Responses of typical plant functional traits among summer-flowering tree species in heterogeneous city habitats in Lanzhou City of northwestern China
Abstract:ObjectiveThis study probed into the differences and associated features of functional traits among summer-flowering tree species growing in heterogeneous urban habitats, then recognized which factors influenced the functional traits’ performances.
MethodFive summer-flowering tree species, i.e Sophora japonica, Koelreuteria paniculata, Sambucus williamsii, Aesculus chinensis and Sorbaria kirilowii, which were widely applied in three typical road habitats and three residential habitats in Lanzhou urban area of northwestern China, were selected to sample and measure their leaf functional traits in summer, 2020. Also, these sampled trees were marked to determine their reproductive functional traits during the full-bloomimg and full-fruiting period. Correlation analysis was applied to make a thorough inquiry of the relationship between environmental factors and tree species’ functional traits, and path analysis was used to explore the correlations between leaf functional traits and various reproductive functional traits.
ResultCompared with residential habitat, species growing in road habitat showed a lower value of flowering number, inflorescence length, inflorescence axis diameter and seed setting rate, while leaf dry mass per area, leaf dry matter content, leaf tissue density and leaf thickness increased. In addition, leaf area reduced and duration of green foliage was shorter. According to correlation analysis, there existed the significant or the most significant correlations between part of leaf functional traits and reproductive functional traits. Correlations between soil conditions, most inflorescence traits and leaf functional traits were significant or the most significant. As for major atmospheric pollutants, the correlations between O3 concentrations, most inflorescence traits and leaf traits were significant or the most significant. Path analysis indicated that the performance of each reproductive functional trait was affected by multiple leaf functional traits. In road habitat, leaf dry mass per area, leaf thickness and leaf tissue density had a significant effect on reproductive functional traits, while in residential habitat, the effects were not significant, thus summer-flowering tree species’ strategies to resource utilization were different in various urban habitats.
ConclusionFive summer-flowering tree species differently change their functional trait performance in road and residential habitats in urban areas. Differences of soil conditions and atmospheric pollutant levels in two habitats are closely related to tree species’ functional trait performances. Among five summer-flowering tree species, leaf functional traits could togetherly affect reproductive functional traits, strategies to resource utilization among tree species are not identical in various urban habitats.
图 1 夏花树种叶功能性状特征
1. 国槐;2. 栾树;3. 接骨木;4. 七叶树;5. 华北珍珠梅。不同小写字母表示表示同一树种不同生境下的各性状在P < 0.05水平差异显著。下同。1, Sophora japonica; 2, Koelreuteria paniculata; 3, Sambucus williamsii; 4, Aesculus chinensis; 5, Sorbaria kirilowii. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in various traits of the same tree species under different habitats at the P < 0.05 level. The same below.
Figure 1. Characteristics of leaf functional traits among summer-flowering tree species
表 1 研究区大气、土壤条件基本信息
Table 1 Fundamental information of atmospheric and soil conditions in study area
Study area土壤pH值
Soil pH土壤密度
Bulk density/
Soil water
Organic matter
content /(g·kg−1)主要大气污染物质量浓度
Mass concentration of major
atmospheric pollutant/(μg·m−3)PM10 PM2.5 O3 NO2 南滨河中路
Nanbinhe Middle Road8.7 ± 0.2a 1.47 ± 0.03a 15.08 ± 0.81bc 18.8 ± 0.2b 46.8 ± 2.7a 23.0 ± 2.1a 177 ± 5a 35 ± 2ab 山丹街 Shandan Street 8.5 ± 0.1a 1.42 ± 0.04ab 15.11 ± 0.58b 19.1 ± 0.5b 47.0 ± 2.1a 19.7 ± 1.6a 172 ± 4ab 33 ± 3b 北滨河西路
Beibinhe West Road8.5 ± 0.2ab 1.44 ± 0.02a 14.96 ± 0.97bc 18.7 ± 0.4b 45.5 ± 2.3a 20.5 ± 1.7a 179 ± 4a 38 ± 1a 百合家园 Baihe Jiayuan 8.2 ± 0.1b 1.19 ± 0.02c 23.50 ± 0.74a 22.4 ± 1.4a 35.9 ± 2.1b 14.7 ± 2.1bc 160 ± 2c 28 ± 2c 黄河家园 Huanghe Jiayuan 7.9 ± 0.2bc 1.21 ± 0.02c 21.44 ± 0.67a 23.0 ± 1.2a 36.7 ± 1.6b 19.1 ± 1.6b 162 ± 3c 29 ± 1c 蓝馨花园A区
A Zone in Lanxin Huayuan8.3 ± 0.1b 1.18 ± 0.01c 20.26 ± 0.73ab 22.6 ± 1.6a 37.3 ± 1.9b 16.4 ± 2.0b 164 ± 2bc 31 ± 1c 注:不同小写字母表示不同研究区间同一指标在P < 0.05水平差异显著。Note: different lowercase letters represent a significant difference of the same index among various study areas at P < 0.05 level. 表 2 供试树种生物学特性
