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骆有庆, 刘宇杰, 黄华国, 俞琳锋, 任利利

骆有庆, 刘宇杰, 黄华国, 俞琳锋, 任利利. 应用遥感技术评价森林健康的路径和方法[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(9): 1-13. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210107
引用本文: 骆有庆, 刘宇杰, 黄华国, 俞琳锋, 任利利. 应用遥感技术评价森林健康的路径和方法[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(9): 1-13. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210107
Luo Youqing, Liu Yujie, Huang Huaguo, Yu Linfeng, Ren Lili. Pathway and method of forest health assessment using remote sensing technology[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(9): 1-13. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210107
Citation: Luo Youqing, Liu Yujie, Huang Huaguo, Yu Linfeng, Ren Lili. Pathway and method of forest health assessment using remote sensing technology[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(9): 1-13. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210107


基金项目: 北京市科技计划(Z201100008020001),国家林业和草原局重大应急科技项目(ZD202001)

    骆有庆,教授。主要研究方向:林木钻蛀性害虫生态调控。Email:youqingluo@126.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学

  • 中图分类号: S763.305;S771.8

Pathway and method of forest health assessment using remote sensing technology

  • 摘要: 近年来,随着气候变化和人类活动的加剧,全球森林面积持续减少、质量下降,生态环境事件频发,森林健康的问题受到前所未有的关注,已经成为生态文明战略的重要组成部分。我国森林资源持续增长,但同时也面临一些问题,如:造林结构单一、林分质量不高、生态稳定性弱等,如何系统准确评价其森林健康状况仍然是当前难点。相对于传统地面调查方法,遥感技术具有实时获取、重复监测以及多时空尺度等优势,并且随着高分遥感和人工智能等技术的飞速发展,大幅提高了解决森林健康评价难题的能力。为系统评估新型遥感技术应用于评价森林健康的潜力,本文在文献分析基础上,指出了现有路径和方法,具体包括:(1)通过文献计量学方法分析并明确了森林健康评价的4大核心内容(活力、组织结构、抵抗力和恢复力)和4大关键问题(树种分类、林木活力、林业有害生物、干旱胁迫)。(2)从不同尺度(单木−林分−生态系统−景观)、不同平台(近地面遥感−航空遥感−卫星遥感)和不同传感器(包括RGB相机、多/高光谱相机、激光雷达、热红外相机、微波雷达和叶绿素荧光扫描仪)3个角度,系统梳理现有遥感技术的优缺点。(3)围绕4个关键问题,阐述近年来应用遥感技术评价森林健康的路径和方法。进一步,本文指出了包括多数据源融合分析、森林健康监测网络与近地面遥感、森林健康大数据应用在内的挑战与机遇,以期为我国森林资源智慧管理提供参考。
    Abstract: In recent years, with the aggravation of climate change and human activities, the global forest area continues to reduce, forest quality keeps declining, and the ecological and environmental events occur frequently. Thus, forest health issues have received unprecedented attention, and have become an important part of the ecological civilization strategy. China’s forest resources continue to grow, but it also faces some problems, such as single afforestation structure, low stand quality and weak ecological stability. How to evaluate forest health systematically and accurately is still a difficult problem. Compared with the traditional ground survey methods, remote sensing technology has the advantages of macroscopic, timeliness and economic efficiency. With the rapid development of high-resolution remote sensing and artificial intelligence technology, it is possible to overcome the problem of forest health assessment. In order to systematically evaluate the potential of new remote sensing technology, this paper points out the existing paths and methods on the basis of literature analysis, including: (1) through bibliometric analysis, four core contents of forest health assessment (vitality, organizational structure, resistance and resilience) and four key issues (tree species classification, forest vitality, forest pests, drought threat) were identified. (2) Systematically interpreting the advantages and disadvantages of existing remote sensing technologies from three angles, namely, different scales (single tree stand ecosystem landscape), different platforms (near ground remote sensing, aerial remote sensing satellite remote sensing) and different sensors (including RGB cameras, multi/hyperspectral cameras, lidar, thermal infrared cameras, microwave radars and chlorophyll fluorescence scanners). (3) Focusing on four key issues, this paper expounds the application path and method of remote sensing technology to evaluate forest health in recent years. Furthermore, this paper points out the challenges and opportunities, including multi-source fusion analysis, forest health monitoring network and near ground remote sensing, forest health big data application, in order to provide reference for the intelligent management of forest resources in China.
  • 图  1   森林健康评价指标体系一级结构、准则层的词云图和词频分析

    Figure  1.   Word cloud and frequency analysis of primary structure and criterion layer of forest health assessment indicator system

    图  2   多尺度、多平台遥感技术评价森林健康概念图

    Figure  2.   Concept map of multi-scale, multi-platform remote sensing assessment of forest health

    表  1   不同传感器在森林健康评价中的技术优势和主要评价内容

    Table  1   Advantages and application of different sensors in forest health assessment

    Technical advantage
    Main shortcomings
    Feature parameter
    Assessment content
    RGB high-resolution camera
    Low cost, high spatial resolution
    Image quality is influenced by illumination conditions, limited spectral information
    RGB image, texture
    Widely used as RS base map or photogrammetric data
    Multispectral sensor
    Reflectance of several bands
    Difficult data interpretation due to synonyms spectrum
    Multispectral image, multi-channel reflectance
    Tree species classification, main biochemical components, phenology, stress
    Hyperspectral sensor
    Reflectance of hundreds of narrow bands
    Strict observation condition and difficult data analysis
    Hyperspectral cube
    Tree species classification, photosynthesis, various biochemical components, phenology, early stress
    Thermal camera
    All weather, penetrating, fine temperature difference
    Temperature variation is easily affected by the surrounding environment
    Directional brightness temperature, thermal infrared image
    Forest fire, drought, photosynthesis, early stress
    Penetrating, fine terrain and 3D forest information
    Lack of spectral and texture information
    Point cloud profile, waveform
    Topography, location, biomass, volume, canopy structure, LAI
    Microwave radar
    All weather, limited penetrating, reaching underground
    Speckle noise and seriously affected by terrain
    Backscattering, interference coefficient, polarimetric radar image
    Topography, biomass, volume, moisture, soil
    Chlorophyll fluorescence scanner
    Capturing chlorophyll information induced by sunlight
    Affected by atmosphere, limited space-time continuity
    Fluorescence parameters, photochemical efficiency
    Primary productivity, carbon cycle, phenology, early stress
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