Optimization of finger joint parameters and nondestructive testing of bending properties of radiata pine laminates
摘要:目的 通过对辐射松层板指接工艺的研究,优化指接过程中的参数,提高指接层板的力学性能;基于应力波方法,开展对指接层板抗弯性能的无损检测研究,提高指接层板的强度稳定性。方法 通过预试验过程确定端压,选择4种不同指长的铣刀,设定3种不同嵌合度大小,研究3因素对指接层板抗弯性能的影响,进而从中选出较优指接参数组合并与标准比对;采用应力波方法检测试件动态弹性模量,并分析密度与动态弹性模量两种无损检测参数与静态弹性模量、抗弯强度两种抗弯性能参数的关系,通过检测层板的密度、动态弹性模量对其抗弯性能进行评估。结果 指接参数对抗弯强度存在较大影响,其中指长与嵌合度对抗弯强度存在一定影响,端压对抗弯强度影响不大;本试验范围内,较优指接参数组合辐射松层板抗弯强度均值可达到29.80 MPa,标准值为20.64 MPa,静态弹性模量为8 533 MPa;试件动态弹性模量与静态弹性模量、抗弯强度和层板密度与静态弹性模量、抗弯强度之间均存在显著相关关系,其中使用动态弹性模量评估层板抗弯性能的预测模型要显著优于基于密度的预测模型。结论 基于端压–位移曲线理论,本研究给出的辐射松结构集成材较优指接参数组合为指长15 mm、齿顶宽0.8 mm、齿底宽0.7 mm、齿根宽3.3 mm、斜度1/12.90、嵌合度0.1 mm、端压11 ~ 17 MPa。基于应力波检测动态弹性模量的方法能够较好地评估指接后辐射松层板的抗弯性能。Abstract:Objective By the research of finger joint technology of radiated pine laminates, the parameters in finger joint process were optimized and the mechanical properties were improved. Based on the stress wave method, the bending properties of finger joint laminates were studied nondestructively and the strength stability of finger joint laminates was enhanced.Method The influence of three factors on the laminate mechanical properties was studied with ending pressure determined by pre-experiment process, four milling cutters selected with different finger lengths, three different chimerism degree and finally compared with the standard. The dynamic elastic modulus of the specimens was measured by stress wave method, and the relationship between the two non-destructive testing parameters of density and dynamic elastic modulus and the two bending property parameters of static elastic modulus and bending strength were analyzed. And the bending properties of the laminates were evaluated by testing the density and dynamic modulus of elasticity.Result The finger joint parameters had great effect on the bending strength. The finger length and chimerism degree had a degree of effect on the bending strength, while the ending pressure had little effect; within the scope of this experiment, the mean value of bending strength of radiata pine laminates with better finger joint parameters could reach 29.80 MPa, while the standard value of bending strength was 20.64 MPa and the static modulus of elasticity was 8 533 MPa; the density and dynamic elastic modulus of the specimens were significantly correlated with the dynamic elastic modulus and bending strength, and the prediction model using dynamic elastic modulus to evaluate the bending properties of the laminates was significantly better than the density-based prediction model.Conclusion Based on the end-pressure-displacement curve theory, the optimal combination of finger joint parameters for structural glued laminated timber of radiated pine was obtained as follows: finger length 15 mm, tooth tip width 0.8 mm, tooth base width 0.7 mm, tooth root width 3.3 mm, inclination ratio 1/12.90, chimerism degree 0.1 mm, and end pressure 11−17 MPa. The dynamic elastic modulus measurement method based on stress wave can evaluate the bending properties of finger-jointed radiata pine laminates well.
