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李夏榕, 陈怡歆, 陈静飞, 朱济友, 孙广鹏, 韦柳端, 张新娜, 徐程扬

李夏榕, 陈怡歆, 陈静飞, 朱济友, 孙广鹏, 韦柳端, 张新娜, 徐程扬. 气候变化对北京近远郊地区油松径向生长影响的比较研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(1): 19-28. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200329
引用本文: 李夏榕, 陈怡歆, 陈静飞, 朱济友, 孙广鹏, 韦柳端, 张新娜, 徐程扬. 气候变化对北京近远郊地区油松径向生长影响的比较研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(1): 19-28. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200329
Li Xiarong, Chen Yixin, Chen Jingfei, Zhu Jiyou, Sun Guangpeng, Wei Liuduan, Zhang Xinna, Xu Chengyang. Comparative study on the effects of climate change on radial growth of Pinus tabuliformis in near and outer suburbs of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(1): 19-28. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200329
Citation: Li Xiarong, Chen Yixin, Chen Jingfei, Zhu Jiyou, Sun Guangpeng, Wei Liuduan, Zhang Xinna, Xu Chengyang. Comparative study on the effects of climate change on radial growth of Pinus tabuliformis in near and outer suburbs of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(1): 19-28. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200329


基金项目: 朝阳区科委项目CYSF-1904

    李夏榕。主要研究方向:城市树木与环境互作。Email:ljhbjfu@163.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35 号北京林业大学林学院


    徐程扬,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:城市林业、生态林与城市森林培育理论与技术等。Email:cyxu@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S716.3

Comparative study on the effects of climate change on radial growth of Pinus tabuliformis in near and outer suburbs of Beijing

  • 摘要:
      目的  以气候变暖为主的气候变化对树木健康及生态系统的稳定产生了深刻影响。本文通过研究气候变化对远郊油松天然林和近郊油松人工林径向生长的影响,揭示城市远郊自然生态系统和近郊山地树木径向生长对气候敏感度的差别。
      方法  建立了远郊和近郊油松林的标准年表及差值年表,分别与气候指标进行相关分析;利用R软件建立年轮指数与气候指标的最优模型;通过4个韧性力指标分析近郊油松径向生长对干旱条件的响应。
      结果  (1)两地均呈现气候暖干化现象,其中近郊地区气候暖干化现象更为严重。(2)年表中统计参数均显示,近郊油松径向生长对气候信息更敏感。(3)远郊油松径向生长与当年及上年秋冬季最低温、上年夏秋季标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)呈显著正相关;近郊油松径向生长与上年及当年夏季极高温呈显著负相关,与上年及当年夏秋两季的SPEI呈显著正相关;近郊油松径向生长与当年帕尔默干旱指数(PDSI)年均值呈显著正相关,且严重干旱事件期间对PDSI变化更敏感。
      结论  远郊油松天然林和近郊油松人工林树木径向生长均存在“滞后效应”,近郊油松林的树木径向生长受城市化的影响,对极端气候的响应更加敏感,更易受到夏季高温和干旱胁迫的影响;但是,在不超过承受阈值的前提下,近郊油松人工林树木径向生长可从长期干旱事件中恢复。
      Objective  Climate change dominated by climate warming has had a profound impact on tree health and ecosystem stability. By studying the impact of climate change on the radial growth of Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis) natural forest in the outer suburbs and Chinese pine plantation in the near suburbs, this paper reveals the difference of radial growth sensitivity of natural ecosystem in the outer suburbs and mountain trees in the near suburbs.
      Method  The standard chronology and residual chronology of Chinese pine in the outer suburb forest and near suburb plantation were established, and their relationship with climate indicators was conducted. R software was applied to construct an optimum model for the response of tree ring index to climate indicators. The response of radial growth of Chinese pine to drought was also analyzed based on four resilience indexes.
      Result  Both sites showed climatic warming and drying trend, which was more significant in the suburban area. The results from both chronologies showed that the radial growth of Chinese pine in suburban area was more sensitive to climate indicators. The radial growth of Chinese pine at the outer suburban site was significantly and positively related to the minimum temperature in fall and winter, also the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) in the last summer and fall. The radial growth of Chinese pine at the near suburban site was significantly and negatively correlated with the daily maximum ground temperature of summer in the last and current years, and was significantly and positively correlated with SPEI of summer and autumn in the last and current years. It was also significantly and positively correlated with the annual mean Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and was more sensitive to changes in PDSI during severe drought events.
      Conclusion  There is a “lag effect” of the growth response to climate change at both the outer suburb forest site and near suburb plantation site. During the process of urbanization, the radial growth of Chinese pine is more sensitive to climate change, and more vulnerable to summer heat and drought stress. However, within the tolerance threshold, the Chinese pine plantation at near suburb site has the ability to recover from long-term drought events.
  • 《北京林业大学学报》(原名《北京林学院学报》)创刊于1979年,由教育部主管、北京林业大学主办,国内外公开发行。历任主编分别为我国6位著名林学家汪振儒、沈国舫、关毓秀、王九龄、贺庆棠、尹伟伦。






