Response of invasive area of Ageratina adenophora to future climate change based on climate and species diffusion
摘要:目的 破坏草是中国西南地区危害最为严重的入侵物种之一,每年在当地造成巨额的经济损失。扩散能力与入侵物种的危害性有关,也是决定其分布范围的重要因素,但在目前物种潜在分布和潜在入侵区域的研究中却常常被忽略。方法 本研究旨在基于物种扩散量化气候变化背景下破坏草的入侵区域,应用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型对破坏草潜在适宜区进行预测,在得出其2050年和2070年中等温室气体排放情景(SSPs45)下适宜分布区后,基于当前分布使用细胞自动机在适宜区内模拟了破坏草的扩散,预测了2050年和2070年一般气候排放情景下破坏草的潜在入侵区域。结果 气温季节性变动系数、最冷月最低气温、最干季降水量、年降水量、最冷季降水量是影响破坏草分布的重要气候因子。破坏草的适宜分布区将从当前的79.68 × 104 km2增长为2050年的120.26 × 104 km2,之后于2070年有所缩小,但面积仍达111.97 × 104 km2。与当前破坏草分布地区相比,2050 SSPs45情景下破坏草潜在入侵区域将增加至88.27 × 104 km2,到2070年则将增加至95.35 × 104 km2。结论 破坏草潜在入侵区域受到扩散速度限制,始终小于其适宜分布区,但随着气候变化逐步增加。受全球气候变化影响,未来四川、贵州、广西等省份应当采取进一步措施以控制破坏草的蔓延。预测结果一定程度反映了入侵物种的时空格局,可以为入侵物种防控提供科学依据。Abstract:Objective Ageratina adenophora is one of the most serious invasive species in southwestern China, causing huge economic losses every year. The diffusion ability is related to the harmfulness of invasive species, and it is also an important factor to determine their distribution area, and is often ignored in the study of potential distribution and potential invasive area.Method To quantify the potential invasive area of A. adenophora under the background of climate change based on species diffusion, the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm was used to predict the potential suitable area of A. adenophora. After obtaining the suitable distribution area under the general climate emission scenarios in 2050 and 2070, based on the current distribution, cellular automata was used to simulate the diffusion of A. adenophora in the suitable area, and the potential invasive area of A. adenophora under the general greenhouse gases emission scenarios in 2050 and 2070 was predicted.Result The temperature seasonality, minimum temperature of the coldest month, precipitation in the driest season, annual precipitation and the precipitation of the coldest season are important climatic factors affecting the distribution of A. adenophora. The suitable distribution area of A. adenophora will increase from 79.68 × 104 km2 to 120.26 × 104 km2 in 2050, and then decrease to 111.97 × 104 km2 in 2070. Compared with the current distribution area of A. adenophora, its potential invasive area will increase to 88.27 × 104 km2 in 2050 SSPs45 scenario and 95.35 × 104 km2 in 2070.Conclusion The potential invasive area of A. adenophora is limited by the diffusion rate, which is always smaller than its suitable distribution area, but it gradually increases with climate change. Due to the impact of global climate change, Sichuan, Guizhou of southwestern China, Guangxi of southern China and other provinces should take further measures to control the spread of A. adenophora in the future. The prediction results reflect the spatial-temporal pattern of invasive species to a certain extent, and can provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of invasive species.
《北京林业大学学报》自2015年起由原来的双月刊改为单月刊,大16开本,每月月底出版。每期定价50元。各地邮局发行,邮发代号:82−304。国内统一刊号:CN 11−1932/S。如当地邮局订阅不便或错过征订时间,也可直接汇款向本刊编辑部订阅。
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表 1 破坏草适宜分布的主导因子贡献率及变化范围
Table 1 Contribution rate and variation range of dominant factors for suitable distribution of Ageratina adenophora
distribution range适宜分布范围
distribution rangebio4 38.6 299.2 ~ 707.9 273.9 ~ 847.6 bio6 22.7 1.5 ~ 12.2 −7.5 ~ 21.4 bio17 14.0 14 ~ 95 10 ~ 184 bio12 12.0 628 ~ 1 839 550 ~ 2 930 bio19 6.3 15 ~ 95 10 ~ 204 注:bio4. 气温季节性变动系数;bio6. 最冷月最低气温(℃);bio17. 最干季降水量(mm);bio12.年降水量(mm);bio19.最冷季降水量(mm)。Notes: bio4, seasonal variation coefficient of temperature; bio6, Min. temperature of the coldest month (℃); bio17, precipitation of the driest quarter (mm); bio12, annual precipitation (mm); bio19, precipitation of the coldest quarter (mm). -
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