1. 材料与方法
1.1 材 料
本研究选用扬州某企业提供的泡桐制乐器共鸣面板。具体实验对象为泡桐(Paulownia fortunei)制整板结构共鸣面板。其含水率处于12% ~ 14%,密度约等于260 kg/m3,几何参数如表1所示。
表 1 共鸣面板的尺寸规格Table 1. Geometric parameters of soundboardmm 长度
Head width尾部宽度
Tail width宽度方向弧长半径
Arc length radius in width direction长度方向弧长半径
Arc length radius in length direction1 630 7 350 295 330 7 300 1.2 方 法
1.2.1 实验模态分析
1.2.2 计算模态分析
2. 实验模态分析
2.1 实验设置
为了使得到的结果更加接近古筝共鸣面板在实际演奏中的振动,本研究将古筝共鸣面板固定在共鸣箱上,共鸣箱内部框架材料为云杉( Picea asperata),底板材料为泡桐。经多次预实验后,最终决定将古筝共鸣面板划分为横纹理方向(x方向)6等分,顺纹理方向(y方向)32等分,需要采集信号的总点数为185个。在ZSDASP信号采集分析软件中建立几何结构模拟古筝共鸣面板,并使实际激励点与几何结构上的点相对应。采用ZSL系列冲击力锤逐一敲击试件上的点,通过ZSDASP信号采集分析软件对经ZS7016动态信号采集仪及微型压电式PE加速度传感器采集到的数据进行分析,得到试件传递函数的幅频,最终通过信号处理并选取模态因子函数,得到各阶共振频率及其对应的模态振型[20-21],实验设置如图1所示。
2.2 实验模态结果与分析
从图2可以得出整板结构共鸣面板的模态振型有如下特点:能够识别到13阶的共振频率与振型,依次为(0,1)、(0,2)、(0,3)、(1,3)、(0,4)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)、(1,7)、(1,8)、(2,8)、(1,11)阶。其中只沿横纹理方向的弯曲振动阶次为(0,1)、(0,2)、(0,3)、(0,4),在振型上分别表现为有1 ~ 4条顺纹理方向的振动节点线,且振动位移呈顺纹理方向对称。沿顺纹理方向的弯曲振动阶次为(1,n)、(2,n)阶,在振型上分别表现为有1、2条横向的振动节点线。(1,3)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)、(1,7)、(1,8)、(2,8)、(1,11)阶均为沿顺纹理方向和横纹理方向弯曲振动的叠加,振动形式复杂。另外,从各阶模态振型和振动节线图可以看出,随着阶次的逐渐升高,整板结构共鸣面板的振型也越复杂。同时,得到的振型均匀程度和清晰度也不尽相同,(0,n)阶对应的模态振型相对清晰易识别,(1,n)、(2,n)中的较低阶次,即(1,3)、(1,5)、(2,4)、(2,5)、(2,6)对应的振型识别较为困难。进一步综合分析识别到的整板结构古筝共鸣面板各阶频率的变化趋势,其结果如图3所示。
3. 计算模态分析
借助软件Solidworks 2016和ANSYS14.5对试件进行模拟并对所建模型进行模态分析,并与实验模态分析结果进行对比,验证计算模态分析的可行性。
3.1 共鸣面板模型的建立
本研究省略了顺纹理方向(y方向)的面板弧度,只考虑横纹理方向(x方向)的弧度,同时将面板看成左右同宽的规则结构(俯视图为矩形)。借助SolidWorks软件和通过实际测量获得的几何参数建立了整板结构古筝共鸣面板的三维模型,将模型导入到ANSYS Workbench中进行模态分析,将定义的新材料应用到所建的模型上[22]。对整板结构共鸣面板模型进行网格划分,共划分了2 144个单元,节点数为15 761个。
3.2 计算模态分析结果及数据分析
根据实验模态分析结果,设定古筝模型的频率范围为0 ~ 1 500 Hz,对整板结构共鸣面板模型进行求解,得到各阶共振频率和模态振型。依据实验获得的阶次范围确定模型的振型阶次。
3.3 ANSYS模态分析结果与实验所得结果对比分析
表 2 计算模态分析与实验所得各阶频率对比Table 2. Frequency comparison between calculated modal analysis and experimental results阶数
Order频率 Frequency/Hz 误差
Order频率 Frequency/Hz 误差
Experimental result计算结果
Calculated result实验结果
Experimental result计算结果
Calculated result(0,0) (1,5) 608.59 608.59 1.17 (0,1) 238.28 (1,6) 764.21 764.21 (0,2) 347.66 (1,7) 910.29 910.29 2.21 (0,3) 425.78 (1,8) 921.97 921.97 1.73 (0,4) 492.19 (1,9) 1 037.00 1 037.00 (0,5) (1,10) 1 117.20 1 117.20 (0,6) (1,11) 1 281.00 1 281.00 −0.63 (0,7) (2,4) 653.58 653.58 −0.41 (0,8) (2,5) 712.17 712.17 3.00 (0,9) (2,6) 758.96 758.96 1.72 (0,10) (2,7) 941.58 941.58 (1,3) 460.94 462.45 0.33 (2,8) 1 032.50 1 032.50 0.50 (1,4) 537.56 从表2可以得出,计算模态分析得到的结果更具连续性,能够识别到选定阶数范围的所有阶次,而实验模态分析时,个别阶数不够明显而识别不到。计算结果中,整板结构共鸣面板模型能够识别到的阶次为(1,n)阶和(2,n)阶,与实验所得结果相比,缺少(0,n)阶,这是由于计算模态分析与实验模态相比存在一定误差。实验模态分析时,共鸣面板被安置在共鸣箱上再进行四周固定;而计算模态分析时为了针对性地分析共鸣面板的各阶次频率及振型,直接对共鸣面板模型进行了四周固定[15]。
4. 结 论
表 1 铣刀参数
Table 1 Parameters of milling cutter
Type of
milling cutter内径
Referenced finger
Tip width/
