Single tree DBH growth model of spruce-fir natural forest based on distance related Hegyi index
方法使用2013年金沟岭云冷杉林3块1 hm2固定样地内实测数据,以非线性Logistic模型为基础模型,逐步引入期初胸径、种内和种间竞争指数,以探究竞争和生长对于单木胸径变化的影响,并利用非线性混合效应模型进行模型精度的提升。
结果模型拟合结果显示:以期初胸径、种内Hegyi竞争指数、种间Hegyi竞争指数为预测变量,树种水平下随机效应作用在参数a0 、 a2 、a3上时,模型具有最优的拟合效果,且未出现异方差现象。建模数据的调整决定系数(R2adj)、均方根误差(RMSE)、总相对误差(TRE)分别为0.512 6、0.607 1、3.651 9%,利用检验数据对模型进行独立样本检验,检验数据的R2adj为0.509 8,检验RMSE均为0.624 2,检验TRE均为3.883 1%,检验数据的残差分布未出现明显的异方差现象。
Abstract:ObjectiveBased on the Hegyi intraspecific and interspecific competition indexes related to distance, the prediction model of DBH increment of natural spruce-fir forest was constructed based on initial DBH and Hegyi competition index.
MethodIn order to explore the effects of competition and growth on DBH growth of individual trees, the measured data of three permanent sample plots (each of 1 ha) of spruce-fir in Jingouling Forest Farm, Jilin Province of northeastern China in 2013 were utilized. Based on the nonlinear Logistics model, initial DBH, intraspecific and interspecific competition indexes were gradually added. The nonlinear mixed-effect model was utilized to improve the model accuracy.
ResultThe results of model fitting showed that the model had the best fitting effect when initial DBH, intraspecific and interspecific Hegyi competition indexes were used as predictive variables, the best fitting efficiency occurred based on the species-level of random effect worked on parameters a0, a2, a3, and without heteroscedasticity. The R2adj, root mean squared error (RMSE) and total relative error (TRE) of modeling data were 0.512 6, 0.607 1, 3.651 9%, respectively. The R2adj, RMSE and TRE of validation data were 0.509 8, 0.624 2, 3.883 1%, respectively. The residual distribution of validation data did not show obvious heteroscedasticity.
ConclusionThe factors affect the diameter growth of target trees in natural spruce-fir forest, including self-growth factors and competition factors. Among the self-growth factors, initial DBH is the main factor and plays a positive role to promote DBH increment. Among the competition factors, interspecific competition and intraspecific competition have obvious inhibition effects on the growth of individual tree DBH increment. The nonlinear mixed effect model based on species-level can provide a theoretical basis and technical reference for the DBH growth of target trees in natural spruce-fir forest in the study area.
表 1 数据统计表
Table 1 Data statistics
指标 Index 最大值 Max. 最小值 Min. 平均值 Mean 标准差 SD 建模数据
Modeling data
(n = 1 983)林分密度/(株·hm−2) Stand density/(tree·ha−1) 826 922 877 48 期初胸径 Initial DBH (D1)/cm 56.0 5.0 16.2 8.1 期末胸径 Final DBH (D2)/cm 56.5 5.1 17.1 8.2 胸径增长量 DBH increment (ΔDBH)/cm 4.4 0.0 0.8 0.6 种间Hegyi竞争指数
Interspecific Hegyi competition index (ICinter)36.7 0.1 4.2 3.6 种内Hegyi竞争指数
Intraspecific Hegyi competition index (ICintra)57.5 0.0 1.6 3.6 检验数据
Validation data
