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邢小艺, 张梦园, 李晓璐, 范舒欣, 董丽

邢小艺, 张梦园, 李晓璐, 范舒欣, 董丽. 北京园林树木秋色盛期的空间异质性及其对热环境差异的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2024, 46(1): 119-130. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210546
引用本文: 邢小艺, 张梦园, 李晓璐, 范舒欣, 董丽. 北京园林树木秋色盛期的空间异质性及其对热环境差异的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2024, 46(1): 119-130. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210546
Xing Xiaoyi, Zhang Mengyuan, Li Xiaolu, Fan Shuxin, Dong Li. Spatial heterogeneity in leaf coloring date and the phenological response to thermal environment variations of Beijing landscape trees[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2024, 46(1): 119-130. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210546
Citation: Xing Xiaoyi, Zhang Mengyuan, Li Xiaolu, Fan Shuxin, Dong Li. Spatial heterogeneity in leaf coloring date and the phenological response to thermal environment variations of Beijing landscape trees[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2024, 46(1): 119-130. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210546


基金项目: 2018北京园林绿化增彩延绿科技创新工程科研项目(CEG-2018-01),中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2662022YLQD002)。

    邢小艺,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:园林植物应用与园林生态。Email:xingxiaoyi@mail.hzau.edu.cn 地址:430070 湖北省武汉市洪山区狮子山街1号


    董丽,博士,教授。主要研究方向:园林植物应用与园林生态。Email:dongli@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学园林学院。

  • 中图分类号: S731.2

Spatial heterogeneity in leaf coloring date and the phenological response to thermal environment variations of Beijing landscape trees

  • 摘要:





    (1)北京主城区各树种的秋色盛期整体发生于10月中旬至12月上旬、集中于11月上中旬,由早到晚依次为洋白蜡、元宝枫、银杏、水杉、旱柳,且银杏雌株的秋色盛期显著早于雄株。(2)各树种秋色盛期整体上由二环—三环—五环—五环外逐渐提前,城郊物候天数差异达(10.1 ± 0.3) d;样地间物候期整体差异显著,尤其四环外样地的秋色盛期显著早于三环内。(3)各树种秋色盛期与样地秋季平均地温(LSTa)呈显著正相关(P < 0.01),表明北京主城区内秋季地表热量的大量积累会导致秋色盛期延后;各树种秋色盛期对LSTa空间差异的响应敏感度平均为(4.11 ± 0.83) d/℃,以洋白蜡和水杉响应最为敏感。




    Under the impact of urbanization, the spatial unevenness of thermal environment within urbanized area leads to more prominent spatial heterogeneity of urban plant phenology. The spatial unevenness of leaf coloring date (LCD), the end of deciduous trees’ growing season has a far-reaching influence on the annual carbon sequestration of urban vegetation and the primary productivity of urban ecosystem, also causes spatial variation in the autumn seasonal aspect. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity of leaf senescence is one critical cut-in point for monitoring urban ecology and landscape dynamics, and deserves profound exploration. Regarding this point, this research aimed to explore the spatial heterogeneity characteristics of leaf coloring date (LCD) and the phenological response to thermal environment of underlying surface in the highly urbanized Beijing City.


    This research selected five autumn-color tree species as the research objects that distributed in 9 green spaces along the urban-suburb gradient in Beijing’s northwestern urban area. We applied ground phenological observation to collect the LCD data during 2017−2019, and collected thermal environment data by retrieving MODIS land surface temperature (LST). Then, we analyzed the spatial difference of LCD and its correlation with the autumn thermal environment.


    (1) the LCD of various tree species in Beijing’s urban area occurred during mid-October to early December and clustered in early and mid-November, with the species order of LCD ranked as follows: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer truncatum, Ginkgo biloba, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Salix matsudana. The LCD for female ginkgo trees occurred significantly earlier than male ones. (2) The LCD of various species gradually advanced from the central urban area in 2nd Ring to the outskirts beyond 5th Ring, with the spatial range of LCD reaching (10.1 ± 0.3) d in average. A significant phenological difference existed among different sample plots and the LCD outside of 4th Ring occurred significantly earlier than that within 3rd Ring. (3) The LCD of various species showed a significantly positive correlation with the mean LST in autumn-LSTa (P < 0.01), which means the high accumulation of surface heat in autumn can drive leaf senescence to delay in Beijing’s urban area. The response sensitivity of LCD to the spatial variation of LSTa was (4.11 ± 0.83) d/℃ with F. pennsylvanica and M. glyptostroboides as the most sensitive species.


    The leaf coloring date shows a significant response to the spatial variation of surface thermal environment in Beijing’s urban area. UHI effect represents the microcosms of long-term climate change, and the phenological response to thermal environment variation in urban area can reflect the potential impact of future climate change on plant phenology, i.e., a space-time substitution.