SlopeⅠ型铣刀 Type Ⅰ milling cutter 50 160 12 4.0 0.6 1/8.87 Ⅱ型铣刀 Type Ⅱ milling cutter 50 160 15 4.0 0.7 1/12.90 Ⅲ型铣刀 Type Ⅲ milling cutter 50 160 19 6.0 1.2 1/10.51 Ⅳ型铣刀 Type Ⅳ milling cutter 50 160 25 7.0 1.2 1/11.27 注:铣刀的斜度数值上表示为刀刃倾斜角度的正切函数值,且与所铣出指榫的斜面倾斜比数值相同。 GB/T 26899—2011《结构用集成材》规定指接材指榫斜面倾斜比应小于1/7.5,内层层板指榫长度不小于10 mm,外层层板指榫长度不小于15 mm,本研究所选铣刀满足要求。Notes: the slope of the milling cutter is shown as the tangent function of the angle of the blade, which is as same as the value of inclination ratio of the finger joint milled by this cutter. GB/T 26899—2011 Structural Glued Laminated Timber stipulated that the inclination ratio of the finger joint shall be less than 1/7.5, the length of the inner layer plate shall be no less than 10 mm, and the length of the outer layer plate shall be no less than 15 mm. The milling cutter selected in this paper meets the requirements. 表 2 试件指接参数及端压选择
Table 2 Selection of finger joint parameters and end pressure
Types of
milling cutter嵌合度
Small end
Medium end
Big end
pressure/MPaⅠ型铣刀 Type Ⅰ milling cutter 0.1 12.01 13.17 18.27 23.37 0.2 11.63 11.26 14.86 18.45 0.3 10.97 10.83 14.40 17.98 Ⅱ型铣刀 Type Ⅱ milling cutter 0.1 16.10 10.94 14.39 17.85 0.2 15.54 10.10 13.44 16.78 0.3 14.81 7.54 9.46 11.37 Ⅲ型铣刀 Type Ⅲ milling cutter 0.1 18.40 9.42 12.56 15.70 0.2 17.90 7.76 9.54 11.31 0.3 17.30 6.47 7.98 9.50 Ⅳ型铣刀 Type Ⅳ milling cutter 0.1 25.50 9.81 13.45 17.09 0.2 24.70 8.57 11.20 13.82 0.3 24.20 5.01 5.84 6.67 表 3 不同指长组在12%含水率条件下抗弯强度值(
σb12 )的方差齐性检验Table 3 Homogeneity test of variance for bending strength (
σb12 ) under 12% moisture content with different lengths莱文统计 Levin statistics df1 df2 P 重复次数 Repeat time 1.669 3 248 0.174 84 表 4 不同指长组的
σb12 均值差异显著性检验Table 4 Significance test of mean difference for
σb12 values with different length检验方法
Finger length
of group m/mmn组指长
Finger length
of group n/mm两组σb12均值差
Numerical difference
of mean σb12 of the two
groups/MPaP 95%置信区间 95% confidence interval 置信下限
Confidence lower limit置信上限
Confidence upper limit图基 HSD
Tukey HSD12 15 −1.276 0.504 −3.641 1.090 12 19 1.315 0.477 −1.050 3.680 12 25 0.376 0.977 −1.990 2.741 15 19 2.591 0.026* 0.226 4.956 15 25 1.651 0.273 −0.714 4.016 19 25 −0.940 0.733 −3.305 1.425 LSD 12 15 −1.276 0.164 −3.077 0.525 12 19 1.315 0.152 −0.486 3.116 12 25 0.376 0.682 −1.425 2.177 15 19 2.591 0.005* 0.790 4.392 15 25 1.651 0.072 −0.150 3.452 19 25 −0.940 0.305 −2.741 0.861 邦弗伦尼
Bonferroni12 15 −1.276 0.986 −3.708 1.156 12 19 1.315 0.909 −1.117 3.747 12 25 0.376 1.000 −2.056 2.807 15 19 2.591 0.030* 0.159 5.023 15 25 1.651 0.433 −0.781 4.083 19 25 −0.940 1.000 −3.372 1.492 注:*表示该行两组数据均值在95%置信度下存在显著差异。Note: * indicates that there is a significant difference between the mean values of the two groups with 95% confidence. 表 5 不同嵌合度下
σb12 值的方差齐性检验Table 5 Homogeneity test of variance for
σb12 values with different chimerism莱文统计 Levin statistics df1 df2 P 重复次数 Repeat time 0.749 2 249 0.474 84 表 6 不同嵌合度下
σb12 均值差异显著性检验Table 6 Significance test of mean difference for
σb12 values with different chimerism检验方法
Test methodm组嵌合度
Chimerism degree
of group m/mmn组嵌合度
Chimerism degree