    《北京林业大学学报》自2015年起由原来的双月刊改为单月刊,大16开本,每月月底出版。每期定价50元。各地邮局发行,邮发代号:82−304。国内统一刊号:CN 11−1932/S。如当地邮局订阅不便或错过征订时间,也可直接汇款向本刊编辑部订阅。


    邮编:100083 发行电话:010−62338397 联系人:刘大林



  • 图  1   远郊与近郊地区气候状况

    拟合公式中,a为近郊地区(西山),b为远郊地区(松山)。In the fitting formula, a represents near suburbs (Xishan Mountain) and b represents outer suburbs (Songshan Mountain).

    Figure  1.   Climatic conditions in outer and near suburbs

    图  2   年表年轮指数与月气温的相关系数

    a 为近郊地区(西山),b 为远郊地区(松山)。Tm代表月均温,Tmin 代表月最低温,Tmax代表月最高温。*表示在P < 0.05水平达到显著差异性,**表示在P < 0.01水平达到极显著差异性。p5 ~ p12为上年5—12月月份。下同。a represents near suburbs (Xishan Mountain) and b represents outer suburbs (Songshan Mountain). Tm represents monthly mean temperature, Tmin represents monthly minimum temperature, Tmax represents monthly maximum temperature. * means significant difference at P < 0.05 level, and ** means very significant difference at P < 0.01 level. p5−p12 represent the months from May to December of previous year. The same below.

    Figure  2.   Correlation coefficients between the annual ring index in chronology and monthly temperature

    图  3   年表与月降水(P)、PDSI及SPEI的相关系数

    a 为近郊地区(西山),b 为远郊地区(松山)。a represents near suburbs (Xishan Mountain) and b represents outer suburbs (Songshan Mountain).

    Figure  3.   Correlation coefficients between chronology and monthly precipitation, PDSI and SPEI

    图  4   远郊、近郊树木年轮指数与主导影响因子的变化趋势

    RWLs为远郊油松年轮宽度,RWLx为近郊油松年轮宽度。a ~ c为远郊年轮指数与主导因子的变化趋势,d ~ i为近郊年轮指数与主导因子的变化趋势。RWLs represents annual ring width of outer suburban Pinus tabuliformis, RWLx represents annual ring width of near suburban P. tabuliformis. a − c are the changing trend of RWLs and dominant influencing factors; d−i are the changing trend of RWLx and dominant influencing factors.

    Figure  4.   Changing trend of RWLs in outer suburbs, RWLx in near suburbs and their dominant influencing factors

    表  1   北京远郊地区与近郊地区采样点概况

    Table  1   Description of the sampling sites in near and outer suburbs of Beijing

    Sampling point area
    Mean tree
    Mean stand
    Soil type
    Outer suburbs (Songshan Mountain)
    115°48′E 40°31′N 14.2 25.2 48 山地褐土、棕色森林土
    Mountain cinnamon soil,
    brown forest soil
    1 200
    Near suburbs (Xishan Mountain)
    116°26′E 39°98′N 13.5 22.1 43 山地褐土
    Mountain cinnamon soil
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    表  2   气候因子指标及说明