  • 图  1   物候观测样地分布

    Figure  1.   Distribution of sample plots for phenological observation

    图  2   各树种秋色盛期的植株形态

    Figure  2.   Plant morphology of various tree species during the leaf coloring date

    图  3   MOD11A1产品日间和夜间地温(LST)波段遥感数据(2019年10月20日影像)

    Figure  3.   Satellite data of day and night land surface temperature(LST) in MOD11A1 product (image of October 20th, 2019)

    图  4   银杏雌株与雄株的秋色盛期对比

    Figure  4.   Comparison in leaf coloring date between female andmale ginkgo trees

    图  5   各样地银杏秋色盛期

    Figure  5.   leaf coloring date of Ginkgo biloba in various sample plots

    图  6   2017—2019年北京主城区各样地秋季平均地温

    Figure  6.   Mean LST of autumn (LSTa) in various sample plots of Beijing’s urban area during 2017−2019

    图  7   2017—2019年各树种秋色盛期与样地秋季平均地温的相关性

    **指在0.01水平上显著相关。** refers to significant correlation at 0.01 level.

    Figure  7.   Correlations between leaf coloring date of various tree species and average autumn ground temperature (LST) of the sample plots

    表  1   2017—2019年各树种秋色盛期数据(日序)

    Table  1   Data in leaf coloring date (DOY) of various species during 2017−2019

    Tree species
    样地 Sample plot
    Beijing Botanical
    South Olympic
    Forest Park
    2017 287.5 289.5 290.0 297.2 297.5 297.5 296.0 295.1 298.0
    2018 295.0 297.2 298.9 305.0 303.7 305.5 303.0 306.3 303.3
    2019 299.3 300.5 302.1 308.0 304.7 307.0 306.5 307.0 306.5
    Mean of three years
    293.9 295.7 297.0 303.4 301.9 303.3 301.8 302.8 302.6
    Acer truncatum
    2017 301.5 302.0 302.5 309.0 308.5 311.0 305.0 309.0 311.0
    2018 299.3 301.5 302.3 305.1 308.2 311.0 310.0 310.7 311.0
    2019 308.1 308.0 309.0 313.5 311.3 316.0 312.5 314.2 314.3
    Mean of three years
    303.0 303.8 304.6 309.2 309.3 312.7 309.2 311.3 312.1
    2017 312.5 312.3 313.8 318.0 319.0 319.4 317.0 318.0 321.0
    2018 311.0 308.0 308.8 318.0 317.8 322.0 321.0 319.5 321.5
    2019 313.2 311.5 312.5 319.5 320.0 319.0 318.0 321.0 319.6
    Mean of three years
    312.2 310.6 311.7 318.5 318.9 320.1 318.7 319.5 320.7
    Salix matsudana
    2017 322.2 324.1 325.4 330.0 331.8 329.4 330.0 331.3 333.0
    2018 319.7 323.9 323.3 328.5 327.5 327.6 329.0 330.8 329.6
    2019 318.0 319.8 319.0 325.0 325.4 327.6 326.0 327.3 326.5
    Mean of three years
    320.0 322.6 322.5 327.8 328.2 328.2 328.3 329.8 329.7
    Ginkgo biloba
    2017 302.6 305.5 306.8 308.3 311.9 312.8 311.2 309.4 312.4
    2018 304.7 308.0 307.0 311.0 311.1 313.7 311.5 314.7 312.8
    2019 306.0 305.1 307.5 311.0 314.6 314.4 312.8 313.2 313.1
    Mean of three years
    304.4 306.2 307.1 310.1 312.5 313.6 311.8 312.5 312.7
    G. biloba
    2017 297.4 304.3 303.0 305.8 309.1 307.0 308.2 309.3 308.0
    2018 299.7 302.5 300.0 304.8 308.4 308.5 307.4 309.3 309.0
    2019 301.2 303.0 302.7 305.9 309.0 309.0 310.7 307.8 308.5
    Mean of three years
    299.4 303.3 301.9 305.5 308.8 308.2 308.8 308.8 308.5
    G. biloba
    2017 307.4 313.7 310.6 317.0 315.6 315.3 314.2 317.8 316.0
    2018 310.5 313.5 313.0 315.7 318.0 317.5 315.4 318.2 317.6
    2019 309.6 313.7 310.0 315.2 319.0 318.4 317.0 317.6 317.5
    Mean of three years
    309.2 313.6 311.2 315.9 317.5 317.1 315.5 317.9 317.0
    注:表中各样地的物候值取自样地内多样株的物候期均值。Note: phenology value for each sample plot takes the average phenology of multiple sampling trees in the sample plot.
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-12-22
  • 修回日期:  2022-07-16
  • 网络出版日期:  2023-12-28
  • 刊出日期:  2024-01-24