of group n/mm两组σb12均值差
Numerical difference of
mean σb12 of the
two groups /MPaP 95%置信区间 95% confidence interval 置信下限
Confidence lower limit置信上限
Confidence upper limit图基HSD
Tukey HSD0.1 0.2 2.481 0.005* 0.627 4.335 0.1 0.3 1.905 0.042* 0.051 3.759 0.2 0.3 −0.576 0.744 −2.430 1.278 LSD 0.1 0.2 2.481 0.002* 0.933 4.030 0.1 0.3 1.905 0.016* 0.357 3.454 0.2 0.3 −0.576 0.465 −2.125 0.973 邦弗伦尼
Bonferroni0.1 0.2 2.481 0.005* 0.586 4.376 0.1 0.3 1.905 0.048* 0.010 3.801 0.2 0.3 −0.576 1.000 −2.471 1.319 表 7 不同端压组下
σb12 值描述性统计Table 7 Descriptive statistics of
σb12 values in different end pressure groups组别
Sample number均值
Standard deviation/MPa变异系数
Variation coefficient/%最小值
Min. value/MPa最大值
Max. value/MPa小端压 Small end pressure 84 27.66 4.965 17.95 16.56 39.61 中端压 Medial end pressure 84 26.10 5.006 19.18 14.96 41.53 大端压 Large end pressure 84 26.92 5.509 20.47 13.02 39.93 总计 Total 252 26.89 5.185 19.28 13.02 41.53 表 8 不同端压组下
σb12 值的方差齐性检验Table 8 Homogeneity test of variance for
σb12 under different end pressure莱文统计
Levin statisticsdf1 df2 P 重复次数
Repeat time0.803 2 249 0.449 84 表 9 不同端压组的
σb12 均值差异显著性检验Table 9 Significance test of mean difference for
σb12 values with different end pressure检验方法
Test methodm组端压
End pressure
of group mn组端压
End pressure
of group n两组σb12均值差
Numerical difference
of mean σb12 of the
two groups/MPaP 95%置信区间
95% confidence interval置信下限
Confidence lower limit置信上限
Confidence upper limit图基 HSD
Tukey HSD小 Small 中 Medial 1.565 0.124 −0.315 3.445 小 Small 大 Large 0.747 0.617 −1.133 2.627 中 Medial 大 Large −0.818 0.561 −2.698 1.062 LSD 小 Small 中 Medial 1.565 0.051 −0.005 3.135 小 Small 大 Large 0.747 0.350 −0.823 2.317 中 Medial 大 Large −0.818 0.306 −2.388 0.752 邦弗伦尼
Bonferroni小 Small 中 Medial 1.565 0.152 −0.356 3.486 小 Small 大 Large 0.747 1.000 −1.174 2.668 中 Medial 大 Large −0.818 0.918 −2.739 1.103 表 10 指接层板性能参数均值简化
Table 10 Simplified mean performance parameters of finger joint laminates
MPa12 0.1 0.466 7.032 8.266a 30.409a 0.2 0.445 6.236 7.021 26.831 0.3 0.452 5.363 7.542 23.752 15 0.1 0.449 7.032 8.533b 29.803b 0.2 0.449 6.204 7.351 26.532 0.3 0.463 7.251 8.693c 28.485c 19 0.1 0.452 6.356 7.486 26.165 0.2 0.448 6.283 7.953 24.847 0.3 0.431 5.628 6.842 26.034 25 0.1 0.434 5.664 6.638 27.046 0.2 0.438 6.206 7.509 25.288 0.3 0.461 6.835 7.697 27.531 注:ρ12、Ed12、Es12和σb12分别为层板在12%含水率条件下的密度、动态弹性模量、静态弹性模量和抗弯强度。取本试验范围内力学性能最好的3组指接参数组合,分别标记为a组、b组、c组。抗弯强度:a组 > b组 > c组;静态弹性模量:c组 > b组 > a组。Notes: ρ12, Ed12, Es12 and σb12 are the density, dynamic elastic modulus, static elastic modulus and bending strength of laminates under 12% moisture content. The three groups of finger joint parameter combinations with the best mechanical property within the test range are labeled as group a, group b and group c, respectively. In bending strength, group a >group b > group c; in static modulus of elasticity, group c > group b> group a. 表 11 性能参数分布模型拟合
Table 11 Performance parameter distribution model fitting
Probability density
