Growth characteristics of fungi isolated from unearthed wooden cultural relics
摘要:目的 为了解馆藏原位保存的出土木质文物上真菌病害特点,以针对性制定综合保护措施,本研究对南越国宫署遗址原位保存出土木质水槽上分离的11株真菌进行木材败坏测试和生物学特性观察。方法 将分离的真菌分别表面接种木材,观察对木材表面的影响;通过质量损失率测试各真菌对木材的生物降解程度;并通过对真菌在不同培养基上培养,观察其生长速率、产孢情况和显微特点等生物学特性;利用对峙生长试验研究其相互影响。结果 从木材表面接种测试观察到枝孢瓶霉菌、木霉菌、福氏拟青霉、篮状菌、黄暗青霉和镰孢菌在接种木材表面产生菌丝或孢子,使木材表面附着霉斑或者菌丝,聚壳座菌和节菱孢霉菌可使木材表面颜色发生显著变化。木材降解测试12周,担子菌纯黄白鬼伞使杨木的质量损失率接近10%,其他10株子囊菌基本未对杨木造成质量损失。PDA培养基上生长速率测试显示:木霉菌生长速度最快,每天生长近35 mm,其次是聚壳座菌、节菱孢霉菌、福氏拟青霉和镰孢菌,每天生长8 ~ 13 mm,较为缓慢是纯黄白鬼伞、聚多曲霉菌、黄暗青霉、篮状菌、枝顶孢霉菌和枝孢瓶霉菌,每天生长低于5 mm;除聚壳座菌、节菱孢霉菌和纯黄白鬼伞外,其余真菌均较易在不同培养基上产生孢子。对峙培养观察,木霉菌YN4-5对遗址中其他真菌生长都有一定的抑制作用,抑制率为11.0%~64.6%,对担子菌纯黄白鬼伞的抑制率最大。结论 分离的11种真菌中8种子囊菌可引起木质文物表面发霉或变色,担子菌纯黄白鬼伞有降解木质文物的风险;其中生长最快的木霉菌可通过竞争生长环境的方式抑制其他真菌生长,对有降解木材作用的纯黄白鬼伞的抑制作用最大,使木质文物降低了生物降解风险,从而分析认为目前该馆藏出土木质文物上的微生态相互作用已经达到一个平衡。Abstract:Objectives This research was carried out to observe and analyze the biological characteristics and the biodeterioration characteristics of 11 fungi strains isolated from the wooden water flume unearthed at the Nanyue National Palace site, to provide data on the designing of high-performance protection measures for the unearthed wooden cultural relics and the healthy environment in the museum.Method We inoculated the isolated fungi on the wood surface to observe the impact on the wood, tested the biodegradation degree of each fungus on the wood through the mass loss rate, and observed the biological characteristics such as growth rate, sporulation and microscopic characteristics by culture on different media, used the confrontation growth experiment to study their interaction.Result The wood surface inoculation test showed that Cladophialophora sp., Trichoderma sp., Paecilomyces formosus, Talaromyces sp., Penicillium citreonigrum, Fusarium sp., Eutypella sp. and Arthrinium sp. stained or discolored the surface of wood. After 12-week wood degradation test, the mass loss of poplar wood was nearly 10% by Leucocoprinus birnbaumii. Among them, Trichoderma sp. grew fastest, nearly by 35 mm per day; Eutypella sp., Arthrinium sp., P. formosus and Fusarium sp., with a daily growth of 8−13 mm; L. birnbaumii, A. sydowii, P. citreonigrum, Talaromyces sp., Acremonium sp. and Cladophialophora sp., with a daily growth of less than 5 mm on PDA media. All the other fungi were easy to produce spores on different media, except for Eutypella sp., Arthrinium sp. and L. birnbaumii. Trichoderma YN4-5 had certain inhibitory effect on the growth of other fungi, with inhibition rate of 11.0% to 64.6% by confrontation growth test. YN4-5 had the highest inhibition rate to the basidiomycete L. birnbaumii.Conclusion Eight ascomycetes of fungi strains isolated could cause stain or discolored on the surface of wooden cultural relics, and L. birnbaumii had risk of degrade to wooden cultural relics. Among them, Trichoderma sp
. with the fastest growth can inhibit the growth of other fungi by competitive growth environment, and it has the greatest inhibitory effect on L. birnbaumii, which reduce the degradation risk of wooden cultural relics. Therefore, it is speculated that the microecological interaction on the unearthed wooden cultural relics in this museum has reached a balance. -
《北京林业大学学报》自2015年起由原来的双月刊改为单月刊,大16开本,每月月底出版。每期定价50元。各地邮局发行,邮发代号:82−304。国内统一刊号:CN 11−1932/S。如当地邮局订阅不便或错过征订时间,也可直接汇款向本刊编辑部订阅。
邮编:100083 发行电话:010−62338397 联系人:刘大林
表 1 真菌种类及编号
Table 1 Fungus species and No.
