of pure P. yunnanensis stand was the withered pine needles, plus a small amount of withered pine branches and cones and dead ferns, the species was relatively single, and most of the fuel under the forest was fine fuel. (2) From 2018 to 2020, the average moisture content of dead fuel under the pure forest of P. yunnanensis was 9.39%, 8.04% and 9.89%, and the average fuel loads were (0.937 ± 0.303) kg/m2, (0.926 ± 0.253) kg/m2 and (0.669 ± 0.248) kg/m2, respectively. (3) The simulated fire behavior in the laboratory included: the fire intensity was (245.95 ± 130.51) kW/m, the flame height was (0.92 ± 0.22) m, fire ground temperature was (437.5 ± 171.6) ℃, the thermal radiation was (6.3 ± 0.9) kW/m2, the spread rate was (1.1 ± 0.3) m/min, the ignition time of the surface fuel was 1 s and burning rate was about 62%. (4) The mortality of P. yunnanensis in natural state was about 1.33%. In the field survey in 2018 and 2020, the mortality of P. yunnanensis under prescribed burning was 0.93% and 1.27%, respectively. P. yunnanensis has certain fire resistance.
        Conclusion  (1) For the pure P. yunnanensis stand under periodic prescribed burning, the canopy density of the standing forest is large, and the combustible vegetation under the forest is less, mainly pine needle litter and grass. (2) Prescribed burning can effectively reduce the surface fuel load, and the average load of surface fuel is less than 1 kg/m2. During the fire prevention period, the moisture content of the dead fuel on the surface of P. yunnanensis forest is less than 10%, which is easy to be ignited, but the flame height is within the range of 0.5−1.5 m, and the fire intensity is less than 750 kW/m, which belongs to low intensity fire; the temperature of the fire ground is high, the thermal radiation is strong, the fire spread speed is general, and the fire field can be controlled; the simulated burning rate in the laboratory is high, and the combustion effect is good. (3) It is necessary and feasible to carry out periodic prescribed burning in fire prone habitats and forests with certain adaptability to fire.