Normal distribution对数正态分布
Lognormal distribution威布尔分布
Weibull distribution95%置信度临界值
Critical value
of 95%
confidencef(x)=1β√2π e−(x−α)22β2 f(x)=1xβ√2π e−(lnx−α)22β2 f(x)=βxβ−1αβe−(xα)β ρ α 0.449 −0.803 0.464 β 0.0352 0.0780 15.4860 K-S检验 K-S test 0.0359 0.0335 0.0814 0.0857 Ed α 6.341 1.827 6.822 β 1.275 0.201 6.164 K-S检验K-S test 0.0664 0.0303 0.0969 0.0857 Es α 7.628 2.011 8.215 β 1.564 0.205 6.041 K-S检验K-S test 0.0511 0.0334 0.0731 0.0857 σb α 26.894 3.273 28.887 β 5.185 0.195 6.365 K-S检验K-S test 0.0642 0.0464 0.0951 0.0857 注:ρ、Ed、Es和σb分别为层板的密度、动态弹性模量、静态弹性模量和抗弯强度;α和β为概率密度函数公式中的对应参数。Notes:ρ, Ed, Es and σb are the density, dynamic elastic modulus, static elastic modulus and bending strength of laminates; α and β are the corresponding parameters in formulae of probability density function. 表 12 不同指接参数组合下试件力学性能参数
Table 12 Mechanical performance parameters of specimens under different finger joint parameter combinations
MPa 指接参数组合
Finger joint parameter combinationEs12均值
Mean of Es12σb12均值
Mean of σb12σb12标准值 Standard value of σb12 参数法–正态分布
Parametric method-normal distribution参数法–对数正态
Parametric method-lognormal distribution非参数法
Nonparametric methoda组 Group a 8 266 30.41 20.39 21.62 20.90 b组 Group b 8 533 29.80 20.31 21.29 19.98 c组 Group c 8 693 28.49 17.94 19.07 18.40 总体 Total 7 628 26.89 18.01 18.90 19.55 表 13 4项指标的双变量相关性检验
Table 13 Bivariate correlation test of four indicators
Test variable检验参数
Test parameterEs12 σb12 Ed12 皮尔逊系数 Pearson coefficient 0.886** 0.603** P < 0.001 < 0.001 ρ12 皮尔逊系数 Pearson coefficient 0.553** 0.448** P < 0.001 < 0.001 注: **表示在99%置信度(双尾)条件下,相关性显著。Notes: ** means the correlation is significant under 99% confidence (two tails) condition. 表 14 不同指接参数组合的
Ed12−Es12 拟合曲线参数及显著性检验Table 14 Fitting curve parameters and significance test of
Ed12-Es12 with different joint parameter combinations指长
Finger length/mm嵌合度
Chimerism degree/mm变量系数
Coefficient of variation标准差
Standard deviationPx值
Px value常数项
Constant term标准差
Standard deviationPa值
Pa value12 0.1 1.120 0.132 0.806x* 0.394 0.938 0.719a* 0.2 0.880 0.096 0.045x* 1.532 0.613 0.210a* 0.3 1.279 0.147 0.206x* 0.680 0.801 0.945a* 15 0.1 1.118 0.077 0.689x* 0.671 0.548 0.907a* 0.2 1.134 0.077 0.546x* 0.314 0.488 0.398a* 0.3 1.322 0.125 0.077x* −0.890 0.925 0.095a* 19 0.1 1.212 0.107 0.255x* −0.220 0.691 0.183a* 0.2 1.335 0.118 0.048x* −0.437 0.749 0.134a* 0.3 1.283 0.148 0.200x* −0.378 0.843 0.202a* 25 0.1 1.138 0.112 0.653x* 0.192 0.644 0.409a* 0.2 1.394 0.193 0.127x* −1.143 1.208 0.136a* 0.3 0.799 0.110 0.017x* 2.235 0.763 0.065a* 注: x*为不同指接参数组变量系数与整体变量系数1.087之间的差异显著性;a*为不同指接参数组常数项与整体常数项0.737之间的差异显著性。Notes: x* means the degree of difference between the variable coefficient of different joint parameter groups and the global variable coefficient 1.087;
a* means the degree of difference between the constant term of different joint parameter groups and the global constant term 0.737. -
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