(n = 853)林分密度/(株·hm−2) Stand density/(tree·ha−1) 826 922 877 48 D1/cm 48.3 5.0 16.5 8.3 D2/cm 51.3 8.4 17.4 8.5 ΔDBH/cm 4.5 0.0 0.8 0.6 ICinter 34.0 0.1 4.2 3.8 ICintra 59.5 0.0 1.8 4.6 表 3 竞争指数增加后模型拟合精度变化
Table 3 Change in model fitting accuracy after increasing competition index
变量 Variable R2adj RMSE TRE/%
D10.408 5 0.669 2 4.470 2 D1 + ICintra + ICinter 0.416 0 0.665 2 4.414 5 表 2 备选模型形式
Table 2 Candidate model forms
序号 No. 模型 Model 表达式 Expression 1 Compert y=a0exp(−a1exp(−a2x)) 2 Mitscherlich y=a0(1−a1exp(−a2x)) 3 Power y=a0xa1 4 Weibull y=a0(1−exp(−a1xa2)) 5 Korf y=a0exp(−a1x−a1) 6 Logistic y=a01+a1exp(−a2x) 注:y和x分别代表模型自变量和因变量,a0、a1、a2分别代表模型的待估计参数。Notes: y and x represent the independent variable and dependent variable, respectively, a0, a1, a2 represent the estimated parameters of the model, respectively. 表 4 样地水平下收敛的混合效应模型评价指标
Table 4 Evaluation indexes of converged mixed-effect models under sample plot level
ParameterAIC BIC −2Loglike LRT P a0 + a4 3 523.8 3 572.9 3 505.8 40.5 < 0.000 1 a3 + a4 3 523.8 3 573.0 3 505.8 40.5 < 0.000 1 a2 + a3 3 523.8 3 573.0 3 505.8 40.5 < 0.000 1 a0 + a1 + a2 3 529.8 3 595.4 3 505.8 36.4 < 0.000 1 a2 + a3 + a4 3 523.8 3 589.4 3 499.8 40.5 < 0.000 1 表 5 树种水平下收敛的混合效应模型评价指标
Table 5 Evaluation indexes of converged mixed-effect models under tree species level
ParameterAIC BIC −2Loglike LRT P a0 3 417.8 3 455.9 3 403.8 110.5 < 0.000 1 a1 3 429.9 3 468.1 3 415.9 98.4 < 0.000 1 a3 3 416.9 3 455.1 3 402.9 111.4 < 0.000 1 a4 3 416.4 3 454.6 3 402.4 111.9 < 0.000 1 a0 + a1 3 368.9 3 418.1 3 350.9 163.3 < 0.000 1 a0 + a2 3 389.2 3 438.3 3 371.2 143.1 < 0.000 1 a0 + a3 3 367.1 3 416.2 3 349.1 165.2 < 0.000 1 a0 + a4 3 358.9 3 408.0 3 340.9 173.4 < 0.000 1 a1 + a3 3 377.7 3 426.9 3 359.7 154.6 < 0.000 1 a1 + a4 3 368.8 3 417.9 3 350.8 163.5 < 0.000 1 a2 + a4 3 393.2 3 442.3 3 375.2 139.1 < 0.000 1 a3 + a4 3 386.8 3 435.9 3 368.8 145.4 < 0.000 1 a0 + a1 + a2 3 348.7 3 414.3 3 324.7 189.5 < 0.000 1 a0 + a2 + a3 3 327.2 3 392.8 3 303.2 211.0 < 0.000 1 a1 + a2 + a4 3 355.1 3 420.6 3 331.1 183.2 < 0.000 1 a1 + a3 + a4 3 383.7 3 449.2 3 359.7 154.6 < 0.000 1 表 6 单木水平下收敛的混合效应模型评价指标
Table 6 Evaluation indexes of converged mixed-effect models under single tree level
ParameterAIC BIC −2Loglike LRT P a1 3 519.8 3 558.1 3 505.8 45.4 < 0.000 1 a3 3 518.8 3 556.1 3 503.2 43.6 < 0.000 1 a0 3 517.8 3 555.1 3 499.4 40.1 < 0.000 1 a2 3 512.8 3 551.1 3 502.6 39.1 < 0.000 1 表 7 树种水平下最优混合效应模型参数估计
Table 7 Parameter estimation of best mixed-effect models under tree species level
参数 Parameter 估计(标准误) Estimation (SE) T值 T value P 值 P value a0 5.118 3(0.273 0) 18.745 2 0.000 0 a1 1.190 5(0.092 6) 12.860 8 0.000 0 a2 −0.053 0(0.006 1) −8.700 4 0.000 0 a3 0.054 2(0.017 3) 3.130 9 0.001 8 a4 0.045 5(0.014 1) 3.230 7 0.001 3 方差−协方差结构
Variance-covariance structure[0.19140.59500.57600.59500.00230.38800.57600.38800.0018] 误差方差 Variance of error 0.374 4 R2adj 0.512 6 RMSE 0.607 1 TRE/% 3.651 9 -
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