

    Dynamic analysis of Capreolus pygargus home range in Saihanwula Nature Reserve, Inner Mongolia of northern China

    • 摘要:
        目的  了解在自然保护区相对隔离环境中西伯利亚狍家域的季节和年度动态,分析狍对微生境和捕食风险的适应,为促进种群恢复和栖息地保护提供依据。
        方法  在内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区使用无线电遥测技术,以三角形法则进行个体定位,利用最小凸多边形法计算家域面积。
        结果  本次研究共捕捉到8只西伯利亚狍,其中3只以红外相机影像确认被猞猁捕食,面临较高的捕食风险。狍的年度和季节家域面积存在差异,春季的家域显著大于其他3个季节,同时,活动范围在冬季有从较高海拔山坡向沟底迁移的趋势。繁殖期与非繁殖期、亚成体与成体家域面积也存在差异。个体年度家域存在重叠,显示核心家域较为稳定。
        结论  影响西伯利亚狍个体家域年度和季节变化的因素为觅食机会、捕食风险和能量需求。据此提出了补加营养盐和越冬饲料的管理对策,促进保护区狍种群的复壮。


        Objective  This paper aims to understand the annual and seasonal dynamics of home ranges for Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) in the relatively isolated habitat of nature reserve and reveal its adaptation to the microhabitat and predation risk, so as to provide basic information for promoting population restoration and habitat protection.
        Method  Radio telemetry and triangular positioning were carried out on the ground and the model of the minimum convex polygon was applied in the calculation of home range in Saihanwula National Nature Reserve of Inner Mongolia, northern China.
        Result  A total of 8 animals were captured in this study, 3 of which were confirmed been preyed by lynx through camera trapping, which indicated an increasing predation risk in the study area. There were some differences between the annual and seasonal home ranges of roe deer and the spring home range was obviously larger than the other three seasons. The roe deer tended to migrate from the hillside at high altitudes to the lower valley in winter. There were also some differences between the breeding and non-breeding periods, between sub-adults and adults in home range variations. There were overlaps in the annual home ranges of the individuals, indicating that the core home range was relatively stable.
        Conclusion  The influencing factors shaping the variations of annual and seasonal home ranges of the Siberian roe deer could be attributed to foraging opportunities, predation risk and energy requirements in the nature reserve. Accordingly, management strategies of supplying nutrient salt blocks and overwintering feeds are proposed to support the recovery of the roe deer population in the study area.