    Table  2   Climate factor indexes and description

    Timax 当年i月的最高气温 The highest temperature in the ith month
    Timin 当年i月的最低气温 The lowest temperature in the ith month
    Tim 当年i月的平均温 Average temperature in the ith month in that year
    Pi 当年i月的降水量 Precipitation in the ith month in that year
    Tpimax 前一年i月的最高气温 The highest temperature in the ith month of previous year
    Tpimin 前一年i月的最低气温 The lowest temperature in the ith month of previous year
    Tpim 前一年i月的平均温 Average temperature in the ith month of previous year
    Ppi 前一年i月的降水量 Precipitation of the ith month of previous year
    Tam 年平均气温 Annual average temperature
    Pa 年降水量 Annual precipitation
    Si 当年i月的SPEI值 SPEI value of the ith month in that year
    Spi 前一年i月的SPEI值 SPEI value of the ith month of previous year
    Smm 当年SPEI的月均值 Monthly average SPEI value in that year
    PDi 当年i月的PDSI值 PDSI value of the ith month in that year
    PDpi 前一年i月的PDSI值 PDSI value of the ith month of previous year
    PDmm 当年PDSI的月均值 Monthly mean PDSI value in that year
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    表  3   不同干旱程度等级划分及近郊油松平均年轮宽度与当年PDSI的Pearson相关性

    Table  3   Classification of different drought degrees and Pearson correlation between average annual ring width ofPinus tabuliformis in near suburbs and PDSI in that year

    干旱程度 Drought degree正常 Normal初始干旱 Initial drought轻度干旱 Mild drought严重干旱 Severe drought
    PDSI取值范围 Value range of PDSI (−0.5 ~ 0.5] (−1 ~ −0.5] (−2 ~ −1] (−4 ~ −2]
    相关性 Correlation 0.091 0.454 0.244 0.562**
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    表  4   远郊天然林及近郊人工林年表的统计参数及公共区间分析结果

    Table  4   Statistical parameters of chronology of natural forest in outer suburbs and plantation in near suburbs and analysis results in common intervals

    统计参数 Statistic parameter标准年表 Standard chronology差值年表 Residual chronology
    Natural forest
    in outer suburbs
    in near suburbs
    Natural forest
    in outer suburbs
    in near suburbs
    年表长度/a Chronology length/year 71 55 71 55
    公共区间 Common interval 1987—2011 1975—2012 1987—2011 1975—2012
    平均敏感度 Mean sensitivity 0.194 0.247 0.238 0.272
    标准差 Standard deviation 0.208 0.317 0.207 0.231
    树间相关系数 Correlation coefficient between trees 0.282 0.343 0.282 0.281
    一阶自相关系数 First order autocorrelation coefficient 0.210 0.620 −0.095 0.020
    信噪比 Signal-to-noise rate 5.503 14.087 5.509 10.538
    样本总体代表性 Sample population representativeness 0.846 0.934 0.846 0.913
    第一主成分方差解释量 Variance explanatory quantity of the first principal component/% 35.18 41.49 35.78 36.02
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    表  5   严重干旱条件下近郊油松人工林的韧性

    Table  5   Resilience of Pinus tabuliformis plantation in near suburbs under severe drought conditions

    Year of drought event
    抵抗力 Resistance恢复力 Recovery韧性 Resilience
    远郊 Outer suburbs近郊 Near suburbs远郊 Outer suburbs近郊 Near suburbs远郊 Outer suburbs近郊 Near suburbs
    1966 1.126 1.130 0.808 0.792 0.910 0.894
    1972 0.886 0.821 0.962 0.921 0.852 0.756
    1981—1984 1.032 0.557 0.945 1.353 0.975 0.754
    1993 0.828 0.687 1.151 0.854 0.953 0.586
    2000—2010 0.954 1.027 0.880 1.639 0.840 1.684
    2014—2015 1.235 1.100 0.900 0.816 1.111 0.898
    均值 Mean 1.010 ± 0.139 0.887 ± 0.235 0.941 ± 0.106 1.063 ± 0.350 0.940 ± 0.091 0.929 ± 0.387
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-10-29
  • 修回日期:  2021-01-25
  • 录用日期:  2021-12-27
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-11-29
  • 发布日期:  2022-01-24


