DBH class structure and arbor biomass of Juglans mandshurica secondary forest
摘要:目的 了解东北不同山脉胡桃楸次生林径级结构和乔木生物量情况,为后续次生林相关研究及该地区林分合理经营提供科学依据。方法 本研究在张广才岭、长白山、老爷岭和龙岗山山脉21个典型区域内共设置样地202块,应用三参数Weibull分布、Johnson’s SB分布和负指数分布对调查样地内乔木直径进行拟合,并进行相对偏差和均方根误差的精度检验,同时根据调查数据和参考乔木异速生物量方程计算各样地每公顷生物量。结果 4个山脉的林分径级结构基本相近,均表现出逐渐降低的趋势,总体呈现出倒“J”型分布,中小径级的林木株数较多,主要集中在6 ~ 14 cm径级,张广才岭每公顷林木株数要多于长白山、老爷岭和龙岗山;根据参数和模型拟合,以及实测株数和模拟株数之间的相对偏差和均方根误差的比较,3种模型模拟效果与实际值均较为接近,其中三参数Weibull分布模拟效果在4个山脉中均较其他两种曲线更好,且张广才岭三参数Weibull函数拟合效果优于其他山脉;各山脉每公顷所有树种地上部分和总生物量大小顺序均为长白山 > 龙岗山 > 张广才岭 > 老爷岭,长白山和龙岗山生物量大小相似,显著高于张广才岭和老爷岭(P < 0.05),胡桃楸地上部分和总生物量大小关系为长白山 > 龙岗山 > 张广才岭 > 老爷岭,且长白山林分内胡桃楸生物量显著高于其他山脉(P < 0.05)。结论 4个山脉林分更新状况良好,林分径级结构模拟均以三参数Weibull函数拟合效果最好,且林分中所有树种和胡桃楸单个树种的生物量均在长白山表现最优。Abstract:Objective This paper aims to study the DBH class structure and arbor biomass of Juglans mandshurica secondary forests in different mountains in northeastern China, then provide scientific basis for follow-up related research on secondary forests and reasonable forest management in this area.Method A total of 202 sample plots were set up in 21 typical areas of Zhangguangcai Mountain, Changbai Mountain, Laoyeling Mountain and Longgang Mountain of northeastern China in this study, and the three-parameter Weibull distribution, Johnson’s SB distribution and negative exponential distribution were used to fit the tree DBH in the survey sample plots. The relative deviation and root-mean-square error were tested for accuracy, and the biomass per hectare of each sample plot was calculated based on the survey data and the reference arbor allometric biomass equation.Result DBH class structure of forest stands in the four mountain ranges was basically similar, showing a trend of decreasing gradually and an inverted “J”-shaped distribution. There were more trees in the middle and small DBH classes, mainly in the 6−14 cm DBH class. The number of trees per hectare in Zhangguangcai Mountain was more than that in Changbai Mountain, Laoyeling Mountain and Longgang Mountain. According to the parameters and model fitting, as well as the comparison of the relative deviation and the root mean square error between the measured plant number and the simulated plant number, the simulation effects of three models were relatively close to the actual values, among which, the three-parameter Weibull distribution simulation effect was better than the other two curves in the four mountains, and the three-parameter Weibull function fitting effect of Zhangguangcai Mountain was better than other mountains. The order of the aboveground part biomass and total biomass per hectare of all species in each mountain range was Changbai Mountain > Longgang Mountain > Zhangguangcai Mountain > Laoyeling Mountain. The biomasses of Changbai Mountain and Longgang Mountain were similar, significantly higher than those of Zhangguangcai Mountain and Laoyeling Mountain (P < 0.05 ). The order of aboveground part biomass and total biomass of Juglans mandshurica was Changbai Mountain > Longgang Mountain > Zhangguangcai Mountain > Laoyeling Mountain, and the biomass of Juglans mandshurica in the forests of Changbai Mountain was significantly higher than those in other mountains (P < 0.05).Conclusion The renewal status of the forest stands in the four mountains is good, the simulation of the stand DBH class structure is the best with the three-parameter Weibull function, and the biomass of all tree species in the stand and a single tree species of Juglans mandshurica have the best performance in Changbai Mountain of northeastern China.
- Juglans mandshurica /
- secondary forest /
- DBH class structure /
- biomass
《北京林业大学学报》自2015年起由原来的双月刊改为单月刊,大16开本,每月月底出版。每期定价50元。各地邮局发行,邮发代号:82−304。国内统一刊号:CN 11−1932/S。如当地邮局订阅不便或错过征订时间,也可直接汇款向本刊编辑部订阅。
邮编:100083 发行电话:010−62338397 联系人:刘大林
图 2 不同模型下径级与株数分布的实际值与预测值
柱状图为实测值,曲线图为预测值。A为张广才岭,B为长白山,C为老爷岭,D为龙岗山。The histogram is the measured value, and the curved line is the predicted value. A is Zhangguangcailing Mountain, B is Changbaishan Mountain, C is Laoyeling Mountain, D is Longgangshan Mountain.