Table 2 Biological characteristics of tested tree species
Plant species树高
Tree height/m冠幅
Time of leaf
Floret color花序类型
Initial flowering
Planting form国槐
Sophora japonica12.31 ~ 13.93 6.28 ~ 6.57 2020−04−12 黄白色
Yellowish white圆锥形
Panicle2020−07−18 列植
Linear planting栾树
Koelreuteria paniculata9.77 ~ 10.55 6.54 ~ 6.86 2020−04−07 金黄色
Golden yellow聚伞圆锥形
Thyrse2020−06−21 聚植
Aggregated planting接骨木
Sambucus williamsii2.69 ~ 2.77 3.25 ~ 3.71 2020−03−18 白色
Cyme2020−05−11 聚植
Aggregated planting七叶树
Aesculus chinensis13.69 ~ 15.74 4.86 ~ 5.48 2020−03−14 白色
Thyrse2020−05−13 丛植、孤植
Group planting, isolated planting华北珍珠梅
Sorbaria kirilowii2.74 ~ 2.91 2.41 ~ 2.63 2020−04−03 白色
Panicle2020−06−14 散点植
Scattered planting表 3 树种叶功能性状间相关性分析
Table 3 Correlation analysis of leaf functional traits among summer-flowering tree species
Leaf functional trait比叶重
Specific leaf mass叶干物质含量
Leaf dry matter
Leaf tissue
Leaf thickness绿叶期
Duration of
green foliage叶面积
Leaf area比叶重 Specific leaf mass 1.000 0 0.467 0* 0.134 0 0.197 0 0.525 0* −0.604 0** 叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content 1.000 0 0.162 0 0.160 0 0.649 0** 0.392 0 叶组织密度 Leaf tissue density 1.000 0 0.139 0 0.070 0 0.328 0 叶片厚度 Leaf thickness 1.000 0 0.215 0 −0.460 0* 绿叶期 Duration of green foliage 1.000 0 0.248 0 叶面积 Leaf area 1.000 0 注:*表示0.05水平上相关性显著;**表示0.01水平上相关性显著。下同。Notes: * represents significant correlation at the level of 0.05, ** represents significant correlation at the level of 0.01. The same below. 表 4 树种生殖功能性状间相关性分析
Table 4 Correlation analysis of reproductive functional traits among summer-flowering tree species
Inflorescence trait单株花序数
Inflorescence number
per plant单个花序小花数
Floret number per
total axis diameter花序长度
Seed setting
rate单株花序数 Inflorescence number per plant 1.000 0 0.114 6 0.581 2** 0.944 0** −0.807 3** 单个花序小花数 Floret number per inflorescence 1.000 0 0.567 4** 0.334 9 0.046 9 花序总轴直径 Inflorescence total axis diameter 1.000 0 0.660 9** −0.375 1 花序长度 Inflorescence length 1.000 0 −0.320 4 结实率 Seed setting rate 1.000 0 表 5 不同生境内各生殖功能性状与叶功能性状间通径分析
Table 5 Path analysis between reproductive functional traits and leaf functional traits
Habitat type功能性状指标
Functional trait index单株花序数
Inflorescence number
per plant单个花序小花数
Floret number
per inflorescence花序长度
total axis diameter结实率
Seed setting
Road habitat比叶重 Leaf specific mass −0.877* −0.608* −0.629** −0.467 −0.716* 叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content −0.197 −0.219 0.096 −0.480* 0.132 叶组织密度 Leaf tissue density 0.218 −0.395 0.112 −0.200 0.682* 叶片厚度 Leaf thickness 0.103 −0.577* 0.130 0.061 −0.283 绿叶期 Duration of green foliage −0.377 0.050 0.405* 0.619** 0.151 叶面积 Leaf area 0.324 0.551* 0.172 0.592* −0.824* 居住区生境
Residential habitat比叶重 Leaf specific mass −0.748* 0.121 0.245 0.076 −0.848** 叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content −0.077 −0.119 0.039 −0.324* 0.190 叶组织密度 Leaf tissue density 0.235 −0.286 0.176 −0.152 0.279 叶片厚度 Leaf thickness 0.273 −0.379 0.198 0.124 −0.123 绿叶期 Duration of green foliage −0.386 0.152 0.992** 0.898** 0.135 叶面积 Leaf area 0.577* 0.883* 0.270 0.264 −0.382 表 6 研究区环境因子与树种功能性状间相关系数
Table 6 Correlation coefficients between each habitat factor and functional traits of tree species in study area
Functional trait土壤 pH值
Soil pH土壤含水率
Soil water
Soil density有机质含量
matter content主要大气污染物浓度
Concentration of major atmospheric pollutantO3 NO2 PM10 PM2.5 比叶重 Leaf specific mass 0.708* −0.879* 0.593 −0.792*** 0.841** 0.839* 0.888* 0.728 叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content 0.671 −0.834* 0.695* −0.773** 0.871* 0.757 0.900* 0.699 叶面积 Leaf area −0.492 0.647 −0.746 0.743 −0.646 −0.433 −0.805 −0.728 叶片厚度 Leaf thickness 0.765** −0.536 0.389 −0.836** 0.827* 0.861* 0.762 0.466 叶组织密度 Leaf tissue density 0.420 −0.668 0.559* −0.840** 0.857* 0.725 0.850* 0.775 绿叶期 Duration of green foliage −0.015 −0.311 0.062 0.285 −0.220 −0.217 −0.571* −0.232 单株花序数
Inflorescence number per plant−0.527* 0.723* −0.600* 0.894* −0.784 −0.573 −0.648** −0.758 单个花序小花数
Floret number per inflorescence−0.545* 0.415 −0.517* 0.853** −0.841* −0.728 −0.625** −0.432 花序总轴直径
Inflorescence total axis diameter−0.772 0.787* −0.633* 0.866** −0.813* −0.726 −0.406* −0.678 花序长度 Inflorescence length −0.745 0.758* −0.204 0.766** −0.835** −0.817 −0.655* −0.768 结实率 Seed setting rate 0.203 0.584* 0.314 −0.381 0.208 0.312 −0.003 0.130 注:***表示在P < 0.001水平上显著相关。Note: *** represents significant correlation at the level of P < 0.001. -
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