编号 No. 真菌种类 Fungus species YN1-1 黄暗青霉 Penicillium citreonigrum YN1-2 福氏拟青霉 Paecilomyces formosus YN3-2 聚壳座菌 Eutypella sp. YN4-5 木霉菌 Trichoderma sp. YN5-31 节菱孢霉菌 Arthrinium sp. YN5-4 镰孢菌 Fusarium sp. YN2-2 枝顶孢霉菌 Acremonium sp. YN4-2 聚多曲霉 Aspergillus sydowii YN4-3 篮状菌 Talaromyces sp. YN5-6 枝孢瓶霉菌 Cladophialophora sp. YN6-3 纯黄白鬼伞 Leucocoprinus birnbaumii 表 2 11株真菌在PDA培养基上的生长速率
Table 2 Growth rate of 11 fungi on PDA medium
项目 Item 快速生长 Fast growing 中速生长 Medium speed growing 慢速生长 Slow growing YN4-5 YN3-2 YN5-31 YN1-2 YN5-4 YN6-3 YN4-2 YN1-1 YN4-3 YN2-2 YN5-6 生长速率 Growth rate/(mm·d−1 ) 34.54 12.53 11.54 8.49 8.00 4.55 3.77 3.32 2.72 2.08 1.87 表 3 11株真菌在不同培养基上的生长速率和产孢情况
Table 3 Growth rate and sporulation of 11 fungi on different media
Growth rate/
(mm·d−1 )产孢情况
Growth rate/
(mm·d−1 )产孢情况
Growth rate/
(mm·d−1 )产孢情况
Growth rate/
(mm·d−1 )产孢情况
SporulationYN1-1 3.84 + + + 4.78 + 3.03 + + 3.20 + + + YN1-2 14.13 + + + 14.22 + + 5.36 + + + 11.32 + + + YN3-2 4.56 − − − 13.86 − − − 2.40 − − − 5.77 − − − YN4-5 29.96 + + + 25.12 + + + 0 − − − 30.28 + + + YN5-31 11.76 − − − 15.12 − − − 5.81 − − − 9.33 − − − YN5-4 10.02 + + + 11.73 + + + 2.34 + + + 12.24 + + YN2-2 2.33 + + + 1.73 + + + 0.66 + + + 2.34 + + YN4-2 3.24 + + + 3.66 + + + 4.09 + + + 2.92 + + + YN4-3 2.28 + + + 2.26 + + + 1.44 + + + 2.02 + + + YN5-6 2.13 − − − 1.92 − − − 0 − − − 1.60 + + YN6-3 3.71 − − − 1.09 − − − 0 − − − 0.85 − − − 注: + + + 表示视野中分生孢子相对较多; + + 表示视野中分生孢子相对一般; + 表示视野中分生孢子相对较少;− − − 表示视野中不可见分生孢子。Notes: + + + means there are relatively more conidia in the field of view; + + means the conidia in the field of view is relatively ordinary; + means there are relatively few conidia in the field of view; − − − means no conidia is visible in the field of view. 表 4 YN4-5对其他真菌的抑制作用
Table 4 Inhibitory effect of YN4-5 on other fungi
编号 No. 抑制率 Inhibition rate/% YN6-3 64.6 YN4-2 60.1 YN1-1 57.1 YN2-2 53.7 YN4-3 44.1 YN5-6 40.2 YN1-2 39.4 YN5-31 27.2 YN3-2 24.9 YN5-4 11.0 -
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