Figure 2. Measured and predicted values of DBH class and plant number distribution under different models
表 1 样地基本情况表
Table 1 Basic situation of sample plots
项目 Item 张广才岭
Zhangguangcailing Mountain长白山
Changbaishan Mountain老爷岭
Laoyeling Mountain龙岗山
Longgangshan Mountain样地个数 Number of sample plot 28 31 37 106 海拔 Altitude/m 230 ~ 577 256 ~ 834 257 ~ 717 251 ~ 702 坡向 Aspect 阴坡、半阴坡
Shady slope and half-
shady slope阴坡、半阴坡
Shady slope and half-
shady slope阴坡、半阴坡
Shady slope and half-
shady slope阴坡、半阴坡
Shady slope and half-
shady slope坡度 Slope/(°) 0 ~ 21 0 ~ 21 0 ~ 21 0 ~ 21 坡位 Slope position 中下坡、坡底
Middle downhill and
bottom slope中下坡、坡底
Middle downhill and
bottom slope中下坡、坡底
Middle downhill and
bottom slope中下坡、坡底
Middle downhill and
bottom slope株数 Number of plant 598a 403b 307b 352b 平均胸径 Mean DBH/cm 15.7 16.9 17.1 17.8 最大胸径 Max. DBH/cm 51.9 55.6 53.5 54.8 注:不同小写字母表示不同山脉每公顷林木株数差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in the number of trees per hectare in varied mountains (P < 0.05). 表 2 不同山脉林分径级分布模型拟合参数
Table 2 Fitting parameters of forest DBH class distribution model in different mountains
Parameter山脉 Mountain 张广才岭
Mountain三参数威布尔 Three parameter Weibull(Weibull) a1 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 b1 12.194 9.455 8.132 8.563 c1 1.220 1.788 1.310 1.425 R2 0.969 0.939 0.957 0.947 负指数分布 Negative index distribution a3 415.551 456.774 159.395 155.179 b3 0.058 0.054 0.049 0.052 R2 0.817 0.804 0.817 0.800 Johnson’s SB a2 −40.722 −68.974 −8.741 −8.923 b2 0.260 0.375 0.219 0.293 c2 −20.900 −22.899 −25.933 −23.837 d2 4.644 −4.506 4.887 3.746 R2 0.780 0.769 0.778 0.723 表 3 不同山脉实测株数和模拟株数之间的相对偏差和均方根误差
Table 3 Relative biases and square root and mean error between the measured plant number andsimulated one in different mountains
指标 Index 张广才岭 Zhangguangcailing Mountain 长白山 Changbaishan Mountain Weibull 负指数 Negative index Johnson’s SB Weibull 负指数 Negative index Johnson’s SB Bias/% −0.179 0.314 −0.257 −0.213 0.388 −0.299 RMSE/% 1.025 1.476 1.256 1.468 1.899 1.612 指标 Index 老爷岭 Laoyeling Mountain 龙岗山 Longgangshan Mountain Weibull 负指数 Negative index Johnson’s SB Weibull 负指数 Negative index Johnson’s SB Bias/% −0.186 0.342 −0.289 −0.196 0.368 0.279 RMSE/% 1.234 1.873 1.468 1.314 1.892 1.582 表 4 不同地区林分乔木树种生物量
Table 4 Biomass of arbor species in different areas
项目 Item 张广才岭
Zhangguangcailing Mountain长白山
Changbaishan Mountain老爷岭
Laoyeling Mountain龙岗山
Longgangshan Mountain地上生物量/(t·hm−2) Aboveground biomass/(t·ha−1) 833.026 ± 4.352b 1 173.999 ± 5.262a 756.199 ± 4.681b 1 089.283 ± 5.039a 总生物量/(t·hm−2) Total biomass/(t·ha−1) 1 027.509 ± 5.012b 1 528.731 ± 4.981a 993.978 ± 4.672b 1 437.937 ± 5.883a 地上生物量占比 Proportion of aboveground biomass/% 81.07a 76.80b 76.08b 75.75b 注:同一行不同小写字母表示差异性显著,P < 0.05。下同。Notes: different lowercase letters in the same line indicate significant difference, P < 0.05. The same below. 表 5 不同地区林分胡桃楸树种生物量
Table 5 Biomass of Juglans mandshurica species in different areas
项目 Item 张广才岭
Zhangguangcailing Mountain长白山
Changbaishan Mountain老爷岭
Laoyeling Mountain龙岗山
Longgangshan Mountain地上生物量/(t·hm−2) Aboveground biomass/(t·ha−1) 89.882 ± 2.571b 132.336 ± 3.251a 68.292 ± 1.982c 102.72 ± 1.988b 总生物量/(t·hm−2) Total biomass/(t·ha−1) 118.236 ± 2.319b 174.845 ± 1.892a 86.921 ± 1.678c 137.864 ± 1.885b 地上生物量占比 Proportion of aboveground biomass/% 76.02a 75.69a 78.57a 74.51